WW and dreaded end of year exams!


Full Member
Hey :) Looking for any advice on current/recent uni students who have good ways of not putting on tonnes of weight during the next few weeks of exams.

I've just got my timetable through and it's awful. I'm rushed off my feet for 2 weeks with 6 exams with only a day in between which means I'm barely going to have time to think let a lone plan/cook for myself. Also, I'm going to have to run all my food stocks down as I'm planning to move out more or straight after my last exam so I can start my summer job early. And to top it all off, my birthday is 3 days after my last exam. So may is not going to be my best month. D:

Just looking for any tips, or warning so I know what to avoid. Thanks in advance
I don't know what your budget is, but maybe eat some WW ready meals as your evening meal during your exam period? That way it's all prepared and pre-pointed and you don't have to think about it. Iceland have a good deal on at the moment- three for £3 including desserts.

I also find with things like cereal it helps if you spend half an hour weighing it all into sandwich bags in one go so that every morning you just pick up one sandwich bag portion and eat that rather than fiddling about with the scales each time.

Carry some 0pp fresh fruit with you at all times and drink plenty of water, you'll be fine :)
Thank you :) Good idea with the cereal. I'd never thought about that... I'm not a good person exam mornings so it will certainly eliminate the stress. Budget wise is not too bad at the moment. My loan comes in a week tomorrow and I'm only back for about 6 weeks as my exams are so early.
My final year exams I'd eat breakfast and then make lunch and dinner to take with me to the library all day.
Food ends up being quite healthy as you can't well take a frozen pizza and don't have time to cook one at 7am.
Make a ton of pasta salad. Portion it all up to fill half a tuppaware and fill the other half with lettuce n shizz. Maybe tinned fish too?

Thing is your brain NEEDs good food at this time. Me and my housemates used our "partying" budget to buy berries and seeds and oily fish. You can't let your brain down by stuffing chocolate and cakes when its going to make you drowsy or hyper.

I'm soo sorry that you got all your exams shoved into 2 weeks like that. SO unfair. On the plus you'll be over and done with before you know it.

You'll be fine- just DON'T skip meals and don't beat yourself up if you fall off track. This is a very very important time for you and I think if you put on a couple of lbs but passed all your exams you wouldn't be THAT annoyed with yourself.
Thank you for all the good ideas. I know :( i'm only a first year so we always get the rough deal in my school because 'it doesn't really count' and we 'should learn to cope'. I suppose you're right though - my exams are much more important but i just want to look better for summer as shallow as it sounds.

Thank you again. Can't wait for it all to be over.