5kg by Christmas- and i don't mean how many tins of Roses I will have eaten!

Chubby chick 2023

Silver Member
Me again- the eternal yo yo farmer dieter. I call myself a farmer because I seem to operate a sort of crop-rotation system between low carb/slimming world/ stuff myself. Been doing it for about 11 years now and the only part of my body that finds this a system which promotes growth and development is my cellulite. So.

How many weeks til Christmas? 15ish. I am a slow loser, particularly on SW so if I set myself a nice slow pace of 0.3 kg a week I can still be on target even when it feels the scales are hardly moving (and they will be.... I try them all over the house to get the best weight for me!!!!)

Choosing SW from home for a couple of reasons. The main one being I love pasta. I mean really love it! If there was a romantic weekend in Paris up for grabs and I had to choose between my husband and a bag of conchiglie to take with me I'd struggle ;)

The other reason is this site. SW is the most friendly and active of the boards and people feel able to continue with the plan even when they're losses are only a half a pound a week or even a STS. I note that when people are following it properly they very rarely put on. So, the plan works.

I won't post a food diary unless things are going wrong. I am not much of a cook and tend to eat very basically assembled meals. Think people will get fed up of me writing 'pasta, tinned tomatoes, peppers' over and over.

Right. About to weigh myself. Considering yesterday was mainly about pizza and cake for my daughters birthday this is going to be bad- but I guess that will just mean a more positive result next week?

Am doing it in kilograms as have no idea what they mean if that makes sense?

Wee first (am only human!!)

And....... 81.1 kg

So next Sundays goal is 80.8.

Bring on the Mullers!!!
So this is the dress I have just bought on eBay for Christmas Day (sort of didn't mean to buy it- but got carried away).

Coast, size 14. And I want to feel epic wearing it, particularly as we are going to my sister's who is an effortless size 10-12 (and I mean effortless, the only time she's been a bigger size she was poorly and had been on huge doses of steroids for six months. And even then she only went up to a 14 and had to borrow my clothes for a bit bless her!).

Other things I need to sort out by Xmas. My skin, need to take my pill regularly, take my make up off at night and moisturise- none of which I do at the moment!

My hair. It was fine but then I decided to try and bring it back from a dark dyed brunette to my natural blonde with the assistance of a million home hair dye kits and I now have a sort of gingery mop and a scalp so dry I swear there are camels trekking through it.

My teeth- no real problems but if I book a hygienist appointment the week before they should be sparkling and I'll feel happier smiling in pics.

Things I WON'T do....

Buy loads of selection boxes because they're cheap now and I'm being organised and eat them all several times over necessitating emergency dashes to overpriced petrol stations on Chrismgas Eve.

Start a mince-pie-athon with myself the only contestant.

Say 'sod it- I'll start the diet in January (not specifying a year).


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All going ok so far- have decided to try and follow advice I read about ten years ago in a fitness book by Sir Ranulph Fines. He recommended eating only fruit between midnight and midday. I remember trying this for a while and it did help weight loss. This will also help me save up the decision between green and extra easy til lunchtime as I find that if I eat any carbs such as cereal or toast or oats in the morning I'm hungry an hour or so later- so will just graze on fruit now.

Being lazy about fitness- no excuses just lazy.

Have booked an appointment to get my hair sorted out professionally this afternoon. Will cost a fortune but have already spent a fortune on home hair dye kits and things are just going from bad to worse. Currently look like a ginger Worzel Gummidge.

Might and try and have a bike ride later this afternoon.

On another note the dreaded SW trumps have started. Takes my body a good two weeks to settle down after starting a high fibre diet- think my husband might be putting me in the shed til then!!!
Hair sorted- back to blonde (will take some getting used to!) about to have a lovely spaghetti with chilli, tomato and prawn sauce. Being married to a chef has its benefits sometimes :)
Still going well, and sticking to just fruit before noon. Had a game of badminton with hubby this morning which was great fun and also bought some snazzy new trainers so no excuses not to actually exercise.

Went to nephews birthday party yesterday and resisted numerous slices of chocolate cake- came home to polish halo and stuff myself on quorn spaghetti bolognaise.

Got work this afternoon and then a night shift for my other job tonight but husband is taking the kids off tomorrow so I can have the whole day to myself. Quick bit of exercise followed by bed, bath, bed and more bed I think! (So energetic!!)
What a great diary, you certainly seem like a girl with a plan. Good luck :)
Thanks, I'm trying to have a plan- but my plan
Is to take it a bit slower and steadier than I have in the past. I normally have a dress I want to slim into in two or three weeks time so I go mental for that time. True enough I usually get into the dress (control underwear and shoehorns required!) but then I pig out again afterwards. By not having an extreme goal I'm hoping to actually do the life/habit thing. Worth a try anyway, insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

So did my night shift last night- was a sleep on call but didn't sleep to well and back home for a days r and r. Hubby has taken littlest one out visiting so the day is mine. Have just done a thirty minute high intensity step video (hoping to upgrade my thigh quality from saggy old pillows to memory foam firm ;). ) and now I think it might be cup of tea and nap time. If I get any sleep, there appears to be a tree surgeon in next doors garden operating with his noise settings set to annihilate.
Just had a sneaky weigh in as was feeling thin. 80.4 kg so have met my weekly goal :)

Hope this spurs me on and I don't get frustrated that I haven't lost two stone in one week (you know the sort of mentality "I've been dieting ALL day, am I skinny yet?!")
Hey Goldichocs, I love your diary. Really tickled me as I've read it. You are doing amazing. Birthday cake is hard to resist.well done. Hope it pays off for weigh in x
Thanks- still plugging away. Turns out today is TOTM so if I can claim a 1 and a half pound loss even so I'm happy.

Tried hard today. Breakfast was fruit and lunch was a macaroni cheese pasta and sauce with 100g smoked mackerel and spinach so I make that 4 syns? Not sure of the pasta n sauce syns but guessed 2.

Fruit and diet coke all afternoon and just a couple of the kids sweets but no more than 5 syns worth I'm sure. Out blackberry picking today- was a gorgeous autumn afternoon but it felt like a bit of a slog - there were five kids in total, mine and their cousins and with that amount there's always someone who doesn't want to walk/has a stone in their shoe/fell in a puddle/ has been hit-nudged-shouted at-generally interfered with by one of the others. A three mile round trip felt a bit like a marathon.

Finally back home tonight and whilst I planned to do a workout vid I'm lying onesied-up and prone on the sofa whilst the other half works his magic on some spaghetti (told you I was a pasta fiend).

Tummy v chubbly and bloated from diet coke and lunar events. Feel huge but happy and sleepy (and, if we're claiming some of the seven dwarfs as emotions also Dopey - because I left a tub of blackberries at the top of the stairs and my clumsy oaf of a son has naturally just Knocked them DOWN the stairs thus ruining a reasonably good stair carpet. Doh!)
Feeling a bit pleased with myself. Was feeling a bit meh this morning- sort of a bit depressed and without energy. Probably because of TOTM. So my OH said I could go upstairs and have a rest if I want ..... So I have...... But only after a sixteen mile bike ride- yay! Really pushed myself, and it's been a beautiful autumn afternoon. I'm lucky enough to have moved to a really lovely part of gloucestershire and round here all the rural cliches are true. The air smelt beautifully of woodsmoke, hay and fallen leaves and it improved my mood no end. So now I can have a rest, a cuppa and a catch up on minis guilt free :)

I'm inclined to get carried away, and whilst I was cycling I had images of myself getting togged out in hi-vis Lycra and competing in grand tours- but now I'm home my legs ache, I'm sweaty and a bit sleepy. Very much a fair weather plodder of a cyclist :)
Trying to find some today. Think I'm going to take the bike out for another hour or so but there's a big part of me saying "stop! The sofa looks so inviting! It's the OH's last day of holiday! Sit next to him! Share a cake! Doze off if you want!".

Must be my thighs talking as they're the biggest part of me. Think I'll shut them up with a trip on the bike.
Currently sat outside a pub with OH and DD. GOt hubby to fix child's seat onto my bike so have had my first ride out with a passenger. I've been planning to do this since my son was born and as he's now 5 we passed the stage completely, but little one has just turned two so I reckon I can keep this up for a year maybe? Means I can exercise even when I'm looking after her.
I have realised that I haven't really done myself many favours by adopting a dress style of leggings, dress/jumper/tunic and knee high boots. Although I like the style and it's actually quite flattering, wearing leggings has meant I really didn't clock the weight gain
Think that's how is managed to keep my weight down in uni, (not just because I was 10 years younger!) because I wore jeans all the time, and you notice a lot quicker in jeans if you're weight is increasing- particularly when they're just washed!!!
I've now reached the stage of the slimming world diet where I'm not feeling so hungry. The first week or so I'm always constantly obsessing about food- worried about eating too much free food, or frantically counting up healthy extras and syns etc- but now my hunger has seemed to go which makes life easier but I'm also aware that I need to keep the boiler stoked and also try and keep the food varied. It's harder to keep food interesting if you're not feeling hungry.
Feeling a bit meh about yesterday. Day was really busy and productive so pleased on the one hand- but last night I was just lazy and over-ate. All stuff on plan, but the plan is to eat until you are full and not stuff yourself- so not good in that respect. Also didn't do any exercise as was waiting for a man to being my bike back from being fixed and didn't want to answer the door all puffed and sweaty. However he didn't show so was just a wasted evening really. Boo.

Back with a vengeance today :) off for my fruit and that life-saving first cup of tea!
Well done for eating foods on plan. You can't exercise every day. Your body needs time to rebuild muscle. However. Let's have a great day. I'm going for birthday tea with my dad tonight. Very worried about what to eat x

Start weight 19st 9.8

Goal 1 lose half a stone - done
Goal 2 lose 1 stone - done
Goal 3 lose 1 stone 7 - done
Goal 4 lose 2 stone
Goal 5 lose 2 stone 7
Goal 6 lose 3 stone
Goal 7 lose 3 stone 7
Goal 8 lose 4 stone

Current weight - 18st 1.8