Katy's Diary

Ok- decision in! I'm going to stay on plan and have protein meal in evenings- thought I was going slightly mad, but alas, it is totm!
I've been mixing and matching S&S and food/protein meals although I've found that too hard to do, so I'm back to 100% - wooo! It should be easier this week as I've got lots to keep me busy (not social/food related) and my housemate is not off sick, which I found a massive stumbling block. I was quite surprised at myself really, but it's all about the learning curve, right? I'm ready to make another order too. I started off this box with loads of meals and not as many shakes and have now gone the other way. I'm finding that I've gone off the bars too as they're just soooooooo sweet and make me think I can have all sorts! Noooo!

Hope you're all well! Much love x
Nice to see you back :)
Aw thanks, girls! Lou... I might wear purple one day yet! It'll come...
This was the end of my resolve yesterday!!! It was a beast to make but quite impressed!


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Haha! Thanks! It was pretty amazing when my housemate it into it expecting normal cake!

Surprisingly easy to do... Although I've developed a deep seated hatred for fondant icing! Had a tiny bit & Nigella's vanilla cake is a winner! Food colouring was gel from asda... Winner!

Who's 100% tomorrow?

Me! *hands up*
Ok, let's talk through today...

Vanilla crispy before physio
Strawberry after physio as was ravenous!

Many cups of tea and coffee with lemon bar.

Cottage pie with rocket. I've put in about half a t spoon of eng mustard too. First time I've had it... Not too bad actually- thought I was going to gag but rather enjoyable!

Scared Ill be ravenous later again though!
Ketosis arrived this morning!

I'm feeling a bit weird though- not quite sick, not quite light headed. You know that feeling when you've been travelling and just a little spaced out? I'm there.

Caramel shake down... Going to do a curry pack at lunch and SPAG for tea... Mm mmmm!
yay for 100% xxxxx
Hey girls, so today, I've been so bored, lesson planning ready to go back to work next week. I've stayed on track and had tandoori (dry!) chicken from asda for tea. Hd it v early as I was feeling hungry... Think it's my mind rather than actual hunger!

Spent all day on computer. Such a bore. Hate it. Had to be done though! Think I'll have to go swimming tonight or something to break it up a bit- so much more to do!

I've got my speed awareness course tomorrow. Gt caught speeding (not much!!) and it was either that or points. I've never had any points so didn't want to start now!!!


I'm on it though! Hope you're all doing well! X