My next trip!!

Minz and Hope, i think your both right about the date guy...after meeing so many t***s my life i kinda go with my gut instinct now, and something tells me he's a wrong un!! I may be just a bit paranoid but don't think i'm gonna risk getting involved. That said, what i didn't tell you was when we first met we had a joke about me being his wife to be, and as i've kinda known him for a while we've had this thing where he asks me how his wife and kids are so that explains a bit more why he did it...but still my instinct tells me to keep away.

Thanks for the tip Hope, will be taking my laptop so hopefully i can get wireless and have all of you at hand when i face the daily battles of staying away from the rum punch.xx
It's one thing joking about something like that and posting it on his home page......go with your gut instict - it's usual right! Hope you can still keep in touch while you travel. Bon voyage! x