Tinks diary

Just took brooke for her first injections she only cried a bit. Hope she feels okay next few days x
olivers got his Tuesday aw :( I heard they could be fussy/unwell the few days after, hope not poor bubbas x
olivers got his Tuesday aw :( I heard they could be fussy/unwell the few days after, hope not poor bubbas x

I had hold of her then gave her to my mum i couldnt do it!!

She seems fine today so far. Bought some calpol just incase as they said give if she has a temp but been checking and all well so far! X
I had hold of her then gave her to my mum i couldnt do it!! She seems fine today so far. Bought some calpol just incase as they said give if she has a temp but been checking and all well so far! X
I'm getting oh to come with me :( are they allowed calpol after 8 weeks then? I should get some x
How cute :) looks like she enjoyed it. She's gorgeous x
Awwww so cute. She looks so happy and cosy :)
Aw thanks cud eat her up sometimes he he .

Just had a nice couple of nights in blackpool first little family getaway and she was so good. Now getting in the christmas spirit making christmas cards!


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Thanks addy bought her that hat which was cute just a tad too big!

I have stopped saying i wish it was christmas as by the time its comes its one more month of my mat leave gone!
Thanks addy bought her that hat which was cute just a tad too big! I have stopped saying i wish it was christmas as by the time its comes its one more month of my mat leave gone!
I go back beggining of april :( what about you, it's going too fast now he's here, it went okay when I was pregnant, but I guess that because I left at 29 weeks lol
I go back beggining of april :( what about you, it's going too fast now he's here, it went okay when I was pregnant, but I guess that because I left at 29 weeks lol

I just taking 6 month so march i go back feel sick thinking about it!! But im going back hopefully if agreed doing two night shifts a week but will have to pick up one extra shift a month for the money. It goes so fast especially when i think back to waiting for her to come i left at 28weeks and she was a week over x
Big girl. She loves standing up So I got here a walker And took the wheels of shes also propped up on a cushion ha ha


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Off to aqua tots today not 100% sure what it is but shes got the cutest costume that will b to small soon so will give it a go x
Christmas pic and three month old pic x


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Aww lovely :) xx