Weekly weigh-in thread

I started this week but with OWL and have lost 3lbs which I'm delighted with!

My book has arrived so I will get my head around it properly this week.
Well done all you losers!!! (and the sts's you can be losers too lol) I lost 2lbs this week and am looking forward to next weeks weigh in as I am going to be 100% on plan.
Well done everyone, a lb down for me so now 10.1.......I can really taste the 9's now!

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Only gained 3pounds duin two weeks of off plan 'holiday' eating...that's almost impossible, no complaints here thou. Now to loose it, lol
Lost 2lb last week, forgot to say yesterday. All on Target... :)

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Haven't managed to post in a a few weeks as we have moved house. Lost 3 last week, gained 1 this week.

Felt a bit upset yesterday but am back on it now. I'm determined this week x
Just a sts for me but as I cheated with chips, garlic bread and lasagna its not too bad.

Well onwards and downwards

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Very pleased, have lost the 4lb gain, in 4 days so back to 5lb off. Hopefully I will loose again next week.
4lbs down restart induction week, 3lbs gaind on holiday plus 1 lb lost. Yay
Thank you moonlights. Me too. Maybe I'll just have one higher carb meal every two weeks or something to tell my body it's ok you're not starving!
Down 2 lb today, 7 lb in total. Going on hols in nine weeks, I hope I can average 1 lb per week til then.......all my clothes will fit.
Wow 8lb is incredible, you won't be able to wipe the smile off your face for the day...
Hi Ladies I am a newbie, been doing Atkins for 4 days, at the start of this thread it said that weigh-ins were on friday is that still the case and if so can I join the party!!!!
Hi and welcome to the weigh in thread, I don't think it really matters which day you weigh in, I weigh on a sat and just log it when I get the chance. Good luck with your 1st weigh in. Have you started a diary, they are a good idea, people will drop in and give advice ......
Thanks for letting me know, I will keep to friday cause thats when i started!
I havent started a dairy yet, still trying to find my way around the site!
Well done losers:D