T's Food Diary Part Two

Tuesday - Extra Easy

Breakfast - Fibre Plus Bar, Banana

Lunch - Pasta n sauce, Banana

Tea - Chicken Curry and Rice

Snacks - Bakewell slice - 7 syns
Wednesday - Extra easy

Breakfast - Fibre Plus bar

Lunch - Left over chicken curry and rice

Tea - Aldi Lamb Shank in Mint sauce - 3.5 syns, Mash Potato, Spring Greens, Carrots, Sprouts

Snack - Mcvities Bakewell Slice - 7 syns, Weetabix chocolate - 4.5 syns i think.

Cucumber and Tinned Salmon mixed with vinegar, salt and pepper Sandwiches minus the bread, never had this before but a new favourite.

Total syns today 15
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Thursday - Red Day

Breakfast - Banana and Fibre plus bar

Lunch - Salmon and Cucumber sandwiches, Mullerlight, French Fries - 4 syns

Mid Afternoon - Apple

Tea - Haddock stuffed with Crab, 5 syns - this was amazing i ate all the stuffing myself and did not leave half as planned. with spinach, baked cherry tomatoes and green beans

Snacks - 1 square of dairy milk - 2 syns, Apple, Mullerlight

Total syns - 10 syns
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Friday - Extra Easy

Breakfast - Banana, Mugshot

Lunch - Salmon and Cucumber Sandwiches, Onion rings - 4 syns

Snack - nice biscuit - 1 syn

Tea - Cottage Pie, with cabbage, sprouts and green beans

Syns - 5 for today so far, maybe have a cheeky glass of wine.
Lost 2lbs this week so really need to stay focused and do the same again this week.

Meals i have planned for week ahead

Food i have in freezer to eat this week

Sea Bass
Plaice Filletts
Turkey Chunks
Chicken Breasts - Strozapretti pesto rosso
Low Fat Sausages
Pork Medallions - made Smoky One Tray Pork and vegetables

If anyone has any meal ideas to do using the above please post, new recipes are what helps me stick to plan.
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Saturday - Red Day

Bacon Sandwich
Salmon with a pitta bread
Glass of milk

40 syns worth of alcohol so we will make this day a flexible one
Sunday * Extra Easy

Breakast - Strawberry Fat Free Onken

Lunch - Tilipida Fish Fillet with Rice, brocolli, peas and sweetcorn

Tea - 4 Ryvita, SW houmous - 1 syn, Ham

Snacks - 2 glass of red wine - 16

Syns today - 17 gone over a little but really stuffed.
Monday - Extra Easy *

Breakfast - Apple

Lunch - Garden Salad, Tomatoes, Celery, Radishes, Lettuce
4 Ryvita Dark Rye, SW Homemade Houmous,1 syn, Ham, Mullerlight

Tea - Smoky One Tray Pork and Vegetables (well this was edible but was not really cooked and the recipe only said 40 mins, i left it for 1 hour 30 and potatoes and onion still hard), i have left it on for another hour so i can have it for lunch tomorrow.

Had 2 slices of fruit loaf

Syns today - 11 syns
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Tuesday - Extra Easy *

Breakfast - Onken fat free Strawberry Yoghurt
Fibre Plus - 5.5 syns

Lunch - Wholemeal Bread roll with Salad and Tuna, Packet prawn cocktail twirls - 5 syns

Tea - Strozapretti pesto rosso 2 syns

Milkyway mini, 4 syns and Mullerlight

Syns today 17
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Wednesday - Extra easy*

Breakfast - Banana, Fibre Plus bar

Lunch - 4 nice biscuits, Mug shot - 4 syns

Tea - Roast Chicken, Boiled Potatoes, Garden Peas, Cauliflower, Spring Green, Onions and Carrots, gravy made with meat juices - 7 syns

Snacks - Raspberries and strawberries with sweetner

Total today 11 syns
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