Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Sorry you're having a rough time of it Abz - take a day at a time and don't be too hard on yourself, we all struggle now and again....this is just your 'now' time....it'll pass. Hugs.
hey Hun,

take it one day at a time x Y don't you make yourself like a little chart with say 6 or 8 1/2 litre quantities and tick them off as you've had them. and say ok if i have 1/2 litre or 1 litre i can have a coffee in between. ( i do that cos i hate water and love coffee)

I think rather than loads of fruit( has natural sugar) what about an extra salad????

Just take one day at a time.... and hopefully you'll soon be back on track x
Abz, you know you can do this, just a case of getting your head in the right place. Take it easy today, formulate a longer term plan and stick with it. We are all here to offer support as and when you need it.
Well Abz it looks like you and I are in a similar position again:( But the good thing is that we can change our weight destiny - we'll get there together.
thanks guys :D

well nas. to be honest i want to eat the extra fruit to kickstart my digestive system again :S also, the extra fruit sugar doesn't really matter because i'm no longer in ketosis. so it's mainly based on calories what i'm doing now in any case... and i like fruit and am trying to keep myself on the straight and narrow. and i don't have any salad, ha. i did think about getting some but these are the conclusions i came to. the water thing is a good idea. usually i glug the stuff but i'm stuck. haven't even had half a litre of water yet. am going to take a litre bottle into a business meeting i have shortly and hopefully that will go down quickly :)

abz xx
well guys. i've made it so far. even within the realms of fruit too. and i'm sitting down with my bowl of pasta, chicken, brocolli, mushroom and a teeny bit of tinned tomato for dinner (i saved my veg from lunch time) and i wasn't sure whether i'd made a bit too much pasta as my scales can be dodgy but then i dropped half of it down the sink whilst draining it so that solved that particular issue, hee.

so onwards and downwards i hope. get rid of those squatter pounds!! (to coin a phrase from gem...)

abz xx
Good on you Abz - you're getting back into it and those squatters will be gone in no time!
Thanks minz. hey. is that you in that pic right there? it's nice to finally see you :D

well i'm feeling better today. i have managed to somehow drop 5.25lbs since yesterday. and yes. i double checked on both days and my scales aren't usually dodgy, they are new, ha. i did eat a lot of fruit like plums and nectarines yesterday, and they did a rather fine job (ahem) but i must have been carting around more junk than i realised... also totm seems to have finally gone so that could also have something to do with it. and i'm drinking more water. it feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel now. hopefully the squatter lbs will vanish.

i'm off work today and was considering getting on with finishing the tongue and groove panelling in the bathroom but the thought of sawing just really doesn't do it for me this morning, hee. maybe i'll manage to muster up the courage later on in the day.

i need to get in touch with some wedding photographers today to arrange to meet them so that i can look at some of their photies etc. see if i like them as well. i don't want a prat at my wedding. my mate's wedding photographer seemed a bit of a prat... it was a shame really. the ones i have been in touch with seem nice enough though :) so we'll see. my friend also reminded me about a video. i hadn't even thought about that. or the expense of that!! aaargh. ha. the saving must continue!! i really do need to make a budget list too. i've kept everything as cheap as i've been able to. i just need to make sure that that is cheap enough!!

anyways. i've waffled and waffled on. sorry about that...

abz xx
Yep that's me - I love seeing photos on the avatars, so thought I should be brave and add it.

Well done on the lbs loss - sounds like your system is (ahem) 'sorting itself out' - good stuff.

I'm well impressed little miss DIY. Fair play to you.

Have a great day!:)
ha. i have to do it yet!! still, i've done plenty of other things around the house that make this seem like a doddle :D that doesn't mean i'm not going to do it horrendously badly however... we shall see. i might wait until OH gets home and make him do the sawing :D

i am so tired. i think the diet is starting to hit home. i'm going to go and make myself a coffee and a shake i think. i've had 750mls of water so far today so not doing too badly and i deserve some caffeine methinks :)

abz xx
Ya big dosser! Actually you're absolutely right - go put your feet up and I'm sure OH will be happy to do the sawing etc. later. I'm just jealous cos I don't have a day off.
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don't be jealous. i feel absolutely awful. cracking headache, feel really hungry and sick at the same time. i feel really tired. i don't know whether the headache is sugar, caffeine downer, or neither related so have had some fruit and am having a coffee and a paracetamole. have slept for a couple of hours, even though it was fitful sleep. may go and just lie in the bath for a while. ergh.

abz xx
hey hun just checking up on you havent been in here in ages!! I let himself do all the diy stuff around the house. i havent a clue and i hate instructions why on earth must things come in a million pieces and then 100 different types of screws for peets sake..should have seen us the other evening trying to make trampoline for sophie 2hrs 2 flippen hrs i even missed the soaps!!!!!!!!!
ha. i don't mind doing things like that once i get doing them. i don't have a problem with it. it's making myself do it in the first place that i hate. hee.

well i've just woken up again. i've felt naff all day. feeling a bit better now. i feel like i've slept forever. but i think i'm coming down off the sugar and caffeine high of holiday... still have a bit of a headache but it's much better. now i need to get some more water down me. i don't feel particularly hungry but i do feel a bit blood sugar low shaky. have all day. so i'm going to have a nectarine now :)

how are you doing today becky? you managed to stay on track?

abz xx
Sorry to hear you're feeling rough Abz - do you know I'd swear it's the coffee........I cut it out when I started SS+ as I couldn't drink milk and can't drink it black and my head was pounding.......did the same when I cut back on coffee before, so maybe you're drinking too much of the dark stuff and not enough of the clear stuff :)

Hope you feel back to normal (whatever that is :-/) soon x
hey hun,,

hope your soon feeling better... sounds liek caffeine withdrawal to me too x x x

Take Care nas x
well i haven't had as much water as i would like but i've had everything else and i think i'm doing ok :) hopefully the scales will show a small loss in the morning. i do feel like i've been weeing for england again today...

off to bed again now. not sure whether i'll sleep but i'll give it a shot. hopefully tomorrow will be better :)

abz xx
hey guys. well yesterday i spent the entire day in leeds city centre spending my pay cheque. ha. i went to lush and got myself some waving not drowning bath bombs and some temple balm to help me sleep and last night i was out like a light. the stuff really works. woohoo!!

i didn't manage to stick to plan exactly yesterday but don't think i went over 1200 cals and the scales went down a wee bit today still so now there's about half a stone to go. i have ten days until my next weigh in so wish me luck!!

i am working today and am going through loads of stuff but don't seem to really be getting anywhere. it's so frustrating.. i have a list of questions to ask though. which is part of the difficulty i suppose... so when one of the other chaps turns up this afternoon i can double check some figures and finish it off.

feeling a bit bleurgh today. i don't have any fruit with me. am going to have to pop to tesco in a bit i think.

getting the fluids down me today though so i am making some headway with that. how is everyone else doing??

abz xx
i am actually feeling rather chuffed. someone just said to me 'by heck you've lost some weight haven't you?'

well i had before i went away... ha. still, just shows i can't look any bigger than when i went away which is a relief...

abz xx