Gail's diary and thoughts on her SW journey

Gail :D I just spotted this and been having a thoroughly good read ((nosey me)) I have been reading with my head nodding saying 'yeah i would do that' and 'yeah thats happened to me' and 'yeah thats how I feel'. So if you could get out of my brain it would be very much appreciated, because you dont really want to be in there :p (it's a very scary place :eek:)

:party0016:heres to a continued successful weight loss in 2011
Thanks Val,

This site has really helped me. When I first started, I didn't plan to start. I just happened to meet a couple of friends of mine who had done really well on it and thought 'I could do that'. I hadn't been 'dieting' for several years so thought that I had nothing to lose. The weight came off quite easily (and more importantly quickly) in the beginning which then gave me the incentive to keep going. When I started this, I never really thought about getting to a target (because I've never been anywhere near one), just losing some weight, but having read people's stories here who started from my weight (or above) and done just that, now I do. I feel fantastic which is what keeps me going. I know that if I stop doing this, I will just regain everything I have lost and a bit more and I really don't want to do that. I don't think I have an inbetween of just maintaining on 'what I want to eat' - it's either not stick to a plan and gain, or stick to a plan and either lose or maintain. My weight has taken away some of my confidence and stopped me doing things and now I can see 'light at the end of the tunnel'.

But please don't think that I am always completely motivated and angelic - I'm really not ! I was ashamed of myself over christmas for just putting my hand in the chocolate tin a lot and being a human dustbin on xmas day (albeit a smaller dustbin (in several ways !) than I would have been previously !). I thought I'd got past that but I know that really I haven't :-(. Hence my posts about always being one step away from 'falling off the wagon'. And I am very motivated by people's achievements here and love the thought that I could give that back to someone eventually too :)

You have inspired me too when you've had a run of bad days by managing to get back onto it (see my previous posts - I have mentioned you !) So thanks :)

Gail x
Gail :D I just spotted this and been having a thoroughly good read ((nosey me)) I have been reading with my head nodding saying 'yeah i would do that' and 'yeah thats happened to me' and 'yeah thats how I feel'. So if you could get out of my brain it would be very much appreciated, because you dont really want to be in there :p (it's a very scary place :eek:)

:party0016:heres to a continued successful weight loss in 2011

Ha ha ha. I have lost count of the number of times tonight I have laughed out loud at your posts !!

I am trying to just write down how I feel so that if I'm having a bad day/week, I can come back to this and try to remember how I felt at the time. I am so determined not to go back to how I was that I want to be able to get back that motivation if/when it fades. It helps me to see that other people feel the same way and that I'm not alone.

Tonight, I managed to 'portion control' a little bit by only taking onto my plate and heating up what I thought I needed from last night's amazing fish pie. That was great and I felt full so left the other bit in the fridge. I was so proud. However now I feel hungry and not sure whether to (a) just go to bed (b) have a drink to see whether that settles it or (c) go and have the rest of the portion that I left. It's not very big and it's SW friendly but it feels a bit like a step backwards....... ho hum. What a dilemma !!!
Ha ha ha. I have lost count of the number of times tonight I have laughed out loud at your posts !!

Tonight, I managed to 'portion control' a little bit by only taking onto my plate and heating up what I thought I needed from last night's amazing fish pie. That was great and I felt full so left the other bit in the fridge. I was so proud. However now I feel hungry and not sure whether to (a) just go to bed (b) have a drink to see whether that settles it or (c) go and have the rest of the portion that I left. It's not very big and it's SW friendly but it feels a bit like a step backwards....... ho hum. What a dilemma !!!

Awww, you flatter me - but I like it :D

I get the evening munchies too, I am a habitual grazer and even now I still dont actually know when I am actually hungry or whether the empty feeling I have is just because the food has left my stomach. I will also eat food just because 'its there' :eek:

I would hazard a guess that you are probably not hungry, and that it is because the food that you ate a dinner has left your stomach, so like you say, have a glass of water and try to take your mind off it for a while then decide if its proper hunger or not
Ok, so I'm back on track :), happy and feeling in control.

Want to say something that I think I've said in some ways on other posts but I want to write it down here for me to look back on in the future.

Stopping this plan is not an option for me. The reason that I say that is because I know now that I have no real way of maintaining my weight (wherever that happens to be) without control of some sort (ie a 'plan'). If I stop this plan now or sometime in the future, I will end up putting weight back on (at whatever rate) and will end up eventually back where I started + a few stones. So the only way for me to keep my current weight (and ideally lose quite a bit more) is to stick with this.

There, I've said it. I must keep rereading this so that I know how life will be in the future !!!

Happy new year everyone !

Gail x
Hi Gail, just popped in to congratulate you on your weight loss so far:). Are you following red, green or EE days?
I can so identify with what you have written above. I have been pretty much off plan since 9th December and done a lot of damage(+7lbs) but I know that I have to get back on track otherwise I will continue to pile on the weight.
Happy New Year Gail and good luck with the rest of your journey. X
Thanks Jane,

Mostly do EE. Occasionally do green (so that I can have an extra HExB and feed my cereal bar addiction....!). Not done red yet because even though I have dramatically cut down my carb intake (not deliberately because I ate loads of carbs when I started, it has just happened naturally) I would miss not being able to have them if I want them.

Good luck with getting back on track Jane, it is important to face up it as soon as you're ready to start back on because otherwise you won't know how much you've achieved. Keep us posted though !

Gail x
Stopping this plan is not an option for me. The reason that I say that is because I know now that I have no real way of maintaining my weight (wherever that happens to be) without control of some sort (ie a 'plan'). If I stop this plan now or sometime in the future, I will end up putting weight back on (at whatever rate) and will end up eventually back where I started + a few stones. So the only way for me to keep my current weight (and ideally lose quite a bit more) is to stick with this.

hi gail this bit of ur post really motivated me, i was always at my happiest cramming sweets and cakes in my mouth it was like a reward but found that although i still ate tons of them over christmas i didn't really enjoy them at all , i think it felt like i was missing out if i didn't have them it's a bad habit that i need to break :eek: i weighed this morning as saturdays is going to be my weigh in day i was 2lb lighter than when i weighed on weds so some of it must have been a false weight ( i hope lol) good luck love val xx
Yay. Well done Val. What did I tell you.....................??!?

Anyway, I've been thinking (always dangerous !).

I hope (fingers crossed) to get my 3 and a half sticky tomorrow (and if not tomorrow, then definitely next week !). Then my next goal will be 4 stone :). When I get to 4 stone (which hopefully won't be too long), I will definitely be at least half way there. I haven't set a target weight yet but I'm pretty certain it won't be any lower than 9st 9lbs (which would be a total loss of 8 stone if I chose that as my goal). Yipppeeeee ! When I started this, it felt daunting to be hoping to lose 6 stone, never mind more than that, but now I don't care what I have left to lose because I intend to eat like this for life. I know that sometimes that will be hard but sometimes it won't be, it will be just normal. I don't think that I will ever lose some of my 'issues' either with food/eating/weight but hopefully I will be in control.

I also realised that 4 stone is the most that I've ever lost (despite being significantly (and increasingly) overweight all my adult life) so when I hit that milestone, it will be a 'biggie' !!!!

Gail x
Thank you for your posts and your honesty! Reading through I've been saying yep that's me to loads of your comments. I went 'stupid' all through December but if I'm honest with myself I started straying away from plan even sooner yuk I was sat pigging chocolate on Wednesday and felt that roll of fat flop over my (what were) baggy jeans. Talk about a kick up the bum! Straight back on plan Thursday, here's to those jeans being baggy again. Xx
Good luck Mollysmum. Thanks for your comments. Please feel free to post your thoughts here too, I'm sure I'll probably relate to yours just as you did to mine !

Gail x
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Shrimpy and I could soon be having a fight over those (see you 'hifi bars' thread !!!!)

Gail x

P.S. thanks !!!
Thanks Gail and talk about coincidence I just finished reading the fibre bar sequel x
I lost 2lbs today. Taking me over 3 and a half stone and looking ahead to my 4 stone markers (see above !). I am very happy about that as I have felt like I was on a bit of a plateau recently, just bobbing around the same weights (even though I was still losing gradually because I tend to 'sneaky peek' the weights were all over the place).

Anyway, 2 thoughts for today: chocolate and clothes

I keep loads of chocolate in my house because even though I really like it, I don't eat it most of the time (I have about 3 boxes of chocolates in my cupboard that need chucking out because they are way past their best before date). I need to know that it's there IF I want it. However, I have also learnt that once I start on it (ie have 1 treat size crunchie) while the taste is in my mouth, I will just keep going (and that is NOT good because I have a LOT of chocolate in my house !). So I have learnt to make sure that when I eat my syns as chocolate, I have to be a LONG way away from the tin. Once the taste has gone, I'm ok. So that's how I eat my syns - in a different room from everything else !

Clothes - one of the things I learnt from the first time I lost weight (4 stone about 10 yrs ago now) was that in order to look good, you have to start wearing stuff that actually fits you. I have a tendency to wear big, baggy stuff. But it doesn't do your figure (regardless of what that is) any good. However I know that some of the shirts I am wearing now (that feel 'right') first fit me 1 and a half stones ago so I still feel that way and probably always will. Even though I'm still significantly overweight, I know that I look better in more fitted clothes so I will keep trying to buy and wear some fitted stuff. Doesn't mean that I will ever completely throw away my big baggy jumpers though !!!

Gail x
The problem with chocolate is that it is made of refined sugar and caffeine. It gives you an instant high and all sensible thoughts go out the window. Then you hit a low and need more. Sinister stuff!

Well done on your 3.5 stone stickie. I want one and will chase you till I get one! :D
Well done and I'm chasing too! It's day 4 and its feeling good. I re learnt something about choc last night. I syned up a Christmas decoration and one Belgium truffle. I made them last and heard myself say I've enjoyed these more than eating a whole box!
As for fitting clothes your right i feel better in fitted outfits, and ive noticed that's what Gok does when he dresses women on his showsxx