Lynne: Low Carb Fan

Its been a funny old day: Weighed in and found another pound had disappeared, which gobsmacked me! I cant imagine this can continue, but I wont object, LOL!

We had to drop the car off to have a new windscreen fitted. So, in 30+c heat, we walked from there into the centre of 'town'. We ambled, I had had on and drank water from a bottle. We stopped for lunch, and I had chicken salad and soda water. I then ordered coconut oil from a healthfood shop (to be collected later this week) and then we headed back to where the car was stopping off for another soda water, and we shared 1.5 litres of water too.. The walk back was an ordeal. I was very hot, I was puce in face and developing a headache. Had a miserable 20 min drive home feeling nauseous and in pain. Took a pill, drank a little water, but to be honest i was so awash, I couldn't work out if I felt sick due to headache or because of the quantity water I had drunk. A couple of hours later I was OK. Anyway, I have just used Google earth and plotted the route, turns out we walked 3.5 miles. Not far really, but in THAT heat, it was about a mile too far.
Blimey Lynne, I'm not surprised you felt unwell in such heat - are you feeling better now?

So glad to hear your joints are feeling better, I know my knees like me so much better if I don't go over the weight I am now - and the more I lose, the better they like me! :D I'm amazed I don't have more aches and pains, tbh, considering the fridge freezer-type extra weight I'm carrying around!
Thanks Susie, ys after a nap, I woke feeling surprisingly good. Knees stood up to the walk well :) I hated when the knees felt like they were going to give way on slopes and stairs. Began to feel like an old lady (OK, OK I know I am not 25 anymore, but there is a limit, I am not eyeing up Zimmers quite yet). I FEEL slimmer (wish I could see it more) but it WILL happen and I am looking forward to putting some 'now' photos on and them looking good. The good thing is we are heading in the right direction, eh. Our knees and ankles will thank us. :)
Wow Lynne, that's excellent.
Ive read at least 3 posts where you are saying the weight has gone down..well done!

i feel for you on the headaches, urgh they are awful and no wonder you had one in that heat walking. Glad t went after a nap and so happy to hear your feeling trimmer :) it's always a great feeling and usually those feelings come out of the blue. If we stare in the mirror you'll likely not notice the difference as much. The changes always catch us off guard, think that's because our brain can see things that it wants and not whats actually there :)

have a good one and hope the headache don't come back.
Coo Lauren you are so right about us seeing what we 'want' to see. I am enjoying the odd person commenting, or (maybe I am being fanciful) people seeming to look at me more intently, like they can see a change but trying to figure out what it is. If this whoosh is due to me stopping the almond mims and almond porridge, them WOW. I wont stop them completely. But for now, I havent got any ground almonds. So, today I had the most delicious cream cheese with a salty tang, a small tomato and a slice of smoked turkey breast. It was delicious!. Suits me far better than a fry up.
Morning Lynne,

Stop losing!!! I'm very jealous!!!

Hope you have a more relaxed, ache and pain free day today. X
ROFL!! I promise I will slow down and let you know. It really is creepily incredible. I am happy but know it can't last. Went to meet froends for a natter today, so it was far less of an ordeal. But tomorrow we are back in town, so I hope its cooled a little. Wont be long and wont be walking as far. :)
Great on the disappearing pounds. Well done.

No wonder you weren't feeling well, that's long way to walk in the heat. We forget how hot it can get sometimes.

We're even having glorious weather in Scotland! Nice breeze though.
Morning all. My report, nothing to report. Weight same as yesterday. OMG have I stalled :p ;)

hey morning. It's not a's only been 2days!! Lol.

Hope your having a good one x.
LOL, thought I would cheer you up! :)

Yes, had eyes tested today and so, next week I will be able to see straight again. Husband has also had eyes tested, he has had eye operations and NOW he can have the post op glasses, much excitement, especially as he is having new frames. For over 13 years he has had a succession of gold frames. Now's the time for a new look, so, its black and red Oakleys for him. I can't wait.
Lol Lynne, you have to be the only one I have seen write about your stall in such a fun and happy way ;)

I do believe people look at us different when we weigh less especially if they have known us as big. Unfortunately it's built in to a lot of people although they would never own up to it. Enjoy it, I say to myself, it's about time I had the looks, help and respect those skinny girls had all this time :) my turn girl! Yours too so lap it up.
LOL, my 'stall' :p Was brief, weight down a bit more today. Put on swimming costume and looked in the mirror, it still isnt good. I think I need to do stomach crunches, my stomach looks like it needs crunching.

Lauren it is great to be losing the weight and feeling in control but i have another 48 pounds to goal, so I am not hanging out the bunting just yet :) Yesterday I met someone who said they had trouble recognising me because I had had my hair cut short. I stood wondering if they were thinking that the cut had made me look slimmer :D I know, though, about the 'looks, help and respect' the slim ones get. -My sister is very slim and has been so since in her mid 20's. She has men falling over themselves to be her hero. Though I wish I was that slim, it has left me wondering about whether its been an advantage to her. She is very intolerant of fat people, or physical imperfection and has had 3 failed marriages and a rocky relationship with her children, so... I think I will stick with my only husband and my 3 loving grown up sons and my struggles with weight. :grouphugg:
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LOL, my 'stall :p Was brief, weight down a bit more today. Put on swimming costume and looked in the mirror, it still isnt good. I think I need to do stomach crunches, my stomach looks like it needs crunching.

Lauren it is great to be losing the weight and feeling in control but i have another 48 pounds to goal, so I am not hanging out the bunting just yet :) Yesterday I met someone who said they had trouble recognising me because I had had my hair cut short. I stood wondering if they were thinking that the cut had made me look slimmer :D I know, though, about the 'looks, help and respect' the slim ones get. -My sister is very slim and has been so since in her mid 20's. She has men falling over themselves to be her hero. Though I wish I was that slim, it has left me wondering about whether its been an advantage to her. She is very intolerant of fat people, or physical imperfection and has had 3 failed marriages and a rocky relationship with her children, so... I think I will stick with my only husband and my 3 loving grown up sons and my struggles with weight. :grouphugg:

Awe, that's so lovely and so true x.

I bet you can notice the loss, people are noticing but can't figure it out! That's great ;-), keep going xxx.
Well done hun - and LMAO on the stomach crunching comment - at least you don't have an inflatable tyre hanging round (and down) your front like me :D
I wouldn't mind betting my stomach flap is just like yours and what is depressing is that I now weigh just under 14st and when i got down to 11.5 stones in 1992 that rotten flap never went away just was emptier. My sons have a lot to answer for..... Before them I was a penthouse suite, now I am a shed.
Oh yes, if you are going to do 'Shed' do a classy one. Shabby chic!!! :)

Lost a teeny bit today. Last night I spotted my shoulders are more defined. Legs seem slimmer. AND the skin round my nails is in good condition, not fraying. This shed will soon be a summer house :D
LOL, my 'stall' :p Was brief, weight down a bit more today. Put on swimming costume and looked in the mirror, it still isnt good. I think I need to do stomach crunches, my stomach looks like it needs crunching.

Lauren it is great to be losing the weight and feeling in control but i have another 48 pounds to goal, so I am not hanging out the bunting just yet :) Yesterday I met someone who said they had trouble recognising me because I had had my hair cut short. I stood wondering if they were thinking that the cut had made me look slimmer :D I know, though, about the 'looks, help and respect' the slim ones get. -My sister is very slim and has been so since in her mid 20's. She has men falling over themselves to be her hero. Though I wish I was that slim, it has left me wondering about whether its been an advantage to her. She is very intolerant of fat people, or physical imperfection and has had 3 failed marriages and a rocky relationship with her children, so... I think I will stick with my only husband and my 3 loving grown up sons and my struggles with weight. :grouphugg:

amen to that Lynne :)
My sister is the slim one and I "was" did you see what I did there ;) the fat one. I think I've been a bit more successful so maybe it's all just in our heads? Plus look at all those beautiful celebrities who get cheated on??? The bits on the side are not usually all that either, there is something in lets raise a toast to PERSONALITY!!!! :)