Total Solution Sheridan's Pre Wedding Blitz!

Most of Day 10 done.

Two shakes down, one to go.

Not feeling great, my mood is still iffy. Not letting it influence my commitment to the diet, however my daughter is acting like a demon child!

Trail of destruction wherever she goes today! Guess that's what being three entails. Hopefully she calms down and goes to bed nicely tonight.
You're doing so well and staying so strong, take it one day (hour) at a time and you'll get to where you want to be xx
Thanks Katie, she's asleep now. I think it's just that frustration about food coming through in other ways. Taking it out on my h2b poor guy! Just waiting til after my son has gone to bed (half 8 so he can watch new Simpsons) and then have a nice relaxing bath. :)
Just thinking, you have to come back on here after your wedding with some photos....we love photos :D xx
There definitely will be some! I love photos and sharing them ha.

End of day 10 finally, got myself in a state earlier. Was very irritable, just burst out in tears and just couldn't fathom enough reasons to carry out 100% with this. But once again, h2b stepped in and reminded me what I have said to him since contemplating Exante and helped me to see it is a journey I want and need to take.

So have not given in! Instead of letting myself get down by thinking 'oh I've only done 10/35 days'
I am going to start thinking in a weeks time I'll basically be half way through this journey.

Just venting to keep positive. :)
Hi Sheridan just wanted to say well done on your fab loss! Really glad you have stayed TS.... we all have a wobble occasionally. H2b sounds like a supportive guy. Mine tries but can say the wrong thing at!!!
Any way hope you have a good day and stay positive xx
Thanks bridezilla!
It's a pain, could do without the mood swings but really it seems like when I have a wobble I just need to rant, so fingers crossed it stays like that rather than turning to food.
H2b does try very hard which is nice. Couldn't do it without his support.

How are you getting on? :)
Start of Day 11!

Had my first shake and not a lot to do today. Waiting in for packages and that before getting the kids later. So just going to relax.

I have felt exhausted for the last 3 days, I just have no energy which is strange. I'd expect to have some energy on Exante. This sluggish feeling is making the days drag on.

Hope it gets better soon.
Got a call that our rings were ready and couldn't wait so went to collect them. I love it, nice and simple like we wanted. Mine is 4mm & h2b is 5mm. Just makes getting married soon seem so more real! (My engagement ring is the top one)

There definitely will be some! I love photos and sharing them ha.

End of day 10 finally, got myself in a state earlier. Was very irritable, just burst out in tears and just couldn't fathom enough reasons to carry out 100% with this. But once again, h2b stepped in and reminded me what I have said to him since contemplating Exante and helped me to see it is a journey I want and need to take.

So have not given in! Instead of letting myself get down by thinking 'oh I've only done 10/35 days'
I am going to start thinking in a weeks time I'll basically be half way through this journey.

Just venting to keep positive. :)

Just think of your wedding day especially and how much better you'll feel about yourself if you've lost the weight. And also, you don't want to be looking back at your photos knowing you could have been a stone lighter. Stay strong.
Thanks Cate! I'll do my best!
Beautiful ring xx

You vent as much as you want, this is your diary and if it helps you to get rid of your frustrations on here then use it for that. Most of the time this diet is fine but every so often it's a mental anguish and at those times you've got to do what you need to to get through long as it's not illegal, immoral or makes you fat then the world is your oyster :D xx
Tough night. Just whipped up some seasoned chicken with homemade egg fried rice. Mouth watering but none shall pass my lips!


Good girl Sheridan. Stay strong. You and I had near enough the same start weight with the same goal, so I'm watching your progress as an example of what I can achieve if I can apply pressure then ;)
Thanks TH! Hope you have had a good day! Haha thanks moonlight, I will try to be a shining example, almost 11 days 100% TS and I'm aiming on doing the remaining 24 days that way barr the add a food week though I will probably just use milk ;) Hope everyone is having a relaxed evening!
Day 3 of squat challenge done - 60 today!

They don't have make you work up a sweat! Haha.