WeMitt thread - we really do Mean It This Time...

Hi Ann (and all you other lovely WeMITTs)

Please don't worry about the slowdown in your weightloss - I think it's perfectly normal when you get closer to your target weight. It's certainly happened to me too and I know I'll probably never get the 5 lbs plus weekly losses that I had at the beginning.

I've settled down now to an average 2-3 lbs per week, which isn't too bad I guess bearing in mind I've only got just over 2 stone to go to get to within my 'normal' range. I still have another 10 lbs to lose to get to a 28 BMI though - but I suspect I'll manage that by 20th Sept :)

Keep smiling, lovely lady - you'll get there!

Sharon xxx
Hi everyone
Just stopping by to say hello and play 'catch up' :)

Ann - isn't it infuriating when people make assumptions about a VLCD? Most people don't know much about them - they haven't done any research at all and so their opinions are based on hear-say and old wives' tales! We all know that the chances of regaining all our weight after having lost it on a VLCD is no greater than on ANY weight loss diet. Of course people will regain weight if they return to their former eating habits and that's true of WW, SW, RC or any other!

The last time I lost weight, I did it the prescribed way ... slowly and surely on a healthy eating plan (RC). It took me the best part of two years to lose 6st and guess what? I regained 4st of it afterwards because I took my eye off the ball and got complacent. As Anja said, swimming is a fab exercise and will HELP weight loss in conjunction with a calorie controlled diet but it won't be responsible for weight loss on its own (unless someone is training like an Olympian!)

You are far more likely than pool-lady to keep your weight off long term because you are the most motivated person I know. Your head is in 'the right place' and I firmly believe that, although the weight-loss battle takes place in the food arena, the battle-plan takes place in our heads.

Pool-lady is more likely to end up despondant after a month of swimming without a carefully planned eating strategy results in a measly 3lb loss. From there, there's a chance she'll take comfort in a pizza and end up back at square one!
If she knew the wemitt battle-cry then she'd never had made that silly comment!

Keep chipping away Ann - I'm travelling in your wake and your gritty determination inspires me to keep on keeping on! Here's to next week and the 12s!! :D

A big hug to all my wemitt buddies and a special hug to a special lady - Summerskye who's words are like a comfort blanket!

Debbie x
Hi WEMITTS, I have just realised that although I had not discovered the DH website like you guys, I still belong on here with you. Everytime I read a diary or a post on here I realise I am not on my own. We are all our there fighting the same fight. Re - pool lady, I saw a cracker at the pool yesterday myself. She was standing chatting in the corner when I got there and still standing chatting when I got out. She was one of those people who wants everyone to hear her conversation. She said ' My doctor weighed me today, that's why I am here, he said I must get my weight down because of my diabetes/blood pressure etc.., so I've got straight on with it, even though I know it won't do any good'
The woman only exercised her jaw; she was well in excess of 20 stone and yet still managed to look down on the likes of us (ok me) who was paddling up and down like a mentallist. I felt so cross, she was like the most typical 'I am fat but it's not my fault type'. I gave her a wide berth because she looked like she had some advice for me. Grrrrrrrrr.
Welcome Barb!

Hi Barb!
It's great to see you here on the wemitts thread :D This is such a supportive group and our ethos of 'We Mean it This Time' encompasses all diet plans. It's great to 'belong' to a group as fab as this where everyone knows where you're coming from.

We had a group meet up in Birmingham a while back and it really cemented our support for each other. There's another metting arranged for November (also in Birmingham) if you're interested!

Hope you're well & full of wemitt resolve!

Debbie x
I'll send you an email later: I'm just off to down some water and sort out some laundry :(
Hello Barb, and a very warm welcome to the WeMitts. A more supportive and knowledgable group of people you will not meet, and we REALLY understand the xtra issues involved when you have a LOT of weight to lose.
Debbie, you say the most lovely things about me. Thankyou. I cannot tell you how emotional it makes me feel. After years of having non-existent self-esteem, and feeling so miserable, I am finally beginning to feel worthwhile again.
I am SO looking forward to doing the trek - if any new WeMitts aren't aware, a few of us are going to do a charity trek in Autumn 2007, probably the great wall of China. Anybody else????
PLEASE, someone, how do I get rid of one of these tickers???????
Hi Ann

Re: the tickers I might be wrong but I think if you click on one of them at the bottom of one of your messages it should take you to the website. You just need to highlight the one that you don't want and then press delete. I only know this because I managed to delete mine this morning by accident and had to redo it. Hope it works. If not I'm sorry.

This thread seems great and very supportive. Could I join the Wemitts please??

Jazzy x
Hi there lovely WeMitts!

Can anyone help me, I am battling the urge to start eating, I always give up idets round about three to four weeks and I am feeling my resolve slipping.

I really want to do it this time but my chatterbox is giving me real jip at the moment.

Any words of wisdom?

Thanks jazzy, will see if it's worked.
Flopster - you CAN do this. Tell your chatterbox to go forth and multiply, anything you have to do. It's not forever, it's just for now. I find it helps not to "forbid" myself from eating. I say to myself (and others sometimes) I CAN, if I want to, but I CHOOSE not to. Hang in there, we are all with you, and it IS worth it.
Ann xxxxx
Hi Ann

I've just been playing with my ticker to try and figure out what you have to do and I realised that the advise I gave you is completely wrong. I have now just deleted my ticker again and i did it by going in to the User CP at the top left hand corner of this screen, clicking on edit signiture, highlight the ticker you want to get rid of, pressing delete and then pressing save signiture. Voila...no ticker. Hopefully this will help more than my last suggestion.

Jazzy x
If you click the left hand button on your mouse at the top left hand corner of the ticker and then drag your mouse over the whole thing to the bottom right hand corner without taking your finger off of the button it should all become highlighted.

Jazzy x

I've got a theory on why it's so darned hot at the moment ....

The weMITTS are doing so fantastically well, losing heaps of weight - yes?

Well, what is 'weight'? It's fat and fat is stored energy (calories). Energy is nothing more than heat. So once that energy i.e heat is released, where does it go?

Into the atmosphere dear weMITTS .... adding several degrees to the temperature and enabling us to bask in our skimpier tops in all the extra heat we've helped to generate! :D

So if people want to know why we're having such a stonking Summer .... tell them to thank the weMITTS!! ;)

Debbie x
Hope all is well with you all - going to show my complete stupidity here but what on earth is PTBAW? - I've thought of lots of possible ones (mostly rude I'm afraid - I put it down to years of working with policemen!) but would really like to know what it means!

Went to my CDC training today and am inspired to fill out the forms and become one - quite daunted and wonder whether I'll be any good at it but I can only try! The way I'm d!cking about on SS at the moment it won't matter if I don't get any clients as I shall need the packs I buy for myself!!!

Please learn from my mistakes ladies and don't let the compliments go to your head - this last stone is taking as much effort as the first 10 did to lose and 100% focus is necessary - I was too busy basking in admiring glances and rather took my eye of the ball and now can't see the blasted thing let alone focus on it!!!!

The new bars are delish but can still cause windyness in those tender stomached amongst us -well they do in me anyway -especially if you eat 2 at once:eek: well I did it on purely experimental grounds - I needed to see if the lack of sugar polyols made a difference and can confirm (from my loo seat - sorry TMI) that it doesn't!
Must dash off again.....
Debbie - you are priceless - are we affecting global warming as well do you think?????
AKB - nice to hear from you. Glad you enjoyed the training day - looking forward to mine on 20th September - mind you have 1st5lb to lose before then to be BMI 28. and 2 holidays to contend with.
Are you coming on the trek AKB? at least considering it??

PTBAW Ann xxx
Aha -now I get it - I blame this heat on my brain turning to mush - stop losing so much weight you lot - it's too hot!!!!
As for the trek - no I can't do anything like that - but I'll gladly sponsor the WeMITT contigent!

I'm absolutely certain Ann that you can lose what you need by the time your CDC training day arrives (they don't actually weigh you - I was worried that they might). Perhaps you and I can have a mini challenge to see if we can both lose that amount by then???
I'm finding it really hard at the moment - I think there are lots of reasons eg,
I've been SSing since Sep23 and a quite bored by it now,
I'm letting compliments go to my head (I need to remind myself that I only look good compared with how I used to look which let's face it was pretty hideous so it's easy to look better - I want to look good next to a size 12 woman who's never had weight issues)
I'm afraid of ending SS as I think this is the easy bit - maintenance is going to be a lifelong journey and I'm frightened that I'm not up to it.
There are probably loads more - I'm seeing my shrink this afternoon (providing my car passes it's MOT) so will discuss these with him - whilst I realise my life wasn't happier being 22stone it was certainly easier in that I squashed all emotions with food so lived on an even (albeit unhappy) keel.
Oh, it's too hot for such deep and meaningful soul-searching !LOL!
Have a great day all and keep drinking the water and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANJA!!!!!!
Lots of love,