Halfway there!!


Full Member
So I'm halfway there! Half a pound away from two stone last week, but I'm calling it today! Two stone down, two more to go! So pleased that I can see the difference!


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Wow! Well done! You can really see the difference!
I have just had my 2nd weigh in and I've lost 16lb in 2 weeks! Can't wait to see the difference at 2st!
Leanne x
16lbs in 2 weeks! Wow! Just like me :D Such a good start! Well done! Keep glugging the water....I've done CWP about 4 or 5 times now and thus has been the most successful.....I only ever drank the minimum on previous attempts! X
Well done, that's a big difference already! How much water are you drinking, I'm starting on Monday. Which products do you prefer? Such a big difference of which products people like I'm noticing.
Hi newme, I aim to drink between 3-4 litres a day at a push 4.5 litres but that prob only happens once a week! I hate all the soups and porridge and rice pudding so just stick to shakes and bars....I love the taste of the ready made to the sachets but you have to drink more water to compensate having them so I tend to only have five ready made choc ones a week, seven choc chewy bars and the rest is a mix of choc mint choc banana and strawberry! I'm so daring lol x
Wow you are doing amazingly! I can really see a difference! You've done really well for just 7 weeks! Thank you for sharing your pics and good luck in getting to your goal xx
this is great! Well done x:)
Well done! You look amazing. Good luck for the rest of your journey! x
Latest pic, now lost 3 stone 3lbs, just under a stone and a half till goal although depending on my tummy I may want to lose a bit more....the tummy is shrinking but v v slowly !!


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Four stone down now, one more stone to go!
Wow you look amazing!! well done u!
fabulous! your lo is super cute xxx
Wow you are doing fantastically well! Keep us updated. You're so close to goal. Well done! :)
gosh i hope i'm as successful as you - brilliant weight loss xxx