Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

oh bugger susie - when is anything going to go your way!
Cor, this weather has a lot to answer for! Hope they get it together for tomorrow - and well done on the bargain hunting! Can you resist the stilton till Crimbo? :D
Thx guys, am not too bothered about this morning, I didn't sleep well last night and just sat up watching the snow coming down heavily, so I kind of anticipated it being cancelled.

LOL yes I think so Bren - it's going to be one of my Christmas treats as cheese stalls me. It's a huge slab though!
LOL, Never mind Susie, the interview will happen. :)
Groundhog day.... good luck for tomorrow Susie. xxx
V annoying about the interview Susie - hope it happens tomorrow and it goes really well. When will they actually tell you if it's happening or not?

Oh, and the cheese - I'd be half way through that by now!
Thx hun - looks like it won't be until Monday at least now - but on the bright side I'm being considered for another, more senior (and much better paid!) role elsewhere :)
Obviously they do know who you are Lady Susie :).
All good news and bargains galore I love a bargain can be seen skulking round the reduced meat fridges frequently!!
And not just looking at the meat I'll bet Flutter!

Good news that you have other fish to fry too Susie - I'm not sure we would allow you to work somewhere so disorganised the interview panel doesn't turn up! They have to be good enough for you. (Or pay enough for you not to care)!
Thx lovelies - my thoughts right now are that any money is good money - but it would be fab to have a choice :)

Know what you mean about the reduced meat section, I had to beat an old lady to the floor today to get to the pork belly lol
Morning Susie, LOL, LMAO