Marathon Training

ive got all the long runs planned out, all gradually increasing not every week

I feel more exited than nervous about the marathon now, the last one around this time I backed out of it but no way am I backing out now :) so exited for it!
I've just recently started running, hope to do a half marathon next year
right well I know this is cheeky, but I have just got a place on the bupa great north run. the catch... I have to raise £350.
can I post my just giving link in here and people will help me out? need all the help I can get in this :/
Ran my marathon yesterday :) did it in 4 hours 44, not as fast as I'd hoped earlier in my training, but 3 weeks ago I hurt my knee and it still hasn't properly healed... I felt it around mile 8 so happy to just finish it.

I hit a wall where I was getting really down thinking I might not finish and worrying about coming in after 5 hours... but at about mile 18 I just clicked, I was running a marathon, couldn't get the smile off my face from that point on, when I got a bit tired or whatever I just reminded myself.
well done!

mines in 6 weeks, ran 19 miles yesterday and it didn't feel that bad, also took me 3hrs 26 mins, rough timing for the 26.2 from that?
im not using a programme and its working for me, its too late to start on one now anyway!
been doing my running without music, or having it on loud speaker on my phone. apparently a few people have been disqualified when using ipods in this companys races.
guess if I cant use my ipod, then everyone will suffer and listen to my singing :p I assumed people in my last race doing that, had someone join in too which was.... weird.

so first marathon in 6 weeks, 2nd one 30 days after it (new years eve!)
the new years eve is double, 2 marathons in 2 days. im not doing both but next year I hope too. good target to aim for, im not evcen sore from yesterdays 19 miles so that's a good sign
my friend did that same marathon as you! shes on marathon no.58 at the mo! she finished in 05:02:10
2 marathons in 30 days, then 4 days after ive got a half marathon that I totally forgot about.

the 2nd marathon was an accident, was going to go just to support a friend... then he persuaded me to run it.
My coach ran the marathon with me on Sunday and is running venice next week... she did two in a row last year as well (but she was training for an ultra)
ultra's are my long term goal! nowhere near up to doing those just yet, give it a few years and ill try it.

would love to do a double marathon some day. I've gotten so used to half distance's that its no longer a challenge for me (classing them all as training runs, not chasing any PB's)

my next half is in 2 weeks, still doing my usual 19 miles the Saturday and doing the half on sunday. not bothered if im last in the half, its a hard one apparently and has lots of hills (noooooooooo)
ooh :D
I do the park runs on a Saturday morning and they announced today that if you did todays run, plus ran/volunteered in the next 7 park runs you get entered into a draw for a FREE place in the London marathon 2015 :drool::gimi:

I want it so bad.
Did the marathon! :D
5hrs 54 mins.

Overall 60th place too
Had a sports massage yesterday (ouch!) aches arnt bad now
got a few more marathons to come yet :D signing up for hell of a hill marathon soon as registrations open

so far is:
Bolton hill
maybe double liverbird
I've just found this thread and would love to run a marathon. I was really into athletics in my youth 400m and cross country running but then life took over and it all went by the wayside.

I'm worried that all the training I did all those years ago has taken its toll; dodgy hips and knees etc. Perhaps I should bite the bullet invest in a good pair of shoes and build up to a mile a night and see how it goes.

Good luck to all of you!
I've just found this thread and would love to run a marathon. I was really into athletics in my youth 400m and cross country running but then life took over and it all went by the wayside.

I'm worried that all the training I did all those years ago has taken its toll; dodgy hips and knees etc. Perhaps I should bite the bullet invest in a good pair of shoes and build up to a mile a night and see how it goes.

Good luck to all of you!

go for it, as for dodgy hips it dosent get much worse than mine. years and years of physio has helped a lot but still get problems!!

counting down for my 2nd marathon now, 3 days after completing my first. 27 days! :D
first run since sunday, did 6.5 miles but it felt like the easiest one ever.

got a nice little route for marathon training near by, the preston guild wheel :)
its 21 miles, well marked and has sign posts at every mile