Squidgy Chocolate Cake

im hanging to make this, but couldnt manage to get any proper coco powder in my local shop, do you think skinny will work as thats all i got for now and being greedy?
chocolate cake

im gonna make this 2day but wondering if i can add 28g of cooking chocolate n drizzle it over the cake how manysyns would this make it per serving thanks x
depends how many calories is in the 28g of cocoa powder. You can use the rule 1 syn = 20 calories for the cocoa powder as it doesnt have any free food allowance.
Going to make on Tuesday to take to weigh in. Yummy! Thanks Britmum x
Made this just now, it smells like chocholate cake and looks like chocolate cake, but havent tasted it yet, any idea apart from squirty cream that I could use I dont like it
it is more of a brownie type texture, so I would put it in a square baking dish and then you can cut it into squares instead.

Does that make sense?

Yep i no what you mean and it sounds so good, i'm adding it to my making list.
Mine is in the oven now... the only problem is I didn't fold I whizzed the hell out of it?!?! I'll update you shortly!
I have this in the oven now. Had to change the recipe slightly as I didnt have all the ingredients! So ive made it by seperating 5 eggs, whisking up the whites into peaks, mixing the yokes with 2 sachets of orange chocolate options (2.5 syns per sachet) and sweetener and folding the whites into the mixture. Its been in the oven for 20 minutes so will bring it out soon and let it cool, will keep you updated lol xx
Made this today. Was a bit dissapointed at first. Had a bit warm straight out of the oven and it smelt and tasted really eggy and yucky. Also thought it was far too sweet with a bit of an after taste. Was going to ditch it or give it to the chickens, but have just tried another bit with a cuppa and it was actually okay. Lost the eggy smell and not such a sweetener twang and the texture was better too. Am going to give Hubby some later with some raspberries and yoghurt to see what he thinks. Deffo better cold than warm. Maybe a little less sweetener next time.
Sorry some of you didnt like it :(

Mine was definately yummy.

A few things I have observed is that you need to use a good quality pure cocoa powder, not hot drinking chocolate or options, as these just won't work.

Also try to avoid using sweeteners that have aspartame in them, the best sweeteners for baking with is splenda or another sucralose based sweetener.. Aspartame based sweeteners lose there sweetness when heated, which leaves the awful bitter taste you sometimes get. Unfortunately though most artificial sweeteners will do that to some degree.

Also the cake is never going to be as good as the real thing, but it is a great low fat substitute, especially if you add some fresh fruit to it and a bit of light cream or quark mixed with some vanilla or similar.
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I forgot i made this once before and mine was lush :) Even the BF loved it. He said it tasted like a chocolate gateaux. It was rather moreish tho :S hehe xxx
This was mine. Its yummy. I added more syns to it tho 1/4 cup splenda 1/4 real sugar. I didn't sieve thwarting coca powDer n used the organic decent stuff. It was yummy. Defo worth adding real sugar even only a small amount. I cut it up into bite size pieces x


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