Starting again. 7 weeks until Christmas!!!

Hi Sarah, its lovely for you to join in too, you have done brilliantly to have lost 8.5lbs in two weeks that is really great well done. Are you finding it quite easy to stick to on the days that you aren't tempted by something new? By the way the Moroccan dessert sounded lovely I wouldn't have passed that by either!! Plus I always feel if you get an opportunity to try something you should. If I had said no I would probably have spent the next few days craving it anyway!!

Congratulations on getting married, where was your honeymoon-sounds lovely!!

Hi Ang, was really sorry to hear that you were disappointed with your weigh in this morning, this weightloss stuff is so frustrating, you have had such a good week and will only feel worse if you let those silly scales win. I know 0.5 is always so annoying, hope you can feel pleased that you did lose and keep at it and im sure next week they will be kinder to you. How was your day at the golf club? It sounded lovely. Hope you have had a good food day today xx
Hi Becca, how are you? How was the post op follow up? Hope it hasn't been another tiring day for you, try to take it easy xxx

Bailey had an inservice day today so we went shoe shopping while Imogen was a preschool, it kept me distracted from food this morning and we have been swimming this afternoon. I even resisted buying a 20p cake from the preschool cake sale. Plus I didn't eat the left over cake that the girls didn't eat of theres, it seems such as waste to put it in the food waste but its better there than on my hips!!

Hope everyone is ok and remaining positive with the diet, keep at it girls xxx
Hi ladies

Just rushing in again ( so sorry), to let you know I haven't forgotten you.

Ange, well done, Kim helloooooo, Sarah welcome.

Please don't think me rude but in brief ....... one dog with an ear infection, another with sickness so washing dogs bedding and shampooing carpets as I'm writing this. What a day .

Will catch up later lovelies or tomorrow if ok.

Hi all, much the same with me. Flat out but being good although strangely I don't feel confident this week but I don't know why. I hope to hav e more time tomorrrow to post properly if not it will be the weekend after i have weighed. be good girls and see you all soon.
Hi ladies,

It's 11.15pm and I'm struggling. I've been good all day at the golf club and even resisted the warm mince pies with brandy sauce. Had had my 18 pts by 7pm but was fine then hubby decided to go to bed at 10pm leaving me watching a movie on TV.....disaster !!! Half a packet...big packet... of pistachio nuts, 2 chocolate biscuits, a dish of jelly and yogurt(well that was good !!!) a handful of the Xmas Cadburys Rosies and I'm still searching the cupboards. Sooo thought I'd come on here and write it all down . I do now feel guilty and ....nauseous so I WILL STOP EATING.
Why do we do it???? I was soooo focused and even my tiny weight loss didn't make me want to give up.
I'm going to bed now and will get up tomorrow back on the straight and narrow and hope I've not done too much damage.

Welcome Sarah, wow you really are an inspiration. I thought I'd done well losing 6 stone but 8st 6lb is amazing. Please don't do what I did and put weight back on.

Becca, hope all went well at hospital today and your dogs have settled down and are feeling better.

Keep going Sue. Sometimes when you feel that your not doing too well then you usually jump on the scales and get a lovely surprise.
What is your job that keeps you working such long hours?

Kim, it's lovely to spend one on one time with one of your children isn't it? Well done for not eating the cake...give me some motivational tips !!!

Speak to you all tomorrow when I'll be feeling very embarrassed about my relapse

Luv Ang x

Hello Ang,

Strike through yesterday and start a fresh today ! Don't do what I do and let it carry on. I have a typical big persons brain, so of I have something naughty I think we'll I may as well have something else, then I think I was naughty for one day then I have ruined the week, so I continue bingeing! My thin friends never do this.
Back on track today lovely :)

Thanks for the welcome ladies, how are you all doing?

My weigh in today so I will let you know if the Moroccan desserts had an effect. !

Sarah xxx
Hi all, Quick one before yes you have guessed it another busy day! I work with adults with mental health issues challenging behaviour and learning difficulties. Long long long shifts sometimes but I do in general love my job so thats a help. I have been really good this week but just don't feel positive and I don't really know why... its strange. I have 2 children, one married with 2 boys of her own and a son with learning difficulties who I have to say is just like his big sis a bit of a fruit! Mad the two of them but both fine thankfully. I haven't always battled with my weight I have been a competitive bodybuilder in my time (long ago!!) but loved the "look" of being strong and fit and definetly not loving the look of the very opposite!:argh:
Sorry posted wothout really catching up. Sorry Ang you had a bad night but sometimes you just have to do these things don't you, even though you know you feel like crap in it all still goes. Never mind hon the good thin g about yesterday is exactly that. ITS YESTERDAY! New day today:bighug:
Good morning ladies

How is everyone today?

Ange, it's a fresh day today lovely :). How are you feeling? I know you'll probably be hard on yourself but last night was a blip and we all have the. ( my confession in a mo), and when it happens it sucks, but all we can do is brush ourselves off and start again. Chances are If we're too hard on ourselves we'll feel depressed and that usually causes even more eating which means of course the damage will only get worse. Whereas if we treat each day as a new start we can have a fresh outlook, be more motivated and determined and subsequently the overall outcome will be the one the want :). Sending hugs. I can relate to your comment of why do we do it though, I wish I knew the answer to that too. It is so hard at times, but we're only human. Your 0.5 lb loss though is good :), its in the right direction just keep focusing on that :)

Kim, how right you are I could have said it better. If I lose sometimes I get encouraged other times I slip, but if I gain or STS sometimes I get more determined, other times I think what the hell and really struggle. Well done you on avoiding the cakes and on running :), that weight will be off in no time. As for your meal tomorrow, just be as careful as you can but still enjoy yourself, Saturday will be a fresh day :)

Sue, looking forward to hearing your loss. Sometimes we feel less confident and then like Ange said get a huge surprise when we step on the scales :). Wow, you were a body builder :). The most I ever managed was 5 times a week at the gym on a treadmill and that wasn't at a fast pace. It sounds like you have a really rewarding job :)

Sarah, you have lost an amazing amount of weight so far, an inspiration to us all :). What do you assess? I work for a training organisation and we do apprenticeships and adult nvqs in business admin, aat, customer services, engineering, A1 V1 and also management qualifications. How was your weigh in this morning?

( I feel a whine coming on girls so skip to the end if you prefer :))

Afm, I apologise for being in such a rush yesterday. I had a lie in yesterday morning and a slow start as I was so tired, thinking I would post when I had more time after my hospital appointment. Didn't quite work out that way. Post op went ok, apparently I should hopefully be back to normal in about another 6 weeks. The registrar I saw though was hopeless, he asked how I was so I told him I was very sore still and that my stomach swells really badly as the day goes on, and all he said was 'that's not normal'. No explanation or possible causes or anything. He then took me to an examining room, pointed to the couch and shut the curtain, so I was left there thinking, ok am I supposed to be taking anything off? The nurse came in and she didn't know ( she was just doing chaperoning duties ), eventually the registrar came back and said he just wanted to check my tummy. So I lay down and he started poking and prodding as I was wincing in pain. Then he just said that's ok and walked off. The nurse and I didn't know what was happening but turned out he was sat back in the consulting room waiting for me!! He wrote a few notes then and that was it. I wasn't overly happy as I'd had no explanation of what to do, when to do it, why I was swelling so I asked if I could see my consultant who was lovely. The swelling is trauma to muscles, tissues etc but he did think the soreness should be better by now, however I have to give it 6 weeks and if no better go back, if not I see him again in 6 months. He recommended a return to work when my sick note runs out on reduced hours.

Anyway my dad was with me so then we had an hour to spare before picking mum up from work so we went on the never ending hunt for clothes that fit me. Out of numerous catalogue deliveries I found 1 dress that fitted, yesterday we went into 6 shops in town and in the very last one ( White Stuff) found another. I'm getting so frustrated, I literally have 3 dresses that fit me, I can't wear skirts, trousers or tights because of m belly so am relying on things I can wear wit leggings. My problem is I'm pear shaped so usually to get things to fit my bottom half they're big on my top half but now my bottom half is even bigger cos of my stomach so anything that does fit down there is gigantic on the top.

Anyway, got home and had lots of mess left from a rather poorly dog ( we're looking after mums as well as having our own). I cleaned the best I could but struggle to bend, so as soon as hubby came home we had to shampoo the carpets, then discovered there was also a mess on the dogs bed upstairs, then had a fight to get antibiotic drops in the other pooches ear. Finally after ( confession time) sausage beans and chips and a bottle of wine, yes a whole one ( feeling particularly bad about that as I'm supposed to be recovering ) finally got to bed only to be woken up again early hours of the morning wit the dog being sick again, so at 2 am me and hubby were washing bedding again, a rug and scrubbing the carpet then we had to clean the dog up too.

So, whine over ladies, sorry just had to get that out. Oh and, got on the scales this morning and have gone back up 1.5 lbs :(. Not happy today

Ok, whine definitely over this time. Oops, got a bit carried away, sorry!

On that note I need to take a note of my own words, today is a new day so I'm going to tear myself off the sofa, have a shower and plan my points for the day :).

Keep strong ladies and speak to you all later :) xxx

Ps. Out of interest do you use all your points each day ( those on discovery)
Becca, sorry you still feel so poorly and down :( the consultant sounds dreadful! Hoping you improve super quickly.

I'm an nvq assessor - I currently assess customer service 1,2,3, apprenticeships and business admin apprenticeships. Plus I'm supposed to start 1 day a week at the job centre doing 'back to work skills! (which I know nothing about lol). Right now I'm sat in neros waiting for a learner, the job of an assessor is less than glamorous!!

Weigh in at 12.15 and I haven't stopped eating this morning inc. a panini in neros ( just get too excited having a fresh amount of weeklies on wi day eek).

Sarah x

Edited to add 1lb off this week :)
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Hi Ladies,

Thank you all for being so supportive lfor me about my binge. I can't even say that I enjoyed anything as I ate so fast nothing touched the sides !!!
Well I've got my good head on today , good job really as it's baking Day again with Laura !

Well Becca you relly did have a rough time at hospital didn't you. I've met some awful doctors in my time and I think that yours comes up there with the best of them. Take it easy for the next few weeks, no lifting, carrying heavy shopping etc but keep active as that will help your muscles heal . Don't worry you will get there eventually , just be patient. You have to work in theatre to realise how roughly a patients body is handled when they are anaethetised so it's no wonder you're sore.
What a night with the dogs as well. There's nothing worse than having ya night's sleep disturbed especially when you are recovering from surgery.

Hope your weigh in went well Sarah. Let us all know.... Just realised that you lost a pound WELL DONE.

Wow Sue you really do have a busy life don't you? One good thing about that though is that you won't have time to think about food !!

Going Xmas shopping now, be back in time for Laura.
Will let you know how the baking went

Luv Ang x

Had to pop in ladies to say for the ultimate, most delicious chocolate fix, try M & S count on us range Skinny chocolate muffin dessert. Wow their chocolatey, gooey, very satisfying and only 2.5 points on discovery :). Yum xx
Hi Ladies

Hi Ang, well done for being so honest about what you had eaten last night, Im so pleased that you have had a better day today. I sometimes find I need to have a slip up to remember how guilty it makes me feel and then it keeps me on the straight and narrow for a while again. You must remember how well you had done and all the things you did resist, through out the week. If you hadn't been on the diet, think of all the extra calories (which you didn't need) that you could have eaten (that's if you are anything like me!!!) One slip up in a series of good days is not going to have a bad impact. What have you baked with Laura today? Yes you are right,it is so wonderful to have a (rare) day where I get some one on one time with Bailey and we got her some beautiful party shoes so she was over the moon.

Hi Sarah, well done on losing a 1lb, that's great. How do you usually spend you weeklies? I was getting into a habit of binging them all in one go!! Not good!!! so Im giving the old system a go again, taking a while to get my head back into that system and not the propoints but I think its going well!? I guess I will find out when I weigh on Monday!! I completely understand your 'big persons brain' comment-once I slip I really go for it and think oh well the damage is done I may as well have some more!! isnt that awful!!! I just don't seem to be able to help myself.

Wow Sue, would love to hear more about your body building days-what did you have to eat when you were training for that? What food/drink is your weakness? Hope your weigh in goes well.

Hi Becca, hope you are feeling ok now, after that awful night and terrible experience at the hospital, that's such a shame and awful treatment. I can imagine the clothes situation is getting you down, do you have anymore deliveries due to arrive? Hope you find some nice comfortable outfits soon xxx I have been using all my points on discovery-do you? how many points are you allowed? Im on 19 and find that's right, I didn't really have the right shopping in this week and would have struggled on less points maybe next week when the cupboards are more ww friendly I will be feeling fuller !!. The choc muffin dessert sounds amazing!!!

Really looking forward to my meal out tomorrow, im going to enjoy myself but try to make some healthy choices, I don't drink alcohol so I guess I have one less temptation!! What do you all have planned for the weekend?
Kim xxx
Just a quick note ladies to let you know how proud I am of myself after last nights fiasco.:banana dancer:

I baked chocolate chunk cookies with Laura and didn't eat any !!!! I didn't even lick the spoon !!!!
We made 12 . She ate 2, her Dad ate 2 when he called round after work, Bill ate 1 and I bagged the rest up for her to take to school tomorrow for her friends at lunch time

My halo is well and truly back in place
Luv Ang x

Go Ange

Well done for being so strong :). Hubby has asked me to bake him a cake tomorrow if I'm up to it, really hope I can be as strong as you :) xxx
Ange .......

Ps..... Are you really going to London for 2 months? Is everything ok? Xxx
Morning ladies

How is everyone today?

Ange, fear or strength, I think in some ways when it come to weight loss they're the same thing, the important bit though is that you resisted :). Hope you have another good day.

Kim, Sarah, deb, sue how are you all? Sarah, did I congratulate you on your 1 lb loss yesterday, I can't remember, sorry Hun, if I didn't WOO HOO :). Well done you :) .

Sue, good luck for your weigh in today. Waiting to hear your loss :).

Afm, I had a food day yesterday food wise, well it was generally a good day actually. I stuck to my points which is good of course and this morning I'm 0.25lb lighter than my weigh in on Tuesday ( I know, the scales haunt me, I can't walk past them cos they stare at me saying 'come on lardy, I dare you' , maybe I ought to put them out of sight somewhere), and I spent most of the day reading and watching tv. Today will be another relaxing day, hubby has just left for Cheltenham to go Christmas shopping for me :), so I plan to shower, bake a cake and then another day in front if the tv I think. Of course a very late night with Children in Need is planned.

Hope you all have a food day food wise and otherwise. Enjoy your Friday night plans :)

Afternoon ladies

Hope you have all had a good day.

How did your weigh in go, Sue?

Did you make your cake, Becca and if so did you manage to resist temptation ?

I've been out for a game of golf with Bill it was bl**dy freezing out there but at least I got some exercise in. I've behaved myself food wise today and will later be devouring a chicken casserole which has been cooking all day in the slow cooker. It smells delish.
Tried to save a few points so I can have a drink tonight whilst watching Children in Need

Enjoy your meal out tonight Kim, must be good not to have to worry about points for alcohol

Speak again tomorrow

Luv Ang x
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