i did that psp

its really good we did it for 12 weeks opened my eyes about portion size as well
ours is called something else and i think it was 10 weeks
will need to find my folder out thats it reshape
Oooh nice to get some feedback and further info about rehape - thank you! :) My 'local' college is in somerset, almost 280 miles away so it's all online. I'm really looking forward to getting started to be honest :D
Happy Easter all :)

Hope you're all having fun! About to open a bag of toffee popcorn after a shower and getting settled (only 210 cals! hope it's as nice as my beloved butterkiss toffee popcorn!) and watch a DVD :)

Happy Easter guys!

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Back to work today and instead of being out in the field I was summoned to the office. I can see where this is heading. There may be trouble ahead!

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Unfortunately no! When I got to the office I saw why I was summoned! there were only 3 staff in the office compared to the 13 that is normally there. So I had to help man the phones and sort out rotas! But because I was starting late, I have to finish late. Bummer! Did not plan for this so have devoured biscuits and chocolates that were brought in. And after I managed to avoid them over the Easter :(.
Booo! That sucks :(

Put it behind you and look forward my love :) You've had your 'easter treat' now, it's accounted for and you're still going forward! :)
:break_diet:do not worry love we all have done it x
You can do it lovely. We're all human, it's human to make mistakes :) you can do it! We're behind you :)

Preparing to go and see twatbag... um, I mean my 'grandfather'. Don't want to go :( Thankfully there'll be the buffer of the LOVELY lady who comes to do his nails there for all but I reckon the last half hour of it. We can get through it! [I hope]. Fully prepared to be shouted at that we don't come often enough (I wonder why...!!!) as per usual.
Just th8nk...it's not long now....it's not long now. Before you know it, it'll be over and you can relax!

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hi psp
my hugs are with you im going to be the same wednesday counting the minutes seconds then running out screaming in my head im free for another month x x x
Thanks loves :) Glad it's over, got shouted at again but not as bad. He seems to have a urine infection (that we reported to the home) because he was so confused so it wasn't as bad as usual.

Hope Wed goes well for you, Chezz xxxx
hi psp
im dreading it but will count down the seconds ................. glad it was not to bad love xxx:)