The not so mysterious life of a 20 something girl living at home..

Thankyou :)

This is tonight's dinner, Paprika pork off the sw website.


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And another one.. Stress for me gains weight by eating to try and calm myself down but now I'm eating the slimming world way despite being rather stressed at the moment with regards to my job situation I'm still awaiting a start date and the rest of the paperwork to be singed off, been unemployed for 2 months now but unable to claim benefits as I didn't pay enough contributions while I was working, don't really understand the system..

It's taking so long because of my mental health stuggles occupational health are being very thorough.

Can't wait to get back to work.


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Hotchocolate with Marshmallows as a bedtime drink - 8syns and Milk as a HEA.
Not had my B choice today but not fancying anything else.
And another one.. Stress for me gains weight by eating to try and calm myself down but now I'm eating the slimming world way despite being rather stressed at the moment with regards to my job situation I'm still awaiting a start date and the rest of the paperwork to be singed off, been unemployed for 2 months now but unable to claim benefits as I didn't pay enough contributions while I was working, don't really understand the system..

It's taking so long because of my mental health stuggles occupational health are being very thorough.

Can't wait to get back to work.

That's brill that you are eating SW foods whilst stressed, it can't be easy sometimes.

Hotchocolate with Marshmallows as a bedtime drink - 8syns and Milk as a HEA.
Not had my B choice today but not fancying anything else.

What a really nice comforting bedtime drink, I bet it felt naughty too!
Someone remind me that Sunday Morning during the normal session is NOT a good time to go swimming.. Hold out and go to the adults only session at 12instead!
This Morning I felt if I didn't go when the urge hit I wouldn't get round to going at all however at the pool it was quite hard to swim as there were lots of kids ect but some exercise is still better than none, did 1/2 hour so I could write it on my fit-log, If it wasn't for these body magic awards I don't think I would have held out that long.
Oh Holiday My Hot chocolate definitely felt naughty, really enjoyed it!

Could actually have one everynight and still be on plan, if it wasn't for having to use less syns during the week due to my Thursday evening Naughtyness! I tell myself I can have what I want on Thursday after weigh-in till Midnight and it works for me as i'm not disallowing anything but i'm usually motivated towards the next week that I don't want anything too naughty.
Hi Birchey, I really like the options hot chocolate range. Mint madness is my favourite and that's only 2 syns and 2 marshmallows from tescos own range is 2.5 syns. They melt from the heat of the hot chocolate and make a lovely gooey mess for only 4.5 syns. I have one most nights and it really hits the spot for my sweet cravings.
My problem is eating the leftover marshmallows! I use options chocolate too but always use more than you should so I double the syns to account for that!

just enough time to show you my lunch, thanks to my daddy before heading out again to aqua-fit, so determined this week!image.jpg
Sorry for to much information in advance but i'm quite constipated, managed a small bowel movement this morning, worried that if i don't have a proper bowel movement before weigh-in on Thursday afternoon it's going to affect the scales??

I'm tempted to take a laxative later but if i lose water though that will it gives me a lower than it should reading..

what a dilema!
Thanks Bit embarassing really, Read an article online that says that bowel movements don't make a massive difference in your weight and my cheeky step on the scales earlier looks like i'm doing ok this week.

Decided to avoid the laxative but have something spicy for dinner, went to the iceland open evening, bit of a let down to be fair but if i stayed longer maybe would have become more exciting or maybe not..

I had the chicken tikka massala ready meal this evening and found this abit watery but nicely spicy so hopefully it will help the bowels!
I know you want the loss to be recorded on this week's weigh in but really, once your bowels have sorts themselves out, the loss will show up eventually so don't worry about it.
Sorry for another bowel related post,
Still no action so I gave in tonight and taken laxatives, it can't be good for my body to be storing so much waste.

This has made me cry and here is the reason why, I've overcame bulimia with a purging method of exercise and laxatives, taking laxatives tonight for a legitimate reason at the recommended dosage made me feel like i was going back to that, there is the element that i want that loss tomorrow but the main reason is how uncomfortable and bloated I'm feeling.

I don't want to go back to that, I want to lose weight he healthy way.

I want to talk about my binges, the bulimia was only a small part of the problem, I was binging before I developed the condition and continued to binge after, I joked that I was a bulimic who forgot to make herself sick but there was some truth to that..

During my bad binges I used to get though 3 cakes, 2 dominos pizzas, garlic bread, potato wedges, biscuits, crisps and many other binges.. Eating made me feel something made me happy for a short period of time in some ways this was just another form of self harm.

The eating harm has continued..

I conquered the bulimia and binges for a phase by following slimming world while I was at uni, less than a year later the problem returned..

I'm disgusted at what I used to and still can eat, I'm disgusted at the fat pigging slob that I became..

Now again I'm doing something about it and hope that slimming world will help again.
Had chocolate cake today, that was a success as instead of eating the cake plus some to myself, it was shared between 4, cake was meant to serve 6 so portion sizes were slightly larger than recommended but it was chocolate cake..

The success to this was that I didn't feel guilty about enjoying it that's what syns are for, I didn't have to hide that I was eating it, and that I had a sensible amount then stopped..

But just talked about my desert before my main, had friends over this evening, very nice, did spaghetti and meatballs slimming world style, must recommend the slimming world prepared frozen meatballs they were lovely and went down well with all of us, syns 0 birchey 1..
Oh I do just had to get it out..
Constipation sorted, feeling so much better for that.
To counteract any water loss for weigh in tonight I had a starchy lunch compared to my usual soup on weigh in Thursday.
All feels right in my world again.
3lbs off tonight, 1 stone award, Slimmer of the week & slimmer of the month, very positive result. Feeling a little sad though despite doing well, getting my need to comfort eat out of the way tonight, Mainly craving bread wraps but have also had some cake and chocolate.. I say some............... Back on it 100% tomorrow, don't want to gain next week because of one night..


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