This is going to be my year!

So I was really terrible last night and went out and got drunk!!!! I know how bad this is when you're on S&S and I am annoyed at myself now. Was only meant to be 'a drink' which turned in to a mini bar crawl. I did stick to rum and diet coke though and I feel fine today. I won't be doing it again though. Missed a pack yesterday too arghhhh!!!
Also, being my crazy daily weighing self, this morning I am 2lb away from losing a stone!!!! Official weigh in tomorrow but I am so happy. And it's still 2 weeks to the wedding!!
Yay :) hope you had a good night?
get straight back on it And think by the wedding you'll prob be a stone and half lighter pos than when you started!
At the end of day you have to have a life as well as diet so don't beat your self up :) x
Thanks! I had 2 boiled eggs this morning and a choc truffa bar and coffee and not had anything since. Will have a shake in a min I think. I took some progress pictures but I'm a bit scared to post them because they are in my underwear and they are gross!!!!
Ok I am going to do it! When I first started at 14 stone 3.5lb, and yesterday at 13 stone 6.75lb. I think I can see a bit of a difference! Please ignore state of photos and underwear!!! Eek!!


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Sorry for my lack of enthusiasm just jealous!
Having a bad day mega stressed and just made pudding with rice crispies, smarties, chocolate biscuits, White chocolate drops and melted chocolate and marshmallows which I can't have any off :( :( :( x
Sorry for my lack of enthusiasm just jealous!
Having a bad day mega stressed and just made pudding with rice crispies, smarties, chocolate biscuits, White chocolate drops and melted chocolate and marshmallows which I can't have any off :( :( :( x

Haha don't be silly! I am struggling today too. That pudding sounds LUSH. I am so so so so passionate about puddings haha. I have just joined that Pinterest thing and made a board of loads of recipes like peanut butter cookies and stuff!!! Arghhhh. Talk about torturing ourselves xx
I know my god it looks amazing :( can't believe I've got another 7 months of this :(
Stressed as well so that's not helping with the cravings :(
Had to start applying for jobs even though I don't finish Uni till august! But there is only 1 job going ATM and that's an hour way and loads going for it... Can see me going abroad for work but my bf doesn't want to leave :(
I guess being slim, having a job and a lovely boyfriend would just make my life too perfect :/ x
I know my god it looks amazing :( can't believe I've got another 7 months of this :(
Stressed as well so that's not helping with the cravings :(
Had to start applying for jobs even though I don't finish Uni till august! But there is only 1 job going ATM and that's an hour way and loads going for it... Can see me going abroad for work but my bf doesn't want to leave :(
I guess being slim, having a job and a lovely boyfriend would just make my life too perfect :/ x

Why jobs are you applying for? My boyfriend has a degree in music but can't get a job in it so he's doing an open Uni degree in engineering so he can get a job in Nigeria working with his dad. He will be away 4 weeks then back for 4 weeks and I'm not looking forward to it! I'm going to start applying for other jobs too cos I hate my current job now!

I know what you mean I always want to eat when I'm stressed. Or when I'm sad! Or happy... All the time actually haha. There's a takeaway in Leeds that's the biggest rip off of nandos and tastes exactly the same so I just had flame grilled chicken breast with peppers and mushrooms. Feels mega naughty but it was still on plan!!

7 months will pass in no time. Break it up in to smaller chunks. Do you have any smaller goals to work towards?
Yer in 3 weeks I finish my Uni term so thats my first goal which will be 6 weeks in total!
Second goal then will be to do it for another two months whilst I'm on placement!
Then I have a week off while I'm Greece!
Then 16/17 more weeks of it while I'm on my final placement and then i should be at goal finally!
I'm in my final year of mental health nursing... The contracts abroad are normally yearly.. Spose I could save all my holidays and come home for a month a year :( :( :( x
Wow that looks amazing!!!! I want some! I am really craving something sweet today and my boyfriend makes the best sweet & salty popcorn and I'm on the verge of asking him to make some...

That's crap, I've never been keen on moving abroad really! Would miss my family too much :(
Doesn't it just :( and apparently it tastes amazing :(
I'm a traveler at heart.... Love it as much as puddings! But the bf is the same as you :/ even though he has family in australia! I was born in oz mind so have traveled a lot! but my bf is lovely :(
Don't do it... What about some jelly? X
Doesn't it just :( and apparently it tastes amazing :(
I'm a traveler at heart.... Love it as much as puddings! But the bf is the same as you :/ even though he has family in australia! I was born in oz mind so have traveled a lot! but my bf is lovely :(
Don't do it... What about some jelly? X

I'd like to travel as in holidays and stuff but I couldn't bear the thought of going backpacking or actually moving to another country. I'm not very adventurous haha. I don't have any jelly left :( wishing I was tired so I could go to sleep and not think about chocolate haha!
I know me too :( and havnt been sleeping so not looking forward tonight :( arrrggh
What about an extra pack if your really struggling hun? Could make a shake with 4-5teaspoons of water into a thick paste and put it in microwave for 30 secs? X
I'm not even hungry I'm just being mardy because I want something sweet!! But I am weighing in tomorrow so don't want to risk anything extra :( we are so sad aren't we haha
Yerp ha! I wish I had my bfs attitude! I'm moping an stressing, txt him before he went to work saying 'what we guna do if I can't get a job around here' and he just said 'I Duno will have to deal with it if it happens dont worry' :( x