Total Solution Fed up of the fat; Exante diet

Hope the change works for you, the diet can be hard enough without the packs making you feel ill, hope today is better for you x

Thanks Katie.

I hope so. I reckon I'll stick mainly to Exante with an occasional s.t.w day in the middle when it gets too much, and a low carb meal when necessary. I'll make it work.

How are you doing?

Start weight: 18.7
Prep week: 17.13 (-8lbs)
Week 1.1: STS, ill, off plan
Week 1.2: 17.9 (-4lbs) only on plan for 3 days
Week 2:
I agree that the aftertaste can be difficult to cope with. That's the main reason why I make my porridge and shakes into pancakes. It reduces that taste some what.

Sounds like what you are planning will help so go with that and see how it pans out x
You're doing really well, tweak the plan so it suits you.

How are the STW shakes, do they have the aftertaste? I'm only on day 2 and the bitter aftertaste is already beginning to be a bit of a turnoff, but I'll soldier on!

Feeling lots better since I switched shakes. No change on scale today, probably the effects of the carbs on weds night. Today is a week since I stopped smoking, though, so that's my achievement for today.
I've set myself a challenge of doing 200 squats today. 10 sets of 20, spread throughout the day. Bring on the glute burn.

I hope you're all having a good Friday and gearing up for a long weekend.

Start weight: 18.7
Prep week: 17.13 (-8lbs)
Week 1.1: STS, ill, off plan
Week 1.2: 17.9 (-4lbs) only on plan for 3 days
Week 2:
You're doing really well, tweak the plan so it suits you.

How are the STW shakes, do they have the aftertaste? I'm only on day 2 and the bitter aftertaste is already beginning to be a bit of a turnoff, but I'll soldier on!

Hi Bexi,

The STW shakes are really nice. I much prefer them. I only got banana and caramel flavours, as vanilla and chocolate are not flavours I enjoy anyway. I think the flavour of the protein powder in the Exante products is what gets me, but I'm sure I'll be able to deal with it better not having them for every meal.

How are you finding the plan?

Start weight: 18.7
Prep week: 17.13 (-8lbs)
Week 1.1: STS, ill, off plan
Week 1.2: 17.9 (-4lbs) only on plan for 3 days
Week 2:
I agree that the aftertaste can be difficult to cope with. That's the main reason why I make my porridge and shakes into pancakes. It reduces that taste some what.

Sounds like what you are planning will help so go with that and see how it pans out x

Hi Susie,

Yes, I think it'll help. I'm not ready to give up on this plan. I'll stick at it in some form or another for 5 months, then switch back to a healthy diet.

Well done on all your walking, your legs must be super toned!

Start weight: 18.7
Prep week: 17.13 (-8lbs)
Week 1.1: STS, ill, off plan
Week 1.2: 17.9 (-4lbs) only on plan for 3 days
Week 2:
Hi Ella

I just joined the forum today and am just nosying through a few threads for inspiration. You made me laugh, I am doing the squats thing too, whilst I am waiting for the kettle to boil, while I am on the phone, even when I am on my own in the office. 200 is pretty amazing though, I did about 50 yesterday and can feel it on my thighs today.
Ha ha no I've got a long way to go before my thighs are anywhere near toned lol.

Glad you are enjoying the new shakes. It makes it all a bit more manageable If you can have something you actually like xx
I'm getting on well and am 3.5lbs down in 2 days. After I have finished my 2 week bumper pack I might start looking for a healthier shake. Think I will also do some weight bearing exercise today, to retain muscle mass. Hope your getting on well. x
Thanks Katie.

I hope so. I reckon I'll stick mainly to Exante with an occasional s.t.w day in the middle when it gets too much, and a low carb meal when necessary. I'll make it work.

How are you doing?

Start weight: 18.7
Prep week: 17.13 (-8lbs)
Week 1.1: STS, ill, off plan
Week 1.2: 17.9 (-4lbs) only on plan for 3 days
Week 2:

Im doing okay thanks Ella, taking it one day at a time :) It's coming up to my dodgy point soon as I know I'm stopping for at least two weeks when on holiday at the end of June and I always seem to struggle more when I know there's a break.

However I am determined to keep at it and also to get back on it when I get back :)

You're doing amazingly well with your squats, think I should really be doing them too! X
Hello. Just checking in. Not much to report. Had a crazy craving for red meat so had some grilled lamb and salad on Friday, and yesterday made a lamb and spinach curry with grilled aubergine. Back on it 100% today.

Weight still 17.4, but I have been constipated, so I'm hoping it'll be less once I've managed to go.

It's taken me a while to find my groove on this, but I think a part time approach to this diet is the best way for me. 80% of the time I'm having the packs, but then if I fancy the occasional proper meal, I'll make something fresh and healthy.

I feel like the compulsion to binge eat rubbish has broken, which was the main reason I wanted to give up food, but my system doesn't like it if I go more than 3-4 days of 100% TS+.

Anyway, how you are all having a fabulous BH weekend, and enjoying the sporadic bursts of sunshine.

Start weight: 18.7
Prep week: 17.13 (-8lbs)
Week 1.1: STS, ill, off plan
Week 1.2: 17.9 (-4lbs) only on plan for 3 days
Week 2:
Hey Ella, glad you are doing ok. Why don't you try doing working means you can add a freshly cooked meal everyday and stay at 1000 cals a day. You will still loose weight on this. Slower than on TS but it will come off and you get some real food daily....
Hi D,

Thanks for the suggestion. I think I'm better just trying to stick to packs, but then having a real meal if I need it. I think it makes me feel like I'm in control and gives me some flexibility. I'm staying within 800 cals on most days and only eating protein and veg. If I just do it my way, I don't feel constrained by 'rules'. Rules make me resentful and I'm more likely to rebel. If I feel I'm in control, that I have a choice, I'm more likely to stick at it. I know it's purely semantics, but, psychologically, it can make all the difference.

How is your programme going?

Start weight: 18.7
Prep week: 17.13 (-8lbs)
Week 1.1: STS, ill, off plan
Week 1.2: 17.9 (-4lbs) only on plan for 3 days
Week 2:
Rebel with a cause :D. Have a good day Ella x
Weigh in day. Total loss this week is 7lbs, so I'm down to 17st 2lbs. I'm really pleased. I know I've been fading around with my plan, but it's good to know that tailoring it to my needs is still producing decent weight loss.

Yesterday I tried on some of the summer dresses that were a bit too tight before I went on holiday. They fit so much better around my middle. A woman came up to me in the street, last night, to compliment me on my outfit, which was a nice thing... Compliments from women, especially strangers, are always a bit of a confidence boost.

Anyway, I'm having my Brunch shake then am going to finish the final bits in my flat the take my god-daughter to the park.

Have a good day.

Start weight: 18.7
Prep week: 17.13 (-8lbs)
Week 1.1: STS, ill, off plan
Week 1.2: 17.9 (-4lbs) only on plan for 3 days
Week 2: 17.2 (-7lbs) 80% on plan
Week 3:
Hi Ella, ignore my suggestion, looks like what you r doing is working for you. 7lbs is awesome. I'm away from my scales so can't tell how much I've lost in my first week. Stomach feels flatter but it's been tough and thinking seriously of quitting. I Head home tonight will make some decisions in the next few days...Enjoy the park:)
Hi Ella, ignore my suggestion, looks like what you r doing is working for you. 7lbs is awesome. I'm away from my scales so can't tell how much I've lost in my first week. Stomach feels flatter but it's been tough and thinking seriously of quitting. I Head home tonight will make some decisions in the next few days...Enjoy the park:)

Aw, I'm sorry you've been finding it tough. Maybe once you've weighed in you'd be more motivated to continue. It will get better once you find your groove.

Start weight: 18.7
Prep week: 17.13 (-8lbs)
Week 1.1: STS, ill, off plan
Week 1.2: 17.9 (-4lbs) only on plan for 3 days
Week 2: 17.2 (-7lbs) 80% on plan
Week 3:
Well done! That's a brilliant loss! :)
Excellent loss, well done Ella :)