This time I will do it!!...

flabtofit said:
Thanks Jo - prob just not used to the high fat content anymore lol. How are u? X

Probabaly right hun. Im ok put on half last week and had no idea why was so dissapointed. But another 100% week so far again so fingers crossed.

Ive tried the 30DS its tough but good x

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It'll show in the long run Jo. .
My C told us this week - just cos we WI on a Thursday, or bodies don't know that so even if we've been good, it may take a while longer to show.

Am thinking of buying it but have read so many reviews that say how much of a killer it is...
Feeling full up today so not fancied much food:

HExA = Nothing
HExB = Nothing



SW roasties and 2 Quorn sausages (2 syns) and gravy (4 syns)

Scan Bran Blueberry 'Muffin' (2.5 syns)

It'll show in the long run Jo. .
My C told us this week - just cos we WI on a Thursday, or bodies don't know that so even if we've been good, it may take a while longer to show.

Am thinking of buying it but have read so many reviews that say how much of a killer it is...

Good point thanks.

The 30DS is a killer but you get better very quick.

Hope u feeling better x

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Nice busy day today which means I haven't got much time to think about food :)
Also enquired about personal training at the gym next to work - I thought if I had a few personal training sessions it might get me into the swing of things and then I can go it alone. £20 per hour is the price which is steep so need to speak to OH - full monthly membership is only £15.99 in comparison!

Anyway, today's food:

HExA = Nothing
HExB = Hi Fi Light Bar

2x egg & beans with 1 tbsp brown sauce (1 syn)

SW curry - tin tomatos, peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, sweetcorn, courgette, onion, garlic, ginger, chilli

Leftover SW curry

Scan Bran blueberry 'muffin' 2.5 syns
Toffee 2 syns

Your braver than me starting a gym hun lol. I need to do something, the plan was to go swimming with Daughter but she is moving house so thats been put on hold for a few weeks. Im thinking of trying to get back to my Zumba, ill just do it in the house a couple of times to see how my foot holds up as thats how i damaged it in the first place :cry:
Its hard to get back into it after an injury hun. I hate exercise but need to start toning up or I'll end up looking like a creased paper bag lol
I'm sure you look fab!

I didn't really think about the excess skin when I started losing gym it is - well see how long it lasts lol
Its noticeable at the tops of my thighs they are becoming a little (saggy) :( I deffo need to start the swimming. When I was doing Zumba 3 times a week it was keeping me so toned the difference was amazing
Weird sort of day - had a sort of 'binge'. On the drive home from work of all places. Normally I binge on cake and crisps but this time it was foods that constitute my HEx's if that makes sense - ryvita's, babybels... Think it was because I had just done my Tesco shop on the way home and it was there just looking at me so I ate it. As most of it can be accounted for as my HEx's, it wasn't so bad syn wise but I still felt guilty.

On another note, the gym still haven't got back to me about membership and my 30DS DVD still hasn't come - grrr!

Todays food:
HExA = 3 Babybel Light (eaten during binge)
HExB = 3 Black Pepper Ryvita (during binge)

Half a tin of mushy peas with a tad of mint sauce - weird breakfast I know but they were left over from OH's dinner and I hate waste, and they are SS food...

HExA, HExB, 3 Ryvita Thins (4.5 syns) - during 'binge'

Rice with broccoli, spinach, peas, sweetcorn, onion, courgette and curry powder to make it feel like a Byriani :)

Hi Fi Light (3 syns)


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Hun don't feel bad about that be proud that it wasn't cake etc. your gym membership sounds really good for money myns £33.50 a month and personal training is £30 an hour. Let me know how ya get on with shred when it arrives :)
Yeah gym is subsidised by work so it's not too bad. Dreading starting exercise but I really do need to start to tone up x

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Yeah gym is subsidised by work so it's not too bad. Dreading starting exercise but I really do need to start to tone up x

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Try to find something that's enjoyable and maybe get a workout buddy. Have you tried Zumba that's fun :)