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    Word Association Thread

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    Word Association Thread

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    fibromyalgia sufferer who wants to be thin

    Codeine is terrible for causing constipation! It may be that.... If your not pooing ok then they may give u some laxatives. It's a liquid and it actual doesn't taste to bad haha!! I prefer ww diet. It's mainly on points. So of ur a big girl like me u may get like 40 odd points a day which is...
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    Word Association Thread

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    Word Association Thread

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    fibromyalgia sufferer who wants to be thin

    Hey Shelly. WELL DONE!!! that's brilliant! I no ibs definitely comes hand in hand with fibro and I do suffer with it. Got diagnosed before the fibro. I was about 15 and my tummy would swell so bad I looked 9th pregnant! Had to have an ultrasound in the maternity unit. Arrived in my school...
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    Word Association Thread

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    fibromyalgia sufferer who wants to be thin

    Hello everyone :-) I have joined minimins again after forgetting my username and password for my last account! ooops lol Anyways hi im Kim 24 and severely disabled from fibromyalgia. ive been diagnosed for 4 years and due to lack of mobility and medication and being a big girl and junk food...
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    Gemma's Diary

    best of luck to you! you can do it xxx
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    Word Association Thread

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    9st to loose and physically disabled from fibromyalgia

    hi im Kim :-) I have been a member before but forgot my username and password so ive started again! im 24 and im physically disabled which makes loosing weight a little more difficult as well as several medications I take which cause weight gain. I have a strange eating pattern, I will not...