Are many still on the JUDD diet?

Yes I have heard its hardcore too! But then I know some of my very overweight friends have done and say they love it so I am thinking I must be able to do it!
It's just thinking that I have yet another thing to do at some point during the week - makes me wanna cry. I don't have enough time as it is!
I very much agree, I'm the same, I wanna get into it and do it hardcore straight away. But then I know I get tired and hate it and will never do it again! Which is why I think it's good to do its slow and steady!
I'm only on my first year with the open uni. I quit uni years ago because I didn't like the subject and now decided its about time I get a degree. But with 2 kids and a job it hasn't proven to be that easy! I am determined to succeed this time though!
Sounds like you had a lovely day with your mum!! And you didn't overeat which is brilliant - well done!
I've been doing the 24 h fast since 2 pm today until 2 pm tomorrow. It just happened that way. I didn't feel hungry and then I felt guilty for eating yesterday, which I know is stupid!! So been desperately trying to keep myself busy, went to town and park with the boys etc. can't wait to eat :D
Are you gonna do your first low day tomorrow? What are you studying? Feeling positive? ;-) x

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ah yes being busy, i know how u feel, its daunting trying to fit everything in sometimes

im doing a health and social care degree, im in my 2nd year now, the times gone so quickly already. with ur course, im sure you'll get through it this time, i think its important to keep on top of things, when stuff gets on top of u just take a deep breath, make a list of stuff u have to do and work through it one thing at a time

yeah i thought i'd be stuffing my face all day but no, which isnt bad even by my standards :)

its hard not to feel guilty when u give in to an urge, but u have to remember that wanting to eat is totally normal, and that giving in to that urge is natural

i try to keep myself busy too but sometimes its so hard and even if im in the middle of doing something i'll be thinking about food lol

yeah im hoping to have tomorrow as a down day, ive got work 2-8pm so that takes care of a good chunk of the day, so im planning to start the day with a lie in, which is always a good start :D then have a cup a soup for lunch, not pick at anything at work, and have something small when i get home, then go to bed...thats the plan, whether it happens or not is another issue. from what i remember though, the first few down days take some getting used to, after that it gets a lot easier. it should be fine for you though, if u can make it through a day long fast u can make it through a down day, no worries

u looking forward to it? how many calories are u aiming for on the down days? x
Oh wow, your course sounds interesting! I am doing a business degree and it's so incredibly boring :-( I am doing accounting as well though and I like that!

I guess why I feel guilty is like, I have been fasting for 24 hours and it feels like I will ruin it by eating. I know it's not true but I need to keep reminding myself that and get used to the idea!

Sounds like a plan for tomorrow! I am sure you can do it! Just get in contact with me when you feel like over eating and I shall motivate you :D work days are the best ones! And just keep reminding yourself why you're doing it!

I will see how long I can keep going like this but I will probably start doing about 400-500 calories on my down days. When I did the calculation on the website it said I should eat about 300 on down days and 2400 on up which is insane! I'd rather eat a bit more on down days and less up days! xx

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yeah my course is interesting, gets a bit manic sometimes with deadlines and we're about to start placements too. your course sounds good, very sensible subjects, u must be very clever! so with accounting, u must like numbers, is that why JUDDD calorie counting appeals to you?

i know what u mean about the guilt, it happens to me too, like if im having a good day food-wise and then have a biscuit or something, i think oh no ive ruined it now, might as well just restart tomorrow, then end up stuffing myself for the rest of the day for the sake of something so small

300 on down days is crazy, i struggled to only eat 500cals on down days before, so i upped it to 600, its amzing what difference that extra 100 calories makes. 2400 on an up day is quite a lot, its a good idea to adapt it to suit u better :) x
My degree is good in the way that I could apply it to pretty much anything. But some bits are so dead boring I want to cry. I like accounting because it's black and white, I like it when thins make sense 1+1 is 2 and there is no other answer. That's why I've always been best at calorie counting too but to be honest, counting them every day is just so time consuming and a bit of hassle, especially if you're going out or dot plan your meals.

I know what you mean, I think it's probably just trying to find an excuse to eat more and stop dieting. If we convince ourselves that we have ruined it then surely it's ok to just keep eating!

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Argh, my son has just walked in with a huge bowl of jelly babies and that sweet smell makes me wanna eat them soooo bad!!!!!!!

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yes its very annoying to sit there and try to figure out how many calories is in what u want, how many you will have left for the rest of the day after u eat it, how many calories of that u have to burn off so u dont gain wait, argh nightmare

im 100% ready to give JUDDD another go, i'd like to do it for as long as possible, if i can get to xmas that would be brilliant as i'd like to lose a stone by then, but if things are going well i'll keep going with it.

do u think JUDDD will be a long term thing for you? x
Yes exactly! It involves so much calculating and planning and I am too lazy to do that!

I am pleased to hear you are ready for it!! I am as excited for you as I am for myself! Let's set our target and try and go until Christmas! We can do it and can you imagine how proud we will be of ourselves!!

I am hoping to do it long term! It sounds quite reasonable. Or if I get really really fed up we could give Fast 5 a go?! ;-) x

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i tried using myfitnesspal to track calories etc but found myself sitting there for like an hour trying to figure out what i could eat lol it shouldnt be that difficult

getting to xmas would be awesome, ive never really stuck to anything before, although i was on JUDDD for about 2 weeks before, but 2 weeks out of a whole lifetime is nothing lol

yeah im up for doing fast 5 if i can survive on JUDDD :D

how much would u like to lose by xmas? x
Same here, I have never stuck to any diets longer than 2-3 weeks so I would be so incredibly please if I lasted until Xmas!

Brilliant, let's try and get to Christmas and see how we feel - if we are happy to carry on then we shall and if we feel hopeless and fed up we shall move on to Fast 5!

I would L O V E to lose at least a stone by Xmas. Wanna see 14's at least!!! What about you? A stone? x

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whoops only just saw ur post about those jelly babies yummmm did u eat any? lol

yep a stone for me too, ive been losing about 2lbs a week (ish) for the past few weeks, last week i decided i would like to be 15st 6 by xmas, so a stone to lose, i was 16st 4 yesterday so 12lbs to go, but i had a big blow-out last night so am probably back up to 16st 6, oh dear :(
Haha, no I haven't eaten any, I put them aside for tomorrow as I definitely need some! Just need to wait!! They smell beautiful though!

That's a good loss rate, well done. Don't worry about last night, looking to the future now! ;-) when is your weigh in? 5 weeks until Christmas, if we properly stick to it it could probably just about be done?! X

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i love the sugary sweetie smell

i put my losses in my signature to keep track, and as u can see i like the odd ticker or 2, it motivates me, i like seeing the tickers move :)

yep 5 weeks to go, even based on 2lb loss a week thats 10lbs, losing the additional 4 along the way shouldnt be too difficult, but if we dont and only reach (only - pah!) thats not bad!! and would be a nice chunk of our way to our target weights x
I can't see any signatures or tickers on my phone, so annoying :( it only just let me upload my avatar!

Like you said, even 10 would be brilliant! Or the pure fact that we stuck with it for so long! ;-)

3 nights in a row my neighbours upstairs are... Ahem. Getting quite annoying now!!

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do u only go on minimins via ur mobile? ah ur very pretty! i love black and white photos :)

how tall are you? just wondering as our current weights and target weights are fairly similar, so i thought we might be around the same height, im 5' 2

oh my! naughty neighbours haha have they finished yet? lol x
Most of the time! Only because whenever I am at home I have my kids around and as soon as I open my laptop they wanna do stuff on there and moan so I just go on my phone an use the laptop when they're at nursery. But then most of those days I'm at work so... I used to live on my laptop and now I can barely find time for it!

And thank you for the compliment, very kind of you to say that :)

I am 5'6", quite tall which makes me conscious. Most my friends are short and I hate being the tall one :p

Their bed is still squeeking! I am not impressed to say the least. Last night they were going for ages. Lol. And I don't want to know! x

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its the same when my boyfriends nephews come over, they always rob the laptop and i dont see it again until they go home, when theyve left loads of tabs open for random games theyve been playing :)

i wish i could be 5'6, only a few inches difference but i wonder what it would be like, random lol

ewww squeaky bed, its going to be well awkward when u see them next! rank :D

so ur target weight, is that based on anything in particular? like the bmi or anything x
Haha! Kids are so good with computers. My 3 year old wiped my whole laptop to 0 a little while ago. Amazing, even I wouldn't know how to do that!

I've always wanted to be shorter! But that's the thing, you always want what you can't have. Curly hair is another thing I want :p

I hate those neighbours anyway so if anything I will tell them not to have sex again lol. There's 2 girls and a guy living up there and the girls are proper essex, they wear the heels they can barely walk in and when they do walk (and come home at random o'clock at night) the whole building is awake. Grrrr.

Target weight is quite random actually. I just wanna be in the 9's. I guess ultimately it doesn't matter so much as long as I am happy with what I see. If I like 10 st 5 lb then great but at the moment I am aiming for 9's. Don't even remember what I looked like at 9 st :-(
Do you have a specific reason for yours? x

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wow, i wonder how ur 3yr old managed to do that! im useless with computers really, my boyfriends really into them and knows how to do loads of stuff on then, reconfigur this and restore that, im just like what? give me cake lol

ah god so theyre typical essex girls, does that mean theyre orange too? fake hair fake nails fake boobs, too much make up and too much gob bwahaha :D there are some girls at uni like that, they really annoy me, they sit in lectures laughing and talking and giggling with each other, its like shut up the rest of us take our degrees seriously thankyou very much, u lot can yap about crap any time

my reason for my target weight is the same as urs really, ive always been big ever since i was a child but from about 16years onwards my weights rocketed, as i started work and was getting my own money i had the freedom to buy my own food etc and its all just went from there. 9 stone is some kind of magical mystical number ive had in my head for years, plus it would give me a good bmi (but i dont put too much emphasis on bmi anyway). but then like you, if i get to a certain weight and can genuinely say i think i look ok then i'll be happy to stop at that point

are u new to minimins? how come u want to lose weight x
Haha, I am quite tech savvy too. And cake savvy :D I just like my gadgets :D don't know an awful lot about them but I love them!

Yep, they are awful! They wear like sky high heels and short dresses and look ridiculous! I used to have girls like that at uni as well. Makes you wonder why they bother?!

I have been chubby half my life as well. Well, on and off. I was ok and then got chubby, spent all my money on cakes and sweets, went to uni and got slimmer, then up and down, then moved to Brighton, had a boyfriend who always kept telling me I could lose some weight (lovely wasn't he...) so I kept not eating anything ever and went for runs every night, got really slim but then got pregnant. Ate all I wanted as I had been deprived for so long. And then never really got the weight back after my 1st child. I have to say I got an ok state after the first but ever since Cameron was born September last year I have struggled so hard!! Especially as my fiancé keeps telling me he loves me the way I am and then I think sod it, means I can eat lol. But I've decided it needs to stop! I am so unhappy every time I look in the mirror.

I am new in the sense that I haven't posted for ages. I joined in February when I started to try and lose weight but then disappeared as quick as I had no motivation. But I started again a few days ago and hopefully here for a long time :) x

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