Stomach ache on SW


I'm in my 4th week on SW now and it's I'm starting to get really bad stomach aches and cramps, pretty much every day. This started about a week ago and is getting increasingly worse. I'm maxing out on super free foods, fruit, leafy salad, tomatoes, cucumber, .... and protein foods, such as fish, meat, eggs, .... you get the picture. I have my Hex A & B, plenty of fluids and my losses are fine. I should be a beacon of health, however, my stomach rebels :'-(
Anyone else experienced this?
Sorry to read your post - I've done SW on and off for a long time and not experienced that. I'm not a nurse/doctor but wonder if you've changed your eating habits significantly - if so - maybe your body's not coping with the change of all the fruit, veg and salad - if it is that your body might get used to it soon.

The other thing I'll mention is that when I first went to SW - the consultants used to frequently remind us that although it's called free food - we need to eat until we're full not just for the sake of it (as I do at times :classic_roll_eyes: )

I hope your stomach pains disappear soon but if they don't - perhaps you could speak to the nurse or doctor at your surgery or your SW consultant if you go to class. Good luck!
Thank you x It's definitely not overeating. I've got more the opposite problem that I have to force myself to eat enough some days :-(
It might be something organic after all, may have to have a chat with my GP if it continues
Sorry I didn't mean overeating - I should have been more specific - I meant that when we eat lots of fruit & veg (esp if that's a change from what we were previously eating) than can cause tum probs! Let us know how you get on.