Using activity points first instead of weeklies?


Full Member
Hi everyone,

I've noticed that I'm using my weeklies as an excuse to binge on choc, crisps etc..and then wondering why the weight isn't coming off as quickly as I'd like! I was twiddling around with the pp tracker on the WW site earlier and notice that it's possible to change the settings to use activity points any of you do this and do you find it works well? I don't want to disregard weeklies altogether as I know they're a part of the plan...but it might make me think twice about that choc bar (or two!) if I have to get up and earn the activity before I can have it.

Would appreciate any advice, thanks! x
could you maybe just use half your weeklies instead all of them and you might lose more ?
Thanks for the reply x I didn't even think of doing that, thank you so much and well done on your losses! x
No worries and thanks ! .... Iv been losing n gaining same pounds recently (losing motivation, 2 week holiday abroad) back to it this week tho!