Student Slimmers!!!


I'm writing this from my computer at uni and the stress of writing this assessment makes me just want to go and eat everything! Though as of yet I have resisted.

That's good you are all on plan can see how much easier it is to do it, my mum started SW ages ago so I always slink back over if things are getting a bit tough.

I completely understand about the number thing too at the moment I am going on how I'm feeling in my clothing and I still get weighed on a Friday but try not to get too upset if it's not what I want, especially if it was an excess week!

Nice to speak to you :)

Lauren :doh:
I am a great fan of grapefruit... it feels like im eating sherbet (must be my tastebuds?)

Also loving cereal bars, would really recommend 1 HxB Kellogs Fibre Plus - so yummy and chocolaty and with a healthy b no syns!
Bit of a wobble this week dreading weigh in tonight, just had one of those weeks when you just eat everything in sight but up and ready to go again and get back on track xx
Bit of a wobble this week dreading weigh in tonight, just had one of those weeks when you just eat everything in sight but up and ready to go again and get back on track xx

Georgina, me too! I ate SO. Much. Chocolate. Back on it today. xx
Not too bad only put a pound on back on track even got bonfire night sorted jacket spud, chilli and mushy peas , funny combination but all free, hope everyone else is doing well xx
Hiya, just spotted this thread. I'm in 1st year at Glasgow!
I've been taking packed lunches with me - I do green days so salads with some HEXa cheese in the have been great, or if I don't make one I'll get a baked potato with beans in the uni canteen. Have also been thinking about making SW quiche and taking that cold with salad.
I've yet to work out how to avoid the temptation of a pint of cider in the union though!
Yeah I'm getting bad at seefood and eat it thing though now temptation is out of the house it isn't so bad. Back to having more reports and essays on the go but at least I only have one sit down exam in Dec and then done for a while stress makes me want to eat more.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Lauren :)
I'm back and feeling a bit sheepish :(
Haven't been sticking to it very much, put about 3.5lbs on in 6/7 weeks or so. Trying to get my head back into gear. I have had so much more work this year than last year, food hasn't been a priority. But I've done a good food shop, and am feeling a bit more positive. UNI IS BAD FOR MY DIET! :p
Hope everyone else is doing well :)
I had a week of essay hell and ate crap because I was basically stuck in the library and didn't have the time to think about my eating. I need to be better at remembering to take a packed lunch too!
Yep I'm the same, also bad for staying in the library and letting myself get really hungry and then when I do go and eat its more just eating what I see first :p

Had a funny week with essays too got one great result and one bad, hopefully the next ones I'm writing are better lol.

Good luck everyone.

Lauren :)
Hi everyone I am new to the sight and slimming world! I am in my last year at uni studying midwifery and drive about an hour each day! How do you manage lunchtimes and those of you that have courses with placements how does it work? Any advice greatly appreciated!
Welcome! I also travel a long way (1.5 hours to placement, 2.5 to uni), so I feel your pain! I always make a big pack of food the night before. It normally contains 2 snacks for mid-mornings and the afternoon as well as lunch. Today I have:

- Fruit for the mornings. I have my breakfast so early that I'm starving by 9:30 am!

Lunch: spinach salad with broad beans, linseed and lots of smoked salmon, with a nice dressing. And a yoghurt.

Snack: more fruit and a protein bar. Yum!

I never feel too tempted to buy stuff in the canteen because i make my food pack big enough and tasty enough :)

Good luck! Xxx
I'm just too lazy. I have three children and to be honest when I've got their lunches made I really cant be bothered making a salad or pasta for me to take but I really just need a kick up the bum.
I'm not on any placements but do have quite a long commute too.
You could make yourself the same lunch as for the kids? Economy of scale!

that does make a lot of sense! But they usually have sandwiches and I try and avoid bread except when necessary. I know it'd be almost as easy to make myself a wee salad at the same time. This is what I need to keep telling myself!!! But a gain this week has hopefully given me a much needed kick up the bum!!

So who else has got exams coming up now? I'm in panic mode!
Hey! student here too and have been on plans for the whole of my studies, on year 4 now. it's hard work but here if you've got any questions. my main tips would be plan, plan, plan - make healthy mainly free meals to take to university with you that you can eat and also things to snack on. i used to take a couple of little pots of things like grapes - breaktime would come and my mates would get hot chocolate and crisps and i'd crack on my grapes and have a tea (carried around a thing of sweetners in my bag too - that was also a god-send)! X
Uni time is when I REALLY struggle ! So hard to say no to popping across the road with friends for a pub lunch and there's really nowhere to go eat a packed lunch