Where do i sign?!! Im in!!

Thanks hun Cor was so do rough yesterday!!!! Didn't make the gym at all!!!!

My mate around today to cook a roast then back on it large xxxx

Thinking about getting highlights for my wedding as my hair is really dark what ya think?
Yeah that will look good. Just don't get too many as no doubt ur dress is white, veil white too... u need the darker tones to the hair to break it up, or u run the risk of looking too light!!! I had dark hair with copper & blonde highlights. Was really pleased. Especially as my hair was all curled and pinned to be a giant bun. U cud see all the different colours coming through :)

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Ooo that sounds great have u any Pictures xxx
Gutted wanna see your hair :( mahhhh xxxx
Nooo babes xxx so confused where do I get it done I never had highlights before and worried it might go wrong!!!!
Aww it wont go wrong, have a look about tho, on other peoples hair and see where they go. U dont want it too streaky, nice fine weaves. Natural :) can u tell im a hairdresser! !!! Haha

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Aww it wont go wrong, have a look about tho, on other peoples hair and see where they go. U dont want it too streaky, nice fine weaves. Natural :) can u tell im a hairdresser! !!! Haha

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I yeah I forgot lol!!! Been looking at the highlights that start down the hair a bit x wish you lived closer to do it for me lol x
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So how's everyone doing?????

Not been too well so can't exercise at he moment. I'm back to it all on Sunday though!

How are you? And more importantly ... Where are we all?

Not been too well so can't exercise at he moment. I'm back to it all on Sunday though!

How are you? And more importantly ... Where are we all?

Urghhhh doing ok I guess but finding it really heard keep slipping up and not been to gym!!! My necks gone again too :(

Well annoyed with myself!
Hello again lovely ladies :wavey: Yes, it has been quiet lately.

I was doing pretty ok until the last week in Jan..... then it went a bit pear shaped, & am still trying to get rid of the weight I put back on! :( On the positive, I am feeling very motivated although still finding it hard to stay on plan - so much temptation / social events involving food & wine keep getting in the way!!!

I am starting this again this week after having a successful run in 2012 until my gallstones got too bad. Lost a stone and a bit in 4 months but my body got smaller than the weightloss would suggest. Saturday is going to be my WI day, so today:

Saturday - 175.2lb

Will have 2 up days then down Monday, up Tuesday, down Wednesday, up Thursday, down Friday and WI Saturday. Will try and stick to this each week.
Still going strong. I thought I would weigh myself each day and see how much my weight fluctuates. Sticking with Saturday as my WI day. Interesting that although I only ate my TDEE of calories, because some of it was pizza and chips I actually gained a lot of weight. Looking then to keep my carbs slightly lower on eating days.

Saturday - 175.2lb loss of 6.6lb
Sunday - 174.4lb
Monday - 176.8lb

Today is a down day so will be interesting to see if I lose the carb weight by tomorrow.
I also weighh each day & find the fluctuations interesting. It's funny, I often find if I have a few good UDs (prob 1500-1800kcal but fairly low carb & no junk or alcohol) my weight will do the opposite to I expect & go up after the DDs then down after the UDs. Think my body's a bit strange....

Hi ( waves) been struggling with my weight since new year and started back dieting yesterday, never tried Judd so will be interesting to follow your diary, hope you don't mind, I think it maybe a good thing for me, been good yesterday but ate one slice of bread!!!!! And I feel so bloated this morning!!!
Bread and carbs are my weakness though.. Love it, and my weekends are my time to relax so a few glasses of wine on a Friday and Saturday , need to sit down and work out what's best!! Not keen on fruit but love salad and veg, but it does get boring!! Hopefully you can be my inspiration ... Good luck xx