Suggestions for getting through the first week

Ha Ha Msblonde,
I thought I was weird sniffing food and not eating it,glad I'm not the only one!!!:D

I agree with taking one day at a time.This was my first week,started on Tues,and I found it sooo hard up until Sun morning,I could've quit about 4 times!!! I soldiered on and was rewarded with a 13lbs weight loss this morning,I actually punched the air with excitement!!:p

I can't wait until my next weigh in now,only another 20 shakes away,lol.

Oh,and definately WATER WATER WATER!!!!

Ha Ha Msblonde,
I thought I was weird sniffing food and not eating it,glad I'm not the only one!!!:D

I agree with taking one day at a time.This was my first week,started on Tues,and I found it sooo hard up until Sun morning,I could've quit about 4 times!!! I soldiered on and was rewarded with a 13lbs weight loss this morning,I actually punched the air with excitement!!:p

I can't wait until my next weigh in now,only another 20 shakes away,lol.

Oh,and definately WATER WATER WATER!!!!


Brilliant, well done on the weight loss Jan!! :D

I have to admit i always smell food!! lol
my O/H had bacon butties, mmmmm the smell was unbelievable hehe:p

i'm gettin a bit worried about myself now lol

Never mind one day at a time, my first week was an HOUR at a time. I hated it. It was the longest week of my life but I did it because I WANTED it, I wanted to get that first week over and done, because I knew once it was over, it would be much easier.

And it was. People said I would become detached from food. I would never have believed it, but you do. In the first week I sat at my desk, desperate for a bacon butty or a biscuit. By the end of the first week, I couldn't have cared less. Colleagues were asking me if I wanted anything from the shop, and whereas I'd have given them a list at one time, I said no I didn't want anything and to be honest, couldn't think of anything I wanted.

The nights were the worst, after my soup. I wanted treats, it was dreadful, so I went and had a shower and several early nights, just to get the days over with and under my belt.

Mr Creosote, you've got to want it. You've got to want to give yourself the opportunity to feed yourself this medicine called Lipotrim - it is nectar, it's packed full of vitamins and minerals and will make you feel better than you've ever felt in your life. But you have to give it a chance, a couple of days is no good, get a full week in and then come back and tell us how you feel.

Once you are in the swing of it, you will be amazed how much easier it becomes.
Great replies! I agree about the hangover, boy are they worse!
Water water water xx
Mmmmmmm smells! I am such a sniffer now! I love to smell food but don't want to eat it! Smelling is my nectar!
