Sw 2nd time around. Miataiblues weightloss diary

I was running late this morning so breakfast was a peanut heaven hi-fi bar (heb) on the way to school.

Lunch was leftover bolognese mixed with pasta and salad.

Tea was curry loaf, salad and pickled beetroot with 2tbsp of ex light mayo (1 syn) and then I added another 2tbsp (1 syn).

Along with loads of pears throughout the day lol, snack were a freddo caramel (5 syns) and a clementine xx

Total syns for the day = 7

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Hope you don't mind me following, I've read through your diary because of the pics lol!!! I love seeing what people are eating ........ I have no idea of cooking doh!!

You appear very organised and motivated, I hope you don't mind me tagging on!

The mushy pea curry looks lovely - I need to find that recipe,

best of luck

DD x
Hi dizzydawnie, thanks :)

I make my mushy pea curry sauce using 1 tin each of baked beans, mushy peas and chopped tomatoes blended with garlic and curry powder. Lovely as is with sw chips or you can add whatever meat/veg you fancy. I usually add chicken, onions and mushrooms and sometimes frozen peas too xx

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So breakfast today was grapefruit and mackerel paté (0.5 syns) on toast (heb).

Lunch was curry loaf (I could get addicted to this! Lol) with red onion relish and 2tbsp ex light mayo (1 syn).

Tea was sweet and sour chicken (1.5 syns) and egg fried rice.

Staying up night snacks were a double chocolate breakaway (5 syns), sunbites (6 syns), chocolate orange mullerlight and a clementine xx

Total syns for the day = 14

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Thanks zafira, I do find that it keeps me on track.

So breakfast today was dippy eggs and soldiers (heb) with 2tsps of flora light (1 syn).

Lunch was minestrone soup.

Tea was keema curry with spinach, mushrooms, onions and peas with cous cous.

Snacks were a freddo caramel (5 syns), mr Kipling country slice (6 syns), mullerlight coconut and lime, an apple and a clementine xx

Total syns for the day = 12

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Thank silvermoon, I'm currently writing my meal and shopping list for next week. I found a fab recipe thread by chocko1 so I'll be trying a few of those. I love trying new foods but as I cook the same meal for all 5 of us in the evening, I have to stick to what the kids and hubby like too and I can get stuck in a bit of a rut cooking the same meals over again xx

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I haven't been very organised today at all. I forgot to make the mix for magic pancakes last night and then almost forgot breakfast altogether lol. Lunch wasn't until 3ish and then pudding was at tea time so a pretty mixed up day.

Breakfast ended up being a vanilla mullerlight, an apple and a clementine.

Lunch was chicken, new potatoes, roasties, cabbage, broccoli, carrot and swede mash and roast parsnips with gravy (2 syns).

Pudding was baked apple filled with honey, raisins, mixed spice and cinnamon (heb + 6 syns) topped with sw meringue with ff fromage frais and sweetner. I'm not really a cooked apple fan but I had apples that needed using and tbh it was horrible lol. I ate everything but the apple (minus 2 bites).

Tonight's snacks were a mullerlight vanilla and chocolate, a pear and a clementine. I should have missed the pudding and had a chocolate bar instead lol xx

Total syns for the day = 8

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I totally agree with you on the apple pudding....apples like that just do nothing for me....nice idea though :)

I was thinking about your red plates the other day, I read an article that says you consume 40% less if eating off red plates.....were they a conscious choice??
It did make the house smell very Christmassy lol.

Ooh that's interesting about the colour of the plate causing people to eat less. I wish I had bought them for that reason but no, they were knocked down from £20 to £10 last Christmas so I bought 2 sets lmao. The dinner plates are smaller than my previous set though and the mugs are huge. I can't be doing with piddly little thimble cups, especially for my morning coffee lol and these hold 3/4 of a pint! xx

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Anyway, after showing how sad my life is when I get excited over the size of coffee mugs, I better get on with today's diary lol.

Hubby's day off so he took the kids to school which gave me time for a yummy breakfast of grapefruit followed by egg and mushrooms on toast (heb) with 2tbsp of brown sauce (1 syn).

Lunch was pea and ham soup from my freezer stockpile.

Tea was slow cooker jackets with tuna mayo (1 syn) and salad with 2tbsp of ex light mayo (1 syn).

Nightly snacks were a cherry mullerlight, pear and a fudge (5.5 syns).

Weigh day tomorrow so the usual nerves are setting in :-( xx

Total syns for the day = 8.5

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I am beaming at the moment, which is unknown before weigh-in on a Tuesday lol. I have just seen a friend who I haven't seen for a while and she asked if I'd had a gastric op! She asked how I'd lost so much weight so quickly and said I looked great :) :) :) . It made my day as she's the first person to notice. I found myself saying the usual 'only a stone' when she asked how much I'd lost and then realised, I always say the 'only' bit. Why can't I just be proud of how much I've lost instead of playing it down? And why don't I mention the extra lb? Like anything less than half a stone isn't worth mentioning. It's always rounded down to the nearest half stone whenever I lose weight and someone asks how much. I think it's time to stop worrying about how much I weigh now and start being proud of how much I'm losing. Feeling a lot more positive about weigh-in now. No matter what, I'll get there in the end :) xx

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2.5lbs off this week :)

It was a major confidence boost having someone notice my loss as I can't see it yet and even better that a group member tonight said that she could see that I'd lost too :)

I prefer the taste of slow cooker jackets to oven jackets although the skin doesn't crisp up. It may be because I don't use salt but I'm not sure. I prick the potatoes a few times, spray with frylight and wrap in tinfoil and then cook on high for 4-6hrs or low for 6-8hrs xx

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Breakfast today was grapefruit followed by poached eggs on toast (heb) with 2tsps of flora light (1 syn) and 1tbsp of brown sauce (0.5 syns).

Tea after weigh-in was kebabs with roasted vegetable cous cous and mint and yogurt dip.

Treat Tuesday snacks were a Asda dark and white chocolate surprise (6.5 syns), breakaway orange bar (5 syns) and a banana xx

Total syns for the day = 13

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Yesterday a pretty good food day. It would be great to lose 3.5lbs and get my 1.5 stone award next week but if I don't then I'll get it some time in the next few weeks and I've just realised I've only got 5.5lbs to my club 10! :)

Yesterday's breakfast was grapefruit and weetabix (heb) with sliced banana and almond milk (hea).

Lunch sw minestrone soup.

Tea was slow cooked sausage and beans (2 syns) with mash, cabbage, carrots and green beans.

I had a fudge (5.5 syns) a mint mullerlight and 2 plums.

Total syns for the day = 7.5

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Thanks zafira, I can't believe I'm almost a fifth of the way to target!

I've been helping my sister to move house today so plenty of body magic lol. I'm exhausted.

Breakfast today was a peanut heaven hifi bar (heb) and an apple.

Lunch was a tuna jacket and salad with beetroot and pickled onions from the local sandwich shop, mid move.

Tea was gammon, eggs, sw chips and salad with 3tbsps of ex light mayo (1.5 syns).

I had 2 coffees at my sisters, 1 using whole milk (2 syns) and 1 using semi skimmed (1.5 syns). I've guesstimated 50mls for each.

Snacks were a coconut and lime mullerlight, an apple and a double chocolate breakaway (5 syns).

Total syns for the day = 10

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