seriously considering slim and save - opinions and experiences please!

yay! go for it louise, you wont regret it!
haha, abcdebony, i WISH i could stay away from the scales. i weighed twice this morning - once after going to the loo (gross i know!) but it made 1/2 lb difference.

now down to 12st 6 1/2, so 9 1/2 pounds lost in a week and a half.

just got a message from my friends suggesting dinner this week. im going to try and persuade them to go to nandos so i can have 1/4 of a chicken with a side salad. i dont want them to know im dieting, so i want to make as little a fuss as possible and just wait to see if they notice any weight loss. I've also offered to be driver for the evening, so no one should question my lack of wine (which is usually surgically attached to my hand).

im also thinking about my skin atm. im moisturising, doing bio oil and taking collagen supplements because i already have LOADS of stretch marks from gaining weight. does anyone know of any skin tightening treatments around?
Lol at 1/2lb difference! 9.1/2lbs great though, well done! Nandos is my favourite for a low-carb meal, piri piri sauce = loads of flavour and not many carbs, so don't feel like missing out at all!
Sorry no idea if any skin tightening things really work, but know from having my son that stretch-marks do fade over time so you can hardly see them (and the younger you are the easier this happens!) so you might find that once you've lost the weight and settled to a stable weight that they really aren't noticable. Have heard great things about bio-oil too!
I'm going to have to start moisturising to try and give my skin a chance on the shrinking front. Having 2 children in 2 years ( the last by c section) has already left my tummy in a sqishy state so goodness knows what it will be like when I've lost 4 stone!!!
I've got a big basket full of different lotions upstairs so I'm going to have a look through that and pick something to use.
I've been a little bit naughty today I've had 400g veg 200g fish but only 2 packs which was lower in calories and carbs than any of my other days and I felt much better with less synthetic food inside of me ( ie the packs) but I will try and get back to 3 tomorrow.
10lbs loss this morning which I was very happy with x
yess, cant wait till the nandos. though one of my friends is ill, so ive suggested postponing until next week (secretly hoping to hit 1 stone loss before we go)

ive been nosing through my mums bathroom - a treasure trove because she works at books and is forever getting things. found some vitamin e capsules for the skin/hair. so im thinking 2 vit e capsules, 3 collagen tablets, bio oil and palmers firming lotion a day should give my skin everything is needs.

still indulging my food porn habit, watching jamies 30 minute meals and freaked my boyfriend out because i was sat in the room alone, muttering ingredients to myself. so if jamie said 'then put in some tomatoes', i was saying 'mmm, tomatoes'. apparently he had been watching me from the doorway and thinks i have a problem!

another macaroni cheese, swede chip and boiled egg dinner. i really think i could live off that and my usual garlic + soy sauce + chilli stirfrys.

onwards and downwards ladies, we are all doing fabulously with some amazing losses!! :)
I've just been to nandos!!! Butterfly chicken, side salad and coke zero. Plus 2 eggs is today's intake which is very very naughty but next to no carbs so should stay in ketosis and around 670 cals so hardly the end of the world. Gonna be good tomorrow though but nice to know that it's possible to eat out on plan ( almost).
Oo your skin is getting well looked after with all of those lotions and supplements I have to concentrate just to remember to take my multi vit! X
yes, remembering to take them is the heardest bit. i even had to ask my dad if we had any of those '7 day pill sorters' around the house to help me take them all!

ah 2 little eggs is defo not much damage at all, sometimes you just need to eat abit extra. excited about the nandos tonight, ive ALWAYS have the chicken pitta with chips, so changing my order will be the first change in nearly 10 years! do they do coke zero at nandos?? i had been worrying about that last night - such a sad thing to worry about while im in bed :rolleyes:
so totally related to your story, i split from my ex 3 years ago, moved house, new job and dont really know anyone in the new area. Only 5 people work where I do and I am the boss, so who wants to socialise with the boss!!! long story short have eaten my way thru the last 3 years to 14 stone (which I was not even at 9 months preggers) and was previously 10 stone. I am 5ft 2in so should be 9 pleased you are doing so well and was inspired to think I was not go girl!!!
Yeah refillable coke zero which is great, I'm still in ketosis today so the marinade did not affect me and it was just chicken and lettuce essentially as I didn't eat the cherry tomatoes. I've got to say there were many other things I would have preferred to order but needs must.
What was your week 2 weigh In like? I'm worrying that mine will be a small number!
week 2 official weigh in is tomorrow, so far 2 3/4 pounds lost this week, so not massive, but a loss is a loss.

due to atrocious weather, nandos was decided to be too far away, so we are going to prezzo because its nearby. ive only had one shake today, so i can either choose chicken caesar salad (450ish cals) or the 'light' mushroom and ham pizza (470 cals). i know the pizza will have carbs, but im thinking if ive only had a shake today, the carbs in the pizza may not be enough to take me out of keto? plus i'll be on track with calories on either choice.

hmm, decisions decisions.

when is your next weigh in?
Hi hun, hope you have a good night tonight, I'm a little bit sad about nandos - and I'm not even going! Hehe x
Hey Ruby, hope you had a great night out! What did you go for in the end?
How are the kitties? we got given a stray today. no idea what to do with it.
hello ladies, back from prezzo now and feeling just the prefect amount of full up. in the end i opted for the light pizza because i double checked the salad calories, and they were all MORE. so my little pizza with salad came to 480 cals and ive only had a shake today, so calorie wise i am within limit, carbs probably went over, but it shouldnt take me v long to get into keto.

i cant say it was especially worth it because i wasnt craving the food or really desperate to eat it, but it was nice to be sociable. in a way i was happy because i proved to myself i could go out, make a sensible option, enjoy my soft drink and not wish for more wine or desert/starters/bread etc.

we'll see what the scales say tomorrow though! weird thing is that now ive eaten, ive got a headache that ibuprofen isnt really getting rid of, wonder if is related?

iwbta - kitten is so very cute! my friends adored him today and offered to babysit him while we go to a funeral on saturday. where did you get the stray from? poor little things without owners :(
That's a good loss ( after pizza too!) well done I'm finding that I'm really thirsty and I'm having to watch that I don't drink too much water? Although I'm not sure how much too much is???
abcdebony - I don't think you can really drink too much, as long as you don't drink it all at once and you are not starting to feel faint or light headed (too much water can knock your electrolytes out of balance, making you feel a bit unwell) if this happens, just add some extra salt to your meals. I regularly drink 4 litres. I know there was a woman who died on CD I think, drinking too much water, but she downed something like 4L in one go! So as long as you sip through out the day you should be fine!

Ruby shoes- well done on you loss, considering you had carbs last night that loss is great!
thank youu everyone.

was defo out of keto today and had a rumbly tummy for a while! back on the plan today though. choc shake for lunch, cup of tea and dinner all prepped and ready (prawns, mushrooms, courgette, and zero noodles in soy sauce). then a bar and more tea later. still have room for a 3rd pack, but im wondering if i should skip the 3rd one today to make up for indulgence yesterday?

bit headachy and tired today, looking forward to a bath and an early night!
don't skip. Doesn't do you any good or make up for anything! Just do the plan as normal. Well done for getting straight back on the horse.