Quirkys Diary

Hoz ur day going hun?
Great loss this week and good luck for the interview! x
Well I'm still here. Struggling on. Is it ok to sulk ( in your head) about wanting a breakfast in bed, a box of chocs or a nice Sunday roast in a country pub for Mother's Day FFS. ;) Course not..... bar and 2 glasses of water for me.

Love my kids the cards and homemade story books they made and looking forward to bathing in my lush bath bomb tonight.

happy Mother's Day to my mum...the best mum in the world ......FACT!
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Interview went very well. They will be in touch soon.

I came home and just stopped myself from popping 2 slices of toast in toaster as I completely forgot about exante diet. I have to question why I would reward myself with food....what am I ? A dog? Strange but common sense prevailed and a coke zero with ice are the giddy heights of my celebration.

I'm still getting hungry and totm approaching. So more water for me. I think I'll have gills soon.
haha I have this on my pinterest weight loss inspiration board:


It's so true though. Well done for realising before the damage was done.
Well done you, great you stop yourself. I am sure you will get that job :) have a lovely day hun.
well done on weight loss and good luck with new job :)

I can so relate to the emotional eating I eat when I am bored, upset, angry, happy infact any excuse to eat a huge amiunt, im sure i have got a binge eating disorder. The only times I cant eat is when im really excited or really worried . Its is weird how feelings have such an impact on what we eat for some of us. I cant believe the amount I put away in one sitting sometimes and then i wonder why i so big again xx
Well done Hun I'm so pleased the interview went well! xx

i am starting my diary and hoping that its will help me stay focused and be something to reflect on when tempted or losing my battle.

i was always a chubby kid and never felt feminine at 5ft 9" since I was 13, I spent most of my teenage years going up on down between a 14-16 and on entering my twenties that became 14-18

i put 4 stone on in both my pregnancies and did manage to loses most of that, but it was when I stopped smoking about 6 years ago that I think things became bad. I was 15.9 at my heaviest but became ill with gallstones and lost 3 of that. I felt like fraud. People were saying well done etc and giving my compliments, but I knew deep down I'd made no real effort it was the gallstones.

In the last 2 years. I have lost 2 stone each spring and spent the remainder of the year putting it all back on. I am always outgoing and seen as the funny one etc. but after being made redundant at Xmas my confidence crashed and I started having panic attacks and became really down. I was very reluctant to go to the doctors( having never gone through this before)but I did started taking sertraline and began counselling. This was a real turning point for me as the counsellor identified many issues i have...daughter with needs, losing my dad etc and we discussed how I comfort ate and drank. So I am empowering myself and taking the fatty in me on in a battle. I want to say that I'm sad instead of eat when I'm sad and rebuild myself.

I'm am surprised I've been so frank on here....I guess it's the sort of anonymity that frees me. I couldn't tell my friends most of what I have just fessed up on here.

I am looking forward to my future and hope to lose another 3lb tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Ahah - found your diary!! Can relate to your diary.
I know what you mean about being frank - I guess we can be honest with people that can relate to us.
Good luck with your journey. Sam xx

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yesterday was spa day.......
Food wasn't served in spa but in pub next door.not a chicken salad or low carb choice in sight.........
2lb on........
ketosis a distant memory....sigh

onward and upward.x
Spa was lovely. I couldn't believe how many knots were in my shoulders and my nails are bright glossy red, very over dressed for the school run haha
Spa sounds lovely, never been to one but have wanted to try a sauna for a while!

Draw a line in regards to food, all will be fine :) a small slip up is ok if you get straight back up and carry on, the damage will be off. The fear is turning a slip into a landslide but I'm sure you are focused and ready to drop the lbs bring it on! xx
I've been to a spa a couple of times for weekends, but not for years now. It's the ultimate in "me" time and can be a great thing to plan for when you've lost weight. If I can't go away this summer on a holiday I might see if I can find somewhere not too expensive for a couple of days when my daughter's away.
Oh spa... I could really enjoy that!!

My OH took me away to a spa for my birthday a few years ago and it was lush!!


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Chuffed to say that despite the soup and pork treat I enjoyed at the spa I still managed to lose 3lbs

really pleased as I'm edging closer to another stone bracket. Woohoo can't wait!
Excellent Hun!! So close to 12s now woop woop :D xx
Chuffed to say that despite the soup and pork treat I enjoyed at the spa I still managed to lose 3lbs

really pleased as I'm edging closer to another stone bracket. Woohoo can't wait!

Well done QG!!!

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