Becky's Herbalife Diary

Thanks hun! A bit of an anti-climax to the 9lbs! I still cant get my scales to show my body fat and water? I did try wetting my feet too..

I also have a stupid century club banner on my profile that has popped up and I dont know how to remove it??????
Hopped on and I have lost 2.6lb. Considering that I has a bottle + of wine and a big bag of kettle chips I am happy with that :)

Most importantly I am back in the 10's and I am just over 12lbs away from the 9's!:D

Thats a really good loss hun! I forgot about le wine au kettle chips.

Thats a really good loss hun! I forgot about le wine au kettle chips.


Morning early bird!

Checked my ww weight loss and it would have taken me just over 5 weeks to lose 11.6lb so that can only be a good thing. No kettle chips this weekend! Cant promise about the wineage though ;) x
Food plan for today...

8.45am Chocolate shake with choccy milk + herbal tea

11am Tomato and basil soup + herbal tea

1pm Chocolate shake with choccy milk + herbal tea

3pm Half a tin of tuna and a bit of salad

6.30pm I should probably finish off last nights left overs but I am fancying smoked cobbler and veggies
Food plan for today...

8.45am Chocolate shake with choccy milk + herbal tea

11am Tomato and basil soup + herbal tea

1pm Chocolate shake with choccy milk + herbal tea

3pm Half a tin of tuna and a bit of salad

6.30pm I should probably finish off last nights left overs but I am fancying smoked cobbler and veggies

Yummy! I love all the non dairy milks!

Lidl does a chocolate soya and omg its my fave!

Love the almond milk too! And the hazelnut and i love rice dream too!

People look at them as a "fake milk" and dont like them because they expect them to taste and smell like milk. When infact they are an alternative. My brother doesnt like things like that "he thinks they are a faddy idea thought up by health idiots"

Until he was diagnosed with ulcerated colitus too due to dairy proteins. He now loves them all!!!
Well done I logged on just 2 c ure weight loss :) it slows down like any diet ure weight loss if ure better this week u may get 2 ure stone off :) xxx

I know!

I defo won't be having any kettle chips this week but I can't promise about the wine ;-) maybe I will just have a couple of glasses instead of a bottle + I've for to have something to look forward to after all!

If I can constantly lose 2lb a week I will be more than happy to stick to HL. If its starts to drop to 0.5lb a week I may as week switch to a 'normal' diet plan and eat!

Excited to see what next week has in store! x
Wahoo well done hun xx
Yummy! I love all the non dairy milks!

Lidl does a chocolate soya and omg its my fave!

Love the almond milk too! And the hazelnut and i love rice dream too!

People look at them as a "fake milk" and dont like them because they expect them to taste and smell like milk. When infact they are an alternative. My brother doesnt like things like that "he thinks they are a faddy idea thought up by health idiots"

Until he was diagnosed with ulcerated colitus too due to dairy proteins. He now loves them all!!!

I didn't know that lidl did chocolate soya, thanks! I really struggle to get hold of it unless I go to a sainsburys which happens to be miles away! John had a lidl across the road from him work!!!! I'm so easily pleased!

The shakes don't taste as nice with dairy milk plus it's really hard for you body to digest all that dairy so it's soya all the way! x
-2.6 is amazing Becky, remember if you lose 2lbs a week you will be at target before your holiday. You dont want to be losing 9lbs a week every week or you will end up with saggy skin!
-2.6 is amazing Becky, remember if you lose 2lbs a week you will be at target before your holiday. You dont want to be losing 9lbs a week every week or you will end up with saggy skin!

Too right I don't!!! If I could lose it that fast believe me I would pile it back on just as quickly!

2lbs a week and I will be happy. I asked my distributor how much she used to lose on average as I have no idea what to expect but she said she didnt know as she didnt write it down. Thought it was strange because even if you didnt write it down you should still have a pretty good idea??

She said she wanted me to go and get on her scales at some point in case she needed to tweak the plan? x
Its because if you only half a stone or less to lose then you ony half 1 shake a day with two high protien meals, so maybe shes thinking you might need to reduce to 1 shake. I know this because originally i was only going to be on 1 shake but then I put some chunk on over christmas!
Its because if you only half a stone or less to lose then you ony half 1 shake a day with two high protien meals, so maybe shes thinking you might need to reduce to 1 shake. I know this because originally i was only going to be on 1 shake but then I put some chunk on over christmas!

Really? I still have at least 1st 6lb to go so I'm not there yet...

What's the reasoning behind have two protein meals and one shake? Confused! I thought you were supposed to do that to maintain x