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  1. S

    Love handles

    wow well done
  2. S

    OMG I'm loving the.........

    i dont get it i was told that we couldnt use herbs and spices, like chinese 5 spice which i love. no chilli flakes or paprika or garlic. we were told only salt (in moderation) and pepper
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    Chubby child - advice please!

    she sounds like an active child, which is obviously good. i have the same issue with my daughters fussy eating (however she is very slim somehow) i find that helping her cook and bake and create her own food is really good. if you help your child cook some new food or perhaps even a family...
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    Is your relationship making you fat?

    my ex contributed to my weight problem, i was slim before he came on the picture. i was depressed so i eat for comfort. and he was emotionally abusive, he didnt make me feel good, which made me belive i wasnt worth looking after myself. if i would attepmt to diet he would get angry and kid me...
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    i think aslong as it doesnt have acid or sugar in it then its fine
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    A New Game: WORD PLAY

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    To all LighterLifers

    thats a great way to think of it. i keep thinking "ohh im missing out on all that seasonal food" but then again im not really missing out on much, i mean its only food. and i hope that by summer i too wont have to worry about losing weight for my holiday because i will have already done it...
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    X Factor

    she looked great, you could see some of the loose skin above her elbows, but she did so well to lose that much weight.
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    Any october starters??

    hiya, iv been on lighterlife now for almost 3 weeks. my first week was great i lost 7.7 pounds, thats just the motivation i needed to keep on with it.i am finding the foodpacks very boring now though, iv been looking for recipies and experimenting with the packs. i want to lose around about 9...