Getting skinnier and healthier with SW

Food hasnt gone too bad today to be honest, could have gone worse, had i gone for lunch! lol
we ended up going out and buying the smart tv, bought ourselves gravity on 3D blueray to check it out, and headed home
we have been playing with it for a few hours, and generally seems fantastic, although we cant get a 4oD app :-(
we were sat here a few minutes ago, and chris said oh we dont have a 3d dvd player- little did i know, they need there own players! ha ha! so that is going back tomorrow, and the bonus of the smart tv is, we can rent it 3d from them for a 1/4 of the price

It came with 4 sets of different coloured glasses so been deciding which ones i like best! obviously a Very important decision lol.
Wont be a late one tonight, back to work tomorrow after not being well, so not been in for 6 days!! lol. and with chris not sleeping last night, i think well both be very ready for bed in an hour!

so food today:

lunch- chickpea/mushypea curry with chicken rice (3 syn guess) and some chilli chicken (1.5 syn guess)
snack- pineapple and mango
Dinner- meat free garlic kiev ( no idea on syns- 7 maybe?), sw chips, syn free coleslaw

always seem to be starving when im at work, but i guess thats because im normally on my feet all day, this week im on reception so shouldnt be as hungry- shouldnt be! lol

so plan for tomorrow-
Breakfast- overnight oats (hex b) with strawberries
snack- clementine, baby pear
Lunch- leftover couscous salad from bbq yesterday (1.5 syns), blueberries, yoghurt
Dinner- diet fanta chicken with rice, cauliflower and broccoli

Tomorrow is weigh in day, so if im happy with my weight loss this week, i think ill treat myself with a freddo or something tomorrow night. Been very good and trying to resist some chocolate this weekend. Chris had a big bar of dairy milk, and has been good, and didnt offer me any until i had his last strip of 5 sqaures. I took 2 squares and then passed back the last 3, and i think i need to do stuff like that more often.
When im on plan, id never eat a whole 6 square dairy milk bar, because i wouldnt think the syns worth the binge, so i dont know why when im being naughty its ok to eat an entire share bag!! ha ha
really enjoyed my coleslaw that id been eating, so think ill pick up some more fat free greek yoghurt tomorrow and whip me up another batch. its so fresh, and other people may hate it, but i dont eat mayo or salad cream, so never eaten mayo apart from what ive made myself, and i think its yum! lol

anyway, i need to go for a shower and actually start getting ready for being back at work again!
its a hard life isnt it! lol
hope everybody has had a lovely bank holiday weekend, its our last one for a few months now!
Are you still doing weekly diary for them to look at at weigh in? Tbh I'd rather loose 1.5 lbs ever week than 3lb one week and none the next if you get me? X

I havent for for the last 2 weeks but I'm going to this week depending on losses :) I get what you mean, it's coming off slowly but surely lol x
Chris keeps wanting a smart tv, we already have a big 3d thing and tbh I don't know what the difference is?! Maybe I'm just not up on the technical stuff but I told him we shouldn't bother lol we havnt even watched a 3d film since I moved in! All the films he has that are 3d arnt really my cuppa tea (predator anyone?!)

good luck for weigh in Hun x
Hooray, I found your diary! Well done on your loss, that's fab :) will have a proper read through in a min to get caught up x
Tuesday- very quick update of wi as sat in car before I walk to work. Lost 2lbs! Woop :) only 0.8 from loosing my first 1/2 stone, so that's my aim for the coming week :) xx

Yay ah well done! :happy036:
Thanks ladies, was really chuffed!
day didn't go exactly to plan but was still quite good

b- magic oats with strawberrues
lunch- leftover couscous salad, muller, bloobs, few cherries
snack- pear
dinner- Quorn lamb steak, sw chips, cheesy leeks, made with philli, broccoli and cauliflower
late night supper- 2x little cheese on toast (hex a and b- 2nd ones)

Went over to my friends Laura's mums house to plan a bit of baby shower stuff and get invitations sorted, so had to be out door about 7, so had just over an hour to cook, eat and sort out printing some stuff, so no time to wait for fanta chicken to thicken, so cooked Quorn steak and chips instead,
was talking to Laura's mum about slimming world, she fancies maybe starting- and realised us actually had a green day. Very rare thing for me. Peckish on the drive home, so decided I'd have cheese on toast with tomato purée as my supper :) yum yum.

My my day to get up with Mylo tomorrow, and Chris has his first injection so will walk him again tomorrow night, so off to bed now, will have to catch up on diaries tomorrow. :
niiight xx

food plan for today-
breakfast- 2 baby wholemeal rolls (hex b) with Turkey bacon, watermelon
snack- clementine
lunch- fat free super noodles, muller, fruit salad of watermelon, strawberries, mango and bloobs
dinner- lasagna from freezer

chris has first injection today so I'll walk the dog tonight, and want to be able to look after Chris if he's in pain, so easy oven tea. Not sure on syns as I'd made if pre restarting sw, but I usually go for leaner mince anyway so mainly just cheese sauce.

Happy humpday everybody! Xx
Hope you can make it out's creased, crinkled and covered in old faithful ;) lol x

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Hey Emma, how you doing today?
Sorry ladies! Have completely abandoned you I promise. I'm just exhausted this week, been dead on my feet both nights, which has lead to an unorganised and off plan mini!
day off today, so I can get myself organised, and get back on it.
Wednesday wasn't too bad, had some very rich chocolate mouse my boss had made at work, yummy but totally calorific, came home and ate waaaay too much lasagna and then a magnum!!
Yesterday I had mars bar cake at work- it's like Rice Krispies, mars bar and chocolate on top. Not huge piece, but got home made chicken to use up, no veg or much else to go with it, ended up with jar of sauce, rice and naan bread!!
Anyway! Draw a line in the sand!!

Got loads of stuff to do for college, loads of phone calls to make, workmen at the house today, new neighbours moving in, and giving blood this afternoon, so busy day!!

Hope your all ok xxx
You're making me feel tired! Food could have gone a whole lot worse considering everything that's going on. I think you've been very reserved! Hope things settle down and you has a nice relaxing weekend :)