Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Good on you Taz- ypu're doing whats best for you at the moment, but not throwing in the towel....... you've come so far already - dont forget it! xxx
Thanks for the support guys. I will keep doing the plan and keep weighing on a Wednesday but without the feeling that I am wasting money! I WILL go back to group in a month when hopefully I will be back on track
Well I stayed the same this week. I have 1 week holiday left until I get my new batch on 23rd June so I might just go AWOL for the 2 weeks and pay for it. I weighed myself on my scales before I went to WI so I knew where I am on them and I will continue to weigh on them every week. Now I just want chocolate!
Glad you are not coming off plan - I am always inspired by your (and others) countdown. I am in awe of someone who has the strength of mind to lose 50lbs and I hope to have done the same by Christmas.
Please dont abandon us all x
Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I think that after 4 years of weekly WI's I need a rest from it. I need to focus on the plan, not on the scales
well just think Taz - its better than putting on. Im thinking of stopping going (not yet) cos it does seem a lot of money to just get weighed, so am thinking I might just weigh myself every week on the 20p scales at the swimming pool xxx
I'm not stopping forever cus for me it would be too easy to cheat without the weekly WI at class so stopping even for a short while is a huge risk for me! Lots of people are fine going it alone though.
Glad to see that you've found something to tackle the issues that you'd been having. You still need to tell us how you are getting on & the new things you're trying!

Went to karate last night but had a bit of an attack of the munchies before I went. I don't usually eat within an hour of training but I got a real chocolate craving and the usual post WI pig out lasted until I left for the Dojo.

After being on the mats for 15 minutes I started to feel really hot and sick, my heart was racing, my eyes wouldn't focus properly and everything sounded really distant. I bowed off the mats and got some water then went into the toilet and splashed some cold water on my face (from the tap, not the bowl!) til I felt ok again.

I was fine after that and continued with the session but it was quite scary. That will teach me to pig out before training!
Consider it as a lesson learnt! glad you were ok though x
Yeah me too! I was determined to get back on though. No chocolate for me tonight, 2 hours training to do!
Hi Taz,

Good luck for Saturday, I'm sure you don't need it!!!

I once went to Pizza hut... 2 hours before my KB class..... and all through the class... i was like either i'm going to puke or it will settle.... luckily I felt a little better by the end of class... but definately wont be going there again!!!!!

Nas x
Hi Taz,

Good luck for Saturday, I'm sure you don't need it!!!

I once went to Pizza hut... 2 hours before my KB class..... and all through the class... i was like either i'm going to puke or it will settle.... luckily I felt a little better by the end of class... but definately wont be going there again!!!!!

Nas x
Well I think that would have definately made me sick!

I went to KB tonight and sweated like never before! I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow, I think it's going to kill me! I will be taking lots of water and a towel, I will be having a huge bowl of pasta an hour before I leave home and snacking on bananas.

God, I'm so nervous about these gradings and to add to the pressure my parents will be picking me up so they will be there at the end when they present the belts!
Taz, you will do great, and I for one can't wait for you to come back and tell us all about your success, you need to have more faith in yourself, you silly.xxx
I might not have the energy to come on here tomorrow but I will report all back as soon as I can. Right now, time for bed!
Good luck tomorrow hunni xxx