LeaE's Jelly Wobble

Night girlies speak tomoz xx
Well I'm sad today ! It's day 18 and I weigh every morning and guess what I haven't lost a bloody thing this week and my weigh in is on a Sunday x I'm off to do some work now but I'm in a down mood now and I'm not going to cheat but still that's so sad !
LeaE said:
Well I'm sad today ! It's day 18 and I weigh every morning and guess what I haven't lost a bloody thing this week and my weigh in is on a Sunday x I'm off to do some work now but I'm in a down mood now and I'm not going to cheat but still that's so sad !

Ok stop!!! Step away from the scales - I will let you into a secret my weight never shifts until the latter part of the week so pleeeeeeaaaaasssereee do t worry. You don't need a lecture on my mind games your playing with yourself for weighing in every day you know that you shouldn't. So I will just say DON'T DO IT Arrrggggggg!!!
Luv ya hahahahahaha xxxxxxxxx
therealbbe said:
Ok stop!!! Step away from the scales - I will let you into a secret my weight never shifts until the latter part of the week so pleeeeeeaaaaasssereee do t worry. You don't need a lecture on my mind games your playing with yourself for weighing in every day you know that you shouldn't. So I will just say DON'T DO IT Arrrggggggg!!!
Luv ya hahahahahaha xxxxxxxxx

Ditto to what Sharon said. We have spoken about those scales before young lady! They are not your friend-they play nasty tricks on you. Get your bf to hide them. You are doing just fine. Pip x
I can't resist the scales, wish I could, I'd love to have a surprise on wi day. But usually know more or less what it's going to be.

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Zest for Life said:
I can't resist the scales, wish I could, I'd love to have a surprise on wi day. But usually know more or less what it's going to be.

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

I hear ya huni I get like that as well even though I know I don't lose till end of week have no idea why bloody strange if you ask me :D but I have no idea what tomorrow holds scales broke bout 3 months ago surely not from my fat ass ;)
Well hello ladies lol I have been busy all day and that has somewhat lifted my mood from this morning so whoop well it's day 19 for me and guess what I'm blinking on again ! How does this diet do that to me aaahhhhhh from no period to 2 in a matter of weeks ! Just amazing and just typical of my luck x came home from work anyhow and did the food shopping and I survived it x home put it away and cooked my bf tea x cut his hair and tbh I can't wait for him to go to work he eats constantly I had abit of a go at him as at 9.30 pm he starts cooking and the evening is the hardest time for me !!! And all he eats is just crap crap u miss on this diet so told him to pack it in to stop prolonging my agony lol anyway I'm chilling out tonight in the form of bubble bath and tv then early nights x well yes I do know what u mean about the scales I do know I need to stop but every morning the call me 'lea come here fatty and get weighed' that's honestly what they say lol how's everyone else getting on apprentice was good wasn't it the videos made me giggle lol
Awwwwww bloody men!!! Mine sits next to me eating crap as well I just sigh or huff lol I know I have no right telling him not to eat but jeeeeeze!!! Somehow I think you hear the scales in ya head lol unless they are special ;) apprentice beginning was good but I fell asleep half way thorough good job for sky plus will watch it later. I just had second pack soup and having a long hot soak!!! Glad ya feeling better lovely as for TOTM sorry I don't have them anymore had major surgery last july so I am rather happy bout that now!!!
Take care xxxxxx
I honestly think you should tell the scales to "do one" (watching Eastenders-can you tell) and have a chat with Mr tape measure instead. He is much more friendly and honest! I haven't felt hungry today but this evening i am really craving food. Won't in into details of what because i don't want to put them in your head, but really, i could eat the contents of the fridge! Sorry LeahE but i don't think a chew on a vanilla candle is going to cut it tonight. Will really spoil myself and in crazy by having a fizzy water- oh joy! Keep going troops. X ps can everyone stop talking about food on telly please! !
demonp said:
I honestly think you should tell the scales to "do one" (watching Eastenders-can you tell) and have a chat with Mr tape measure instead. He is much more friendly and honest! I haven't felt hungry today but this evening i am really craving food. Won't in into details of what because i don't want to put them in your head, but really, i could eat the contents of the fridge! Sorry LeahE but i don't think a chew on a vanilla candle is going to cut it tonight. Will really spoil myself and in crazy by having a fizzy water- oh joy! Keep going troops. X ps can everyone stop talking about food on telly please! !

Totally always bloody food!!! Food is so overrated pmsl
therealbbe said:
Totally always bloody food!!! Food is so overrated pmsl

Hmmm-can enders Tanya stop making all that bloody food! Roast chicken. . .yum! Oh there's max-he's enough to put you off your food! X right,where's that candle?
Ok I will after this !! I'm in the bath ATM yes with vanilla candles and bubble bath and stop dissing it miss it works lol and I'm here as I have a total and utter craving for bacon and egg sandwich on white bread with ketch up now u all think this is normal ! Right ! Well it's not cos I'm frecking vegetarian no joke !!!! How bizzare is that ! Been a veggi since 11 so can't even remember what it's like but all I know is that I want one ha ha to change the subject matter ha ha u all now know I'm scanty while writing this in my VANILLA bath lol so I'm fine how's everyone else lol
And sorry mr but some men are twits you on the other hand have been given free pass to this chat and yr counted as a good one xx
LeaE said:
Ok I will after this !! I'm in the bath ATM yes with vanilla candles and bubble bath and stop dissing it miss it works lol and I'm here as I have a total and utter craving for bacon and egg sandwich on white bread with ketch up now u all think this is normal ! Right ! Well it's not cos I'm frecking vegetarian no joke !!!! How bizzare is that ! Been a veggi since 11 so can't even remember what it's like but all I know is that I want one ha ha to change the subject matter ha ha u all now know I'm scanty while writing this in my VANILLA bath lol so I'm fine how's everyone else lol
And sorry mr but some men are twits you on the other hand have been given free pass to this chat and yr counted as a good one xx

Oh bloody hell LeahE. Now i want that sandwich! Wtf is going on this evening- Im like a woman possessed. I think the tummy monster is trying to retaliate! Tomorrow i am seriously going to in and get a candle-if you reckon its a winner LeahE it has to be worth a try. X ps that is well freak that you are craving meat as a veggie-this stuff really messes with your mind!
demonp said:
I honestly think you should tell the scales to "do one" (watching Eastenders-can you tell) and have a chat with Mr tape measure instead. He is much more friendly and honest! I haven't felt hungry today but this evening i am really craving food. Won't in into details of what because i don't want to put them in your head, but really, i could eat the contents of the fridge! Sorry LeahE but i don't think a chew on a vanilla candle is going to cut it tonight. Will really spoil myself and in crazy by having a fizzy water- oh joy! Keep going troops. X ps can everyone stop talking about food on telly please! !

ha ha Lets all write to watchdog and complain about the food references on telly!
LeaE how are you now? Tucked up in bed yet watching TV?
I loved the apprentice last night...
I would do a groove train class pahahahaha!!! Cant hula hoop or space hop BUT i can skip....
please try not to weigh yourself so much.. i dond this and had gained and it really upset me but when it came to WI i'd lost 5lbs. Tape measurer IS your friend so get aquainted and that should help :) big hugs xxx
Right food it officially banned from my thread as of now x so stop it u naughty ladies and stop trying to mind screw me lol x I'm just out of my vanilla bath and feel brill and I smell brill too lol scales are banned ! I will try to keep away for at least a week xc and yes I would join the grove train mmmmmm talking of which I might get the wii fit out tomoz and do the step one and some yoga mmmmmm what exercise is everyone doing x