Don't sneaky peak missus!!:mad: (says the girl that jumps on her scales 3 times a week!!) - hopefully that 1lb was just bloat from something you ate yesterday or down to your * week!! You have been really good this week - you may not get the credit for it this week on the scales, but it will definitely catch up with you so this week has not been a waste!!

Chin up and have one of these :bighug:xx

Thanks hun. I know you're right, and I'll probably have a better loss next week if I stick to plan, but it's sooo disheartening :( I really really want to lose tonight. Even if it's only a silly little ½lb I'd be happy, because I know that little ½lb off is so much better than ½lb on. I'm really nervous now, I just want 5pm to be here so I can get this over and done with.

Hope you're having a good week xx
I remember weighing in with the nurse one morning last year to be gobsmacked that I'd lost anything as I'd hopped on my scales the day before and had a 1.5 lb gain, but I got to the dr's and I'd actually lost about 2.5 lbs hun :) Really hope you get a loss after all the hard work you've put in xx
Don't be surprised if the scales are all wrong Stevie. Besides, even as a bloke, I know * week this week will mean a great loss next week - divvent worry man!

Scales are notorious for lying to sneak-peekers;)
Weigh In - 10/01/12

Thank you all so much for your support! You were all so right, no more scale hopping for me!!

..2lb off for me tonight!! :D I'm absolutely ecstatic!

Will update my tickers later once I get onto the computer - I'm on my phone at the moment. This 2lb off means I've now got just 4lb to go until I reach my January target, and 10lb for my Valentines target!! :)

Thanks again so much you lovely lot! I could snog you all :lilkiss: xxxx
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Well done on your loss Stevie! :D I am bad for sneaky peaking too, i managed to not peak till this morning as my batteries were done on my scales but my partner had put in the new ones last night and i couldn't resist. I know my scales are different to the SW ones but according to mine i am still the same weight :cry:. xxx
Well done on your loss Stevie! :D I am bad for sneaky peaking too, i managed to not peak till this morning as my batteries were done on my scales but my partner had put in the new ones last night and i couldn't resist. I know my scales are different to the SW ones but according to mine i am still the same weight :cry:. xxx

Hi hun, thanks for your support!

Big hugs!! And try not to worry about what your scales say. This has made me realise just how damaging it can be to scale hop and I can safely say I won't be doing it any longer. I'm sure that you'll be fine - look at me, I thought I'd have gained! When is your official WI day? Good luck xxx
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Well done on your loss hun !!! :D

I think everyone's gulity of taking a sneeky peek at the scales - the point is don't let it ruin the plan for the day (i have done this many times !!)

You'll have met you're January target in no time at all ! xx
Well done on your loss hun !!! :D

I think everyone's gulity of taking a sneeky peek at the scales - the point is don't let it ruin the plan for the day (i have done this many times !!)

You'll have met you're January target in no time at all ! xx

Hi hun, thanks for commenting :)

I'm still so chuffed from WI result last night, and have definitely learnt my lesson. I'll be keeping off the scales from now on, and waiting until my official WI date/time. Scale hopping this week has made me realise just how damaging it can be - I got myself wound up and upset for nothing! So not worth it.

Well done on your weight loss, you're so close to your target! :D 8lb, wow. You'll have that shifted in no time! Good luck xx
Day 8, Extra Easy: 11/01/12

Good morning everyone - hope you're all well :)

I'm feeling fantastic after my WI result last night - after * week and a sneaky peek at the scales I really wasn't expecting to have lost 2lb (even though I'd been good all week). I am thrilled :D

I've definitely learnt my lesson with regards to scale hopping, and will not be doing it any longer. It's so damaging - I got myself in such a stress and so upset about something which wasn't even true. It just shows, you really should wait until your official WI date/time, rather than hopping on and off scales throughout the week. I'd advise this to anyone who currently "scale-hops" - it's really not worth all of the upset.

I'm really looking forward to another 100% week this week. Today I'm going for lunch at Pizza Express with my team-mates, but have made a sensible choice and will be allocating Syns where needed :)

Feeling so much happier and motivated today, and determined for another good loss next Tuesday to become another step closer to my January/Valentines targets.

Hope you all have a fantastic day. Sending some of my positive vibes to you all :vibes: Stevie xx

(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Rhubarb MullerLight
- Banana

- Pizza Express Pollo Pancetta Salad (S) (5.5 Syns)
- HiFi Bar (HExB)

- 2 Weight Watchers LF Cheese Triangles (Half of HExA)

- Chicken Breast (S) stuffed with 2 Weight Watchers LF Cheese Triangles (Half of HExA) and wrapped in Bacon. Served with SW Roast Potatoes and Vegetables (S)
- Freddo (5 Syns)

Total Syns for the day: 10.5


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Well done on the loss Stevie. I managed to lose 6lb tonight after a STS last week - I'm amazed as both weeks were identical, as in, 100% weeks!! Go Figure!

Trick is, or secret is, IF you weigh yourself midweek or between WI's to completely disregard the result. Don't eat more or less or any differently to what you planned ba on the figures - easier said than done, I know;)

Well done on the loss Stevie. I managed to lose 6lb tonight after a STS last week - I'm amazed as both weeks were identical, as in, 100% weeks!! Go Figure!

Trick is, or secret is, IF you weigh yourself midweek or between WI's to completely disregard the result. Don't eat more or less or any differently to what you planned ba on the figures - easier said than done, I know;)


this guy speaks alot of sense :D

hope you have a brilliant day Stevie xx
this guy speaks alot of sense :D

hope you have a brilliant day Stevie xx

Ahh he sure does! What would we all do without Steve :worthy:

Thanks everyone - I had a lovely lunch out and didn't miss the Pizza at all. It's so nice to be able to go out and actually stick to plan, that's such an achievement for me xx
Ahh he sure does! What would we all do without Steve :worthy:

Thanks everyone - I had a lovely lunch out and didn't miss the Pizza at all. It's so nice to be able to go out and actually stick to plan, that's such an achievement for me xx

Good on you :D Did it help knowing in advance what you were going to be having?
Good on you :D Did it help knowing in advance what you were going to be having?

Oh definitely! That way I had time to really think about what would be the best option, and ask for some advice on here. I know if I hadn't pre-planned I'd have gotten there and probably ordered the least SW friendly thing on the menu :8855:

I think it also helped that I wasn't the only one having salad. Most of the others had the leggara pizzas, which come with the middle cut out and salad. And another colleague had the same salad as I did, so I really didn't feel left out :)