Moo's year - 24 st start and restart

Hi again.
Have been quiet for few days and eatIng some more crap.
Day 1 today. Weigh- no idea. Avoiding scales.
Breakfast 1 syn coffee.
Turky omelette and salad.
Happy new year moo. Xx
Hi Moo :)
Food looks good as always! How have you been? How's the hubby?
Hope you are well.

Hey MC,
I have seen better days ( weight loss wise ) but I'm not ready to quit yet :)
New Year and new re-start so to say.
We have few plans set for this year. Fist will be moving house, from share house into a small apartment. Still a sharehouse but apartment is better than one room and shared a kitchen.
Then we will start with a baby plan.
I have big plans for weight loss. Our new place is close to the gym and I will join right away. The fact there is even 3 near us so we will see where we go. Have plenty of time to see them all and choose then.
Also, I want to find a different job, I'm killing myself in there, I needed a job badly when I started when Hubby wasn't working but now he kind of have the job and I don't want to keep killing myself. Plus the job really gets on my SW way, as silly as it may sound, Im not ready to let it happen.

I wanted to congratulate you MC for doing so well in your SW journey. I saw 10,5 stone award, well done, really good job. You must be so proud of yourself and proud. Well done girl, well done.
Good morning and one more time Happy New Year to everyone xx

SO yesterday I did go to my SW class, it was something, lol - I dont remember thing like that from year before but can you imagine; we have two classes, morning and later class, where I go. about 80 people in both class. In total we lost 20 lbs and gained 30 stone. God knows i had big part in it also. But then again next week we should see nice weight loss again.
In class they asked us to join an challenge - dry january. Its good idea as I have been drinking way too much over christmas and new year and even tho I do goout on 15th I will stay out of alcohol.
New year, new start and here we go again.
I am prepared, I have got myself a food diary that I do itend to fill in every day.
I have made food plan for 4!! weeks, now I only have to stick to it.
Smiles =)
Overnight porridge HE with frozen berries and yogurt. Added 1 scan bran 1 syn. 1 slice of ravyta 1 syn, soft cheese 1/5 HE, ham and horshradish. Coffee 1 syn.
Total of 3 syns
My monthly food plan also. Second week is all curry lol. We will see gow it goes :)


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30 stone is impressive!!

But just goes to show its not just you moo. We all fell off in spectaculer style.

You lose weight very well when you are consistent. The idea of a baby is massive news for you moo, I know how much you wanted it. All the pounds you can lose now will help so much in the long term as it's easier to conceive and certainly easier to carry a baby!

I think having a plan for January will help. As in joining the gym, no alcohol, and definitely going to weigh in every week.

I really hope you get some of that weight loss fire in your belly. If you want this really badly you will make it happen. We all will. Stay strong moo and message me if you feel like falling off the wagon. Xx
30 stone is impressive!!

But just goes to show its not just you moo. We all fell off in spectaculer style.

You lose weight very well when you are consistent. The idea of a baby is massive news for you moo, I know how much you wanted it. All the pounds you can lose now will help so much in the long term as it's easier to conceive and certainly easier to carry a baby!

I think having a plan for January will help. As in joining the gym, no alcohol, and definitely going to weigh in every week.

I really hope you get some of that weight loss fire in your belly. If you want this really badly you will make it happen. We all will. Stay strong moo and message me if you feel like falling off the wagon. Xx

Thank you Cat dear =) I do want to be able to go back on constant weight loss and don't want to look back again, wishing I would have done, been, this and that. Last year I did get my 7,5 stone award and this year I started at 5 stone, so 2,5 stones I have gained. Maybe some would say it's been a fail but not me. I was just in "sleep" mode so to say and now its time to wake up again and keep going after our dreams and well one small Moo lol =)
This will be amazing year =)

I hope you are doing good too Cat, that you have nice holiday season and lots of laughter and let the new year be the year when all dreams come true =) xxx
Bev dear, how was your Christmas and New Year? I hope all family come home and you guys had a lovely time. xxx
That is not a failure at all moo. 5 stone is amazing and no one can ever take that away from you xx
I agree 5 stone is an amazing loss :) Soon you'll be back to losing like you did before. I was always so jealous of all your losses lol!

And thank you :)

Sounds like an eventful year for you. I hope that everything will go to plan! Just think that if you still go to SW when you have a baby the first WI after birth will be a great loss ;) haha

Congrats on the apartment as well :) Sounds like everything is starting to go to plan!

What do you want to do job wise? I bet that it is hard with SW and being a chef. My mum's a chef as well so I know how hard it can be. (I originally wanted to be a chef but I kept fainting due to heat in the kitchen haha)
That is not a failure at all moo. 5 stone is amazing and no one can ever take that away from you xx

Thank you hun =) I have no plans to give away even one more pound :p

I agree 5 stone is an amazing loss :) Soon you'll be back to losing like you did before. I was always so jealous of all your losses lol!

And thank you :)

Sounds like an eventful year for you. I hope that everything will go to plan! Just think that if you still go to SW when you have a baby the first WI after birth will be a great loss ;) haha

Congrats on the apartment as well :) Sounds like everything is starting to go to plan!

What do you want to do job wise? I bet that it is hard with SW and being a chef. My mum's a chef as well so I know how hard it can be. (I originally wanted to be a chef but I kept fainting due to heat in the kitchen haha)

Ah bless you MC, being jealous at me back then. Now its other way around :p well not quit but close, Im not jealous at you, just happy for you =)

Today I have been good girl, cooking food and preparing for next week. I also decided that from now on I will be cooking one sw cake a week. To give me something sweet to have. Today I did try lemon drizzle cake and it was ok i suppose and not very heavy with syns but it surely was not my faforite cake ( i hope lol )

I made seljanka ( ham, onion, gerkings and tomato passot soup)
spice sweet potato and lentil soup
cottage pie
lemon drizzle cake (1 syn per piece )

thats me dont for few days, wednesday Im planing to try muchy pea curry