My Little Diet Diary


Silver Member

I have been worried about getting back into dieting as I was way too obsessive in the past and spent many years constantly obsessing about my weight and got to quite an unhealthy point mentally.

However, it's 5 years now (and probably over 12 years since I have weighed myself) and I feel ready to try again from a very positive position and to keep it healthy mentally this time, not negative. Being kind and nice to yourself is so important!!! And what you eat is part of that, but also appreciating your body, not hating it.

However, I can't continue putting on weight, this summer I wore long sleeves and trousers on the beach, I feel horrible and sluggish when I eat too much and I know how good I can feel just by sticking to eating well and exercising, also I am now 42 and need to look after myself.

I needed extra motivation and this site seems great for that. I have also started using Noom to track my meals etc.

I am 5'3" .. going to weigh myself tomorrow and very scared, last time I weighed myself was around 2000 and I was 8 stone, I think I have put on at least 2.5 stone, I will let you know tomorrow!!!

Thank you xxx
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Crumbled and had 2 squares of lindt dark chocolate while watching CBB!! :eek:
Today has been pretty good, still haven't weighed but scales arrived today so will do first thing tomorrow, scary!!!!

Breakfast: banana and black coffee
Snack: cashews
Lunch:chicken, veggies salad, one tbs dressing, fun size maltesers
Snack: baby bel
Dinner: carrot and coriander soup, 1 slice soya and linseed bread
Tons of water.
weighed myself and its worse than i thought, 11st 8lb, i havent gone into a major depression though thank god, just in shock!! but at least i know where i start from, need to lose 3 stone!

starting the day with black coffee as cant eat when i have just woken up, but i know i need to start having a bigger breakfast and need to start exercising again soon....
Two nights out in a row and I feel bloated and heavy and it's my totm next week which doesn't help. However I am trying to stay positive and not give into old insecurities and negative thoughts. I havebeen really good in the day but when I went for dinner I have blown a whole days calories in one meal, losing this weight is going to be harder than I thought, it's the social occasions that get in the way.... It gets daunting but then I have to think one meal, at a time. I need to make it work and stay positive.
Hi Igg, Well done on such a good start to your dieting!
I am wondering tho' whether you are being overly strict with yourself and really not eating enough!?!
I just had a look at the ideal of this regime which does allow for plenty of fruit and veg which would help enormously with staving off any hunger pangs as well as making your total intake much better.
Try not to worry about those blips from time to time ... they happen to the best of us..:D
All the very best to you for your journey. :)
Thank you for your reply :) Yes maybe I am being overly strict which makes it easier to slip. I definitely need a bit more variety in my snacks I think and more veggies etc. I was trying to avoid too many carbs first of all but I do need to make sure I am eating enough. :thumbup:

Breakfast: banana and black coffee
Snack: brazil nuts
Lunch: salmon fillet, veggies salad, one tbs dressing,
Snack: baby bel and a pear

Dinner: out, wine x3, mezze platter (houmous, bread, olives, haloumi, etc) and lamb tagine with cous cous

Tons of water.

Made a decision if I go out to eat, I am going to enjoy it and, I did! I just need to not do it that often! :eek:

Breakfast: 2 glasses of organic Apple juice and black coffee
Snack: cereal bar and black coffee
Lunch: salmon fillet, veggies salad, one tbs dressing,
Snack: baby bel and Brazil nuts

Dinner: out, Chinese wine x3,

Tons of water.

Feel crap this morning after two nights out in a row, too much wine! Planning to eat well for the rest of the weekend!! And to do some exercise too :cool:
Thank you for your reply :) Yes maybe I am being overly strict which makes it easier to slip. I definitely need a bit more variety in my snacks I think and more veggies etc. I was trying to avoid too many carbs first of all but I do need to make sure I am eating enough. :thumbup:

Interesting point you make Igg but that's not part of the diet regime (carb counting)
Looking good anyway.. hope things continue well for you...
It depends what diet your following I guess, I am following the clean eating body building diet, which I have always had great success with in the past, and is my definition of "clean" I suppose. Also using the noom coach app which makes me count calories, scary!!

Just trying avoiding junk, processed foods and bad fats and too much sugar.

(Attempting) Eating lots of veggies, lean protein, fibre, healthy carbs, ie brown rice, wholemeal bread and pasta and good fats :)

Scary how quick you can get the calories when your being mindful of them, something I have never been before. :eek:
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Currently I am avoiding too many carbs though and getting them from green veg, to kick start the weight loss. But thanks for your input, what diet are you following? :)
I should be clear, I am not avoiding carbs, only starchy carbs
Had a terrible start to the day, felt horrible, low and tearful, could be the wine and msg!? And Pmt! Felt that I let myself down a bit going out two nights in a row, but i put it in perspective and after the afternoon, shopping at St Paul's and eating well all day I feel so much better and happier. Just had a delicious dinner, so feel pretty good now and back on track.

I know I need to not go to mad, be to strict and to let myself enjoy the occasional treats and meals now and then, as long as I get straight back to healthy eating after and don't do it all the time, I need balance and to enjoy dinner out, without guilt.


Breakfast: oatmeal, blueberries with soya milk
Snack: one egg and, two egg whites scrambled with black pepper and herbs
Lunch: grilled Haloumi, small green salad , red pepper hummus, half a jacket potato. 1 glass Malbec
Dinner: salmon fillet with a big green salad with veggies and two tomatoes, some seeds

Tons of water

Measurements in inches:

Waist. 32
Hips. 39
Chest. 39
Thigh. 22
Calf. 14
Bicep. 11
Wrist. 6
Neck. 13

I can't believe I used to have a six pack, now I have a beer keg :eek:

After 5 years of dealing with stress, depression, anxiety & insomnia I am finally ready to put down the pasta, stop the comfort eating and feel I have the mindset and energy for dealing with a weight loss journey, it's been a long road, and one I will be glad to leave behind, I hope for good, onwards and upwards :)
Dinner yesterday was this delicious salmon, with green salad including shredded courgette, mangetout, some seeds, tablespoon of dressing.

The salads are individual tubs from Marks and Spencer which are super delicious


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Lunch, this salad has white and red cabbage, red pepper, mango, coriander, etc. Again I used a tablespoon of the dressing. Added some salmon. Had this for lunch twice last week. Other days had with a chicken breast. Really yummy!


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Lunch out, starter portion of grilled Haloumi with red pepper hummus, hummus and leaves. Also had a side of plain jacket potato but only ate half, especially the skin for fibre


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Tuna bean salad, had this a couple of weeks ago, going to have it later today for lunch or dinner. Its incredibly delicious, I do use tuna with some Olive oil as the taste is far superior to brine, I know it's extra calories but I work on the principal some olive oil is good in moderation and you need some fat in your diet :)


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I am feeling so much better for ditching starchy carbs, when stressed all I wanted was a big bowl of pasta. I was in a rut of comfort eating huge dinners. Pasta has it's place especially wholemeal, but my diet had become based on it which wasn't good, especially when accompanied with rich meat sauces and tons of high fat cheeses.

I had been using my past issues with dieting as an excuse in the end to stay in my rut and enable myself to continue gaining. I am so glad I took the decision to stop ignoring what I was doing to my body.

Also not drinking white wine anymore, sticking to one red as an occasional treat. I didn't drink for two years and since starting again have definitely piled on weight from the extra empty calories. Plus it makes me feel crappy.

The cleaner I eat the more I find certain foods make me feel horrible when I eat them. For instance going for a Chinese really made me feel horrible.

Looking forward to my Thursday weight in, and hope to see some positive change.

Sticking to once a week weigh in, as I didn't have scales since 2000 as in the past I was obsessed with weighing myself every morning and night and it became very negative and mentally unhealthy for me if the scale moved in the wrong direction it would ruin my whole day. I won't fall in that trap again :eek:

Now I am going to try to go back to sleep xx :):):)