Back on the switch wagon

So I did a ''workout'' today after work, not sure exactly how much good it did me. I couldn't find my trainers so I couldn't go on the cross trainer, instead I ran around my bedroom and danced about like an idiot for 45 minutes. I feel better for it, surely it was better than doing nothing.

If your moving your working, if your working your burning, that's the only maths in it realy. Good news on the 1lb loss welldone :D
Thank you, I'm keeping fingers crossed for 2lbs this week... I weighed myself on Friday and I'd lost 2... so we'll have to see if that carries over onto Monday or not.

Yesterday was my planned day out. I don't think I did too bad. I shared a pretzel starter with my friend (two small bready types ones) then I had salmon with fried veg and rice. Later on I had a coffee and a carrot cake and then at my mums I had two brandys. I'm not sure what the syns are on any of that but I do feel they were better choices then I could have made. (mum offered beer, wine etc. and obviously the food options out could have been a lot worse.) I also avoided loads of crisps, cake and chocolate at my mums. I took my own leftover meal and a pot of fruit to snack on while my family had all the goodies.

I'm really hoping the syns I've saved this week were enough for those things.
Congrats on the avoiding buffet type foods , I know its hard when they all start munching. I checked in GDs school bag this morning and pulled out a packet of cheese puff balls, ( my favourite of all things!) I could smell them before they were out of her bag and it took some strength but I did it. If I remember rightly it gets easier thou so hold tight the rides almost over :). Fingers crossed for your 2lb. x
Thank you :)

I was well chuffed as was getting used to the 1lb a week losses, so wasn't expecting the half stone just yet.

Also I have decided... controversially (for me anyway lol) not to buy any more clothes until I am at target :eek: or at least close to target. Well other than some basic tops I plan on buying this weekend (literally plain tops that go under dresses or nice with a scarf for work. I'm at the point now where I'm looking at clothes and wanting to buy in my target size anyway... so it makes more sense to just wait until I get to that size and see what clothes I want to buy then. It will be hard though as I am a bit of a shopaholic.

But I will be saving money that can either go towards our holiday for summer or a couple of treats for when I do get to target
Didn't manage my workout today as I had to take my son to the doctors. He's been having bad nose bleeds for the past few days at school (todays lasted 20 minutes) doctor wasn't concerned at all and just told him how to handle them and said to take him back if they don't stop after a week or so. But it meant when we got back at 6-ish last thing I wanted to do was get on the crosstrainer.

So this week I've only done one workout so far. Might get one in over the weekend, but if not at least I've stuck to plan and I do a fair bit of walking around for work.
Oh dear, I hope your son is okay. My hubby gets nosebleeds quite often, has done all his life. Just something that happens sometimes I think. How old is he? Sometimes stress can bring them on, and there is a lot of pressure put on kids in school nowadays (IMO anyway) xx
He's fine and no nose bleed today :)

Thank you, yes there is a lot of stress on them. I hope that isn't it. He's only 8 so isn't being badgered about SATs yet. Although he is very aware they're coming up. He's bouncing off the walls today so clearly not suffering in any other way either.

So self imposed clothes ban has been lifted by the husband who's told me I might as well order some lindy bop dresses as they're in the sale. I'm going to count them as a valentines present from him
He's fine and no nose bleed today :)

Thank you, yes there is a lot of stress on them. I hope that isn't it. He's only 8 so isn't being badgered about SATs yet. Although he is very aware they're coming up. He's bouncing off the walls today so clearly not suffering in any other way either.

So self imposed clothes ban has been lifted by the husband who's told me I might as well order some lindy bop dresses as they're in the sale. I'm going to count them as a valentines present from him

Glad he is feeling better bless him! xxx
Thank you :) Just one of those things. I didn't see it but school were very worried about the amount of blood and how long they were lasting for. Oh well, fingers crossed that's the end of them, or if not at least school know it's nothing to worry too much about.

I'm feeling really good today. Had a sneaky early weigh and it's looking good, but not counting it until Monday morning as that's the weigh in that matters.
So this week has gone well, WI tomorrow morning will hopefully reflect that.

I've also tried on a couple of my skirts that I'm aiming to get into (I think once I reach target I will need to alter them, as they'll be too big then haha) but I need to be in one of them by April. It's looking good. They fit now I just need to lose a few more lbs so they fit more comfortably.

These next couple of weeks are going to be hard though :/ I have a few more off plan things going on. Going to be as good as I can and keep fingers crossed for either small losses or maintains. I really don't want to gain any as I feel like I'm having quite a long route to target as it is without being slowed down even more.

This week... everything should be fine tomorrow and Tuesday, Wednesday it's someones birthday at work and I know she will be bringing cake in, usually this wouldn't bother me and I'd just have a small piece and count as my syns for the day but I'm trying to keep syns low as we're at my mums for a take-away on Thursday (both our partners Birthdays in Feb so it's a joint celebration) I'll either get a shish kebab and not eat the pitta, or I'll ask for Chinese and have boiled rice and chicken or beef in black bean sauce or a chow mein.... but again there will probably be cake so I'll ask for a small piece. Then I'm out on Friday, I'm going to aim to drive so I'm not drinking, will stick to diet coke or water but it's a 3 course meal... again will try and make the best possible options but there isn't much choice. I will also try and not finish my pudding... but we'll see how I get on. Then I'm out for husbands birthday Saturday, I'll be good for breakfast and lunch and eating out I'm planning on steak and new potatoes, plus slimline tonics and gin to drink, so that in itself isn't a bad night out... it's just the fact that I know there are some other days when usually I would have saved syns and this week I'm not going to be able to. I will try and up my exercise this week, but again, not idea if I'll have time as I'm tutoring my niece on Monday, husband is planning on cooking me a nice meal on Tuesday for valentines (Slimming world friendly... I might see if he minds me running up to do some exercise first), having my nails done after work on Wednesday (eating there but she is doing weight watchers so meals tend to work out free or very low syn anyway) and like I said at my mums Thursday and out on Friday, so actually exercise is going to be hard to fit in.

The following week will be even harder as I'm on half term and have lots of plans. Theme park on Monday and stopping at a friends Tuesday - Thursday, so food will be out of my control.

Just keeping fingers crossed for no gains. Please please please body
Hi Donna
I order shish kebab with chicken, salad and lemon juice but I say no pitta then it's not under my nose.
If I'm going out I can take over night oats, it's a realy filling snack to half half through any visit.
I also can carry a cupa soup, if you order a cup of tea in a cafe just ask for the tea bag to be left out so you have a teapot full of hot water and I take a bag of carrot batons too.
Hope you're having lots of half term fun.
Yes I do that with the kebabs normally

Well today didn't go as planned, everyone wanted to order from pizza hut, so no good options. So I had 4 slices of pizza and some sw chips. Said no to pudding and to drink.

Tomorrow food I will make the best choices I can from the set menu and will probably drink a little but not go over the top. Same with Saturday. Fingers crossed the days I've saved syns from will counteract the pizza. But if not I'm hoping for a maintain and not a gain.

Over half term I should be able to stay on plan for 3 of the 7 days, which doesn't sound great when I put it like that. But I will again make the best choices that are made available to me. Then once these weeks are over I will be completely back on plan again. Hopefully I won't gain but if I do I know I will have done my best to minimize it...
Had a couple of days off plan as I've been away. But back on it now, until tomorrow when we're visiting friends again. Gah half terms are a pain.

Anyway hoping as I haven't eaten loads that I will still manage a maintain or maybe even a loss this week. Fingers doubly crossed.
Today has been a good day.

Not looking forward to tomorrow's weigh as only 3 of the 7 days have been on plan, although I don't think I went crazy on the off plan days it's obviously slightly worrying. Back on it next week though. So seeing weigh as a nice fresh start.
Weigh day tomorrow, hoping for a small loss or maintain. If I maintain I'll be happy as despite a few off plan days that will be a 4lb loss overall in Feb which would be fab.

We only have an odd few off plan days planned in March so can work weekly syns into it :)

Tomorrow we are going to see some friends after work but I'm wanting to start doing more workouts again so going to do a workout straight from work before going round. Food is planned for the next few days and I'm feeling very positive.

Just ordered a pencil skirt and as they didn't have any 10s I went for an 8. No way it'll fit me when it arrives but hopefully if I stay focused it will do by summer :)
Today has gone well :) all as planned

Decided I need to sort through some of my clothes. Throw some that either don't fit or i don't wear and possibly even try and sell a few bits that i might possibly never wear.

I have way too many (as much as I would never admit that to the hubby)