Munkypooh- I don't NEED to be a size 10 really....

things with me are fine and dandy :)

i'm just starting day 3 on cd ss and feel like poop... didn't sleep much last night and am at work. urgh. ha.

but i have a coffee in front of me, painkillers in my tummy for the headache and water waiting in the wings so it's all good :)

not much is going on in my life other than running around in circles with wedding plans and cding to fit in my bloody dress!!

abz xx
I'm just having a last ditch attempt at weightwatchers before the final fitting for my bridesmaid dress on May 23rd, so I can sympathise!
Given up dieting. I'm a healthy weight and stick of torturing myself.
I've gone back to being vegetarian and just eating healthily and keeping myself as well as possible as I'm waiting to find out if a lump in my breast is gristle or actually trying to kill me. Made me re-think the importance of being a size 10 at least!

Nice to see you!

Have you got an appointment for a check or has your GP just asked you to wait a month? BTW - tell me to go fish if I'm being too nosy:copon:
Got another prodding due on Monday, not soon enough for me, I've waited 3 weeks already and big surprise-it's still there!

If it weighs 11lbs and needs removing I will actually reach my previous ridiculous goal weight!
Thats unlikely though unless it's made of lead as its not that big!
I'll be thinking of you Monday & :fingerscrossed: that'll everything'll be OK:p

Whatever the outcome we're here for you OK;)
Thanks Helen.

I got referred to the hospital yesterday. My appointment won't be for a couple of weeks as they didn't feel that I was a high cancer risk as I'm only 28. That has put my mind at ease a bit, but I'm a born worrier so will be glad when I've been seen! x