Turning Vegan


Gold Member
Hi all... I've been away from here for a while.. I stopped slimming world, I stopped caring and now I'm at my biggest weight. 13stone 4lbs.

I've been vegetarian for nearly 7 years now (19th Dec is the date). By that date I want to make the full transition to vegan. I have two months to do the research and become comfortable with it.

At the mo I'm not really following any diet. I do have juiceplus shakes which I love and will probably have for some meals and I will continue to boast about them because I believe when the plan is followed they work (don't worry I will not be plugging/selling them on here) BUT my main importance is becoming vegan.

I still have some non vegan foods in the house which I will be eating (I can't stand waste) so that's why I'm giving myself two months.

Any vegans out there.to help?? Its more the nutritional side I'm more scared about. I just hope I don't miss out on the vital vitamins and nutrients.

Feel free to follow me on my journey :)
Yay ! :D Here to sub lovely. Wish you all the success with your new journey hun. This is just a flying visit but will do a proper catch up on diaries tomorrow :) xx
Having a nice chilled day off today watching breaking bad and on a mission to finish my book. Been looking at a lot of vegan recipes and there is plenty of choice. I just need to be willing to try.
Started today off with a fried egg sandwich which isn't the best... I'm still not in the zone but I was in a mood (excuse).

Last night my housemate went out and brought some lads back... I could hear them laughing while I was in bed then I heard heard tell them to leave because they were messing with our bin in the kitchen. When I got up this morning these lads had sprayed all my fry light all over my cupboards and threw my bananas in the sink with dirty water. They had also poured vimto in all the tea coffee and sugar jars. How childish please!!!!!! I'm not mad at my housemate because she made them leave after 5 mins so it's not her fault but I don't understand why people do that. It's not as if they were little boys these are grown men!!!!!!!

When she took all her stuff out of the washing machine there was oil all over her clothes so she is NOT happy she said if her clothes are ruined she is hunting them down. Her mate knows them so she will be having words...

So silly

Just spending today chilling out.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend :) x
Hey Brit welcome back :-D

Going to read with interest your transition to becoming vegan!

Those men sound like complete idiots, how annoying to have to get up to that in the morning.
Hope your ok xx
Hey thanks yeah I'm good.
Nothing much to report really. Off work today so I made chickpea Dahl loaf and and carrot and lentil soup.

I've applied for a new job in work. Its a managers position. Its a bit above my experience but I honestly think I could do it. I've applied online so just waiting for an email back. I haven't told any of the managers in work don't really wanna p*ss anyone off haha

Veganwise I found out that warbutons toastie bread is vegan!!! Nightmare haha its my downfall to the Max.. Espesh this month where i can't have pizza (gave it up for October) my housemate just can't get on board with the whole vegan thing. She just thinks I'm torturing myself with the lack of food. She won't be saying that when I'm making loads of delicious meals hehe

Hope everyone is well :)


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Good morning :)
Omg I'm speechless reading what the so called grown men did in your kitchen!! :eek: how bloody stupid and childish!! I hope it didn't take long to clear up. Idiots!!
Ooo good luck on the work front :) xx
Thanks :)

They are store approving someone for the job today so I've left it too late.

There's a chance the manager won't like them but it very rarely happens we will see

Yeah I know them lads are so childish I switched the oven on.last night and something exploded when I went to open it. They had poured vimto into the bottom of the oven and it had bubbled up and exploded. It missed my face about a centimetre could have had third degree burns grrr not happy.

On the upside just turned down a jam doughnut wooo :)

Hope everyone is having a nice day x
Afternoon Brittany :p,

Just caught up on your diary hun. More power to you for going Vegan :worthy:, it takes a lot of determination and focus, but I know if anyone can do it you can :D. If you've stayed away from non veg for so many years with discipline, it only requires the same, its just about having the right mindset and I think easing yourself slowly into it is the right approach. 2 months will give you enough time to look up recipes and plan stuff that you can have in the weekdays at work and on weekends when your out. In London there are loads of Vegan restaurants popping up everywhere, its really catching on. I generally feel people are becoming more aware and taking more interest in their health rather than just relying on meds to sort them out. Diet is so important for our long term health and well being. It sounds cliché but, what we eat today is what our health will be tomorrow. I must admit 2 years ago when I was overweight (before I started SW) I used to treat my body like a human dustbin :rolleyes:. My only criteria when I went shopping to the supermarket was, as long as it tastes good and has the same amount of fat grams as my body, its going in the trolley :sigh:. Due to all the junk food I was eating I started to suffer from acid reflux. It got to a point where I could not hold my food down. The doctors had to prescribe me tablets which I took after food so I don't throw up :(. Anyway I wont put you to sleep with my story hun, but basically I woke up one day and decided I don't want to become dependent on tablets for the rest of my life. I started doing research and reading books like you and one of the diet plans that I absolutely love and swear by is the G.I. Diet. I learned to eat food that are low in G.I and were high in alkaline. This had a fantastic affect on my body and I no longer needed the tabs and my acid reflux vanished for good :).

I also made a decision to cut out red meat. I have not eaten it for 2 years. I do eat chicken on occasion and fish, but funny enough I think its just psychological, when we tell our brain we cant have something we want it more, but actually I have had weeks where I have had no meat at all and have been completely veggie. Maybe you can convert me Brittany :D. I love quorn and I find I use it a lot and don't feel like I'm missing meat. When I go shopping now I really do read the food labels of everything I buy. I am looking at the fat grams, carbs and salt content especially and any E numbers. I never ever thought I would take interest in this kind of stuff but I do now :). You know what, in 2 months, just to give you company,( I don't think I can do Vegan lol) I might go vegetarian for a month or two and see how I feel.

I'm so glad you posted soup hun, you know I'm doing the challenge with the girls :D that cheered me up no end :p. Your soups are lovely Brittany, I remember from last year on your diary. I'm loving your carrot and lentil soup :drool:.

I am encouraging the girls this week to all share their soup recipes with one another to help others get inspired. Can I ask you for a favour hun if you don't mind, do you mind posting your yummy soup recipe up on the soup thread, the girls are going to love it ! :D

Anyway must dash now, I need to have my own soup today :p, I'm having a mixed veg soup but I've added quorn style chicken pieces to it, its really yummy and I'll be posting it on the soup thread later if you want to check it out :).

I'm so happy that you've come back with a new focus, I have missed you so much ;), hope going Vegan works out for you. I am doing a mixture of the G.I Diet, Calorie Counting and SW, yes I find combining all 3 works for me :p. But I will look into becoming vegetarian, because if I can have quorn then I don't miss meat :).

Anyway enough rambling from me lol, hope you have a nice day lovely and I look forward to catching up with you real soon ! :hug99:

Kay xx

PS. Hope the job thing worksout for you, if it doesn't I'm sure there will be plenty of other opportunities in the future. I have worked as a Retail Manager for many years, you've got great people skills, I have no doubt you will make a fab Manager one day ! ;)
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Awww Kay that was such a nice message :) don't ever feel that you are rambling I love long messages
There's a few vegetarian/vegan restaurants in liverpool now as well ☺ I signed up to a website called "happy cow" which tells you what veggie restaurants are in your location :)

I have to read up the G.I. Diet. Although I do try and eat healthy I can go through days where I eat utter rubbish. I need to stop this a lot because it is getting to the point of binging. That's why I'm pleased I have the soup and chickpea Dahl loaf because if I get peckish I can just have a bit and not feel guilty.

I will post my recipe as soon as :) I've got so many soup recipes I'm going to aim to make a new one each week :)

I do feel so much better being vegetarian and would recommend it to anyone. I would just advise to do a lot of research. People tend to put weight on when turning veggie (me included). I ate pasta and cheese for 3 months until I realised all the delicious meals I could have. U could try a meatless Monday to get you used to it :)

Job wise, they have found someone there's a chance our store won't approve her but it rarely happens. I should have applied earlier I've had over a month boo. There is another job going for a skincare company called radical that I might go for. But then it means I would have to leave my store and I love it there... we will see. I don't hate my job that I have now I'm just looking for growth and better money so plenty of time to see

Hope everyone has had a nice day :) xxx
Good morning hun.. Oh what a shame about the job. If there's no rush to leave where you are and you love your store then I'd be tempted to stay a bit longer till something 'right' comes up. Hope you have a lovely day xx
Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! :wavey:

Just doing a quick catch up on diaries :p. Hope your well hun, have missed you ! :D I'm struggling to get my mojo back. Think I'm looking at a 7lb gain :eek:, I've not weighed for a few weeks. Anyway hope your well and having a lovely weekend :):) .

Kay xx
