Weasey's Diary - The Journey to Size 10...

Weasey great choices yesterday! I'm so pleased you came back on forum to share with use losing the remainder of the last stone! Youve motivated and inspired me to continue with getting rid my last little bit! I'm on day 10 today with SnS but included a sausage yesterday in additional to packs! Slowly I will start replacing packs with food again. I definitely see the vlcd packs as a tool.

Excited about your next weigh in!
Thanks guys. I think for me the thing which makes a difference is being able to go on to forums and share where I'm at but also see where other people are. Thinking about their issues and sharing my thoughts if they end up possibly being useful really helps me as it gets me to think all of these things through. Then if I'm faced by something similar I've already thought about it which increases the chance that I'll make a more helpful decision. It also really helps to see other people's responses as that gives me new ideas.