Doing 5:2 From Home ;D

My friend was telling me about the 5:2 diet this weekend. She's been doing it for a few weeks and already her clothes are feeling looser and she's had to tighten her belt. Thinking I might give it a go. If I did tuesday and thursday as fast days I could work out mon, wed and fri.

Will be watching this thread with interest. :)
So it's 12.20pm and i've not had anything to eat yet. Am feeling hungry now but that's fine as i will have my 96cal soup (cauliflower, broccoli and carrot) at 1pm with some hot water and lemon. Hopefully this will tide me over until dinner tonight at 7.30pm-ish.
Pretty pleased so far!
Ooh well done Toni - sounding good :) As for the waking up and feeling hungry when you never do, always happens to me! I'll have had a terrible appetite, not eating much etc, but as soon as I decide to go back to SW I'm ravenous again :p

How's everyone else finding it so far? I was planning to do my first fast day today but have had to take the day off work because of how ill I am (finally got a doctors appt for this afternoon) which makes me kind of destined to fail - 1, because I'm at home and I boredom eat and 2, I always feel really guilty for taking sick days even when I really need to like today so I need a bit of comfort food!

Plan is to be back at work tomorrow so I'll do a fast day then :)
Aghhhh people keep making plans that involve me eating - got lunch out on weds and fri which was fine coz they are normal food days but now I've got a friend coming for tea on Thursday which was meant to be a fast day-can hardly dish up a 500cal meal for her! New plan for the week

Monday - fast (going well so far only had a mug of hot vimto going to have a can of diet coke in a bit as a treat:)
Tuesday - 1200kcal
Weds 1200kcal then going to fast from 6/7pm ish and do a 24 hour fast til 7pm on Thursday.
Thurs - will only be eating tea so hoping to not go over 1000kcal
Fri - 1500kcal (weigh in day)
Sat and sun unrestricted (obviously within reason)

Toni sounds like you're breezing through your fast day well done. Laura it's impossible to diet when you're ill your body needs food and it often makes you feel better. Hope it goes ok at the docs x
Well I've had 2 cups of green tea this morning and just finished off my 53cal cup a soup and feel fine.
Anyone any ideas for a 400cal meal for tonight?
Well I've had 2 cups of green tea this morning and just finished off my 53cal cup a soup and feel fine.
Anyone any ideas for a 400cal meal for tonight?

Very encouraging to know you feel alright - do you usually limit your calories or not eat much??

I really like the look of these meals:

Chicken With Spinach and Mushrooms Recipe | Real Simple Recipes

Curried Eggplant With Tomatoes and Basil | Real Simple Recipes (am allergic to aubergine so would change it to courgette, but that's even lower calories, so great!)

Shrimp Tacos With Citrus Cabbage Slaw Recipe | Real Simple Recipes

Any of these would leave you with some spare calories too - have a salad with it maybe, or even a biscuit or two as a treat :)
Great thread Laura! :)

Thanks! Glad you like it :) I figure it just moves all the 5:2 talk away from the other thread but also gives us a chance to 'meet' other people who might be doing it! :) Great place to share our plans for fast days, too :)

Are you finding it easy, so far?
yeh defo a great idea and especially so we can swap ideas for meals!! First week for me went fine! lost 3.5lbs so cant complain!! haha, for me on fast days I dont eat until about 6pm. If i get hungry I ignore it, it usually passes within half an hour! I just drink crap loads of water! For me I fast all day because of what I read in the book, slows down aging helps fight so much. Idea behind it.. Your cells are being used everytime you consume something, by not consuming anything for 24 hours you give your cells a chance to repair themselves, hence slowing down the aging process!
I've never felt light headed or anything so it seems to work fine for me! My second week of fasting and my first fast day tomorrow! Planning on not eating and then having a baked potato with cheese and beans for dinner!
Ah well done on the loss, that's amazing!

Yeah, the whole not actually eating for 16-24 hours thing is worth considering... I think because I'm not sure how I'll cope with fasting yet, I'll keep to two/three small meals at least to begin with and then maybe move to fasting all day and then eat all my calories in one evening meal :)
For those who have read the book (specifically the 5:2 - 500cal fast days) which book did you read, please? Would like to be able to read the background info. Thanks.
I last ate at just before 9pm last night and then ate my soup at 1pm today so that 16 hours - pretty impressed! On my early shifts at work (finish at 5.30 instead of 7pm) i think i'll try to last the whole day until the evening but i know on a late shift i will be famished & don't want to risk feeling woozy, particularly not when i work with children! As you said though we should ease ourselves into it. Eating has made me hungrier, i definitely noticed that, i'm now feeling peckish and its only 4pm so im currently drinking a big bottle of water and its easing off.
Not sure what i'm going to have with dinner, i'm loving the idea of a jacket with cheese and beans - infact i have bbq beans at home which i migh have! Yum!
Getting quite hungry now- first time all day. Took my son swimming (I say swimming he's only 7 months haha) why does water always make you hungry. Just made a cinnamon tea to get me through the pangs but it tastes like dishwater! Has anyone got any nice tea recommendations? Not going to be eating til 730ish coz the boy is doing overtime boo! Actually getting quite a nice after taste with this tea now but I'm not going to rush and make another!
Getting quite hungry now- first time all day. Took my son swimming (I say swimming he's only 7 months haha) why does water always make you hungry. Just made a cinnamon tea to get me through the pangs but it tastes like dishwater! Has anyone got any nice tea recommendations? Not going to be eating til 730ish coz the boy is doing overtime boo! Actually getting quite a nice after taste with this tea now but I'm not going to rush and make another!

My favorites are green tea with Jasmine, chamomile and spearmint and lady grey - all packed with flavour and defo don't taste like dishwater haha! :)
Twinings do some lovely ones. I really like: Cherry & Cinnamon, Blueberry & apple, and the Liquorice. I also really like the 'Sore throat' tea by Yogi teas. :)
Just got out of the doctors and got told I have bronchitis! Another lot of antibiotics :\ Also had to promise him I'll take at least tomorrow off as well! He said the cold air at the very least will make breathing/coughing worse :\ Gahh!! Still going to try and do the fast day, though :)

Ooh Toni are the bbq beans the heinz ones?? Tried them for the first time in Jan and they are amazing!
Sat here watching bloody come dine with me - not a good idea:-( idiot:) boo to bronchitis - I would be having the rest of the week off work don't do yourself in rushing back you could make yrself worse x here's to a speedy recovery x x