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  1. stars

    Extra Easy Days Weight gain before period

    I try to have some green or peppermint tea around time of the month as it helps reduce any bloat. Xx
  2. stars

    Whats for breakfast?

    Scrambled egg with bacon and mushrooms
  3. stars

    Whats for tea tonight?

    Salmon in sweet chilli sauce with noodles and veg
  4. stars

    January 2017 Challenge

    Sorry I lost 1lb xx
  5. stars

    monday morning at home weigh in

    Oh my me too!! How embarrassing ha
  6. stars

    monday morning at home weigh in

    Hi everyone. Weighed in today at 16.10 and I'm absolutely heartbroken. This time last year I was 13st!! Can't believe it. Anyway, onwards and upwards. Good luck to everyone xx
  7. stars

    What are you using your syns on today?

    Mayflower curry sauce - 4 Veetee rice - 1 Cappuccino - 3 Malteasers reindeer - 8 16
  8. stars

    what did everyone have for lunch? :)

    Mushroom stir fry
  9. stars

    Whats for tea tonight?

    Mushroom curry with rice and homemade chips
  10. stars

    January 2017 Challenge

    Hiya sorry, I weigh on a Monday and have no holidays planned xx
  11. stars

    What do you long for?

    A baby! My cycles are so irregular so it's hard to conceive at the moment but I'm hoping once I lose some weight that they'll return back to normal :)
  12. stars

    What are you up to today then?

    Just having a chilled out day today, nothing exciting going on
  13. stars

    What can you hear right now?

  14. stars

    The person below me game

    Nope Tpbm is eating fish today?
  15. stars

    I can't wait for ........... To start...

    celebrity big brother and sherlock!! :)
  16. stars

    What are you using your syns on today?

    Brown sauce - 1 Stuffing - 1.5 Cappuccino - 3 Gravy - 2 Celebrations choc - 2 3 x Choc wafers - 3 12.5 :)
  17. stars

    Whats for tea tonight?

    Lamb chops, potatoes, stuffing, carrots and gravy :-)
  18. stars

    Whats for breakfast?

    Bacon on toast with a squirt of brown sauce.
  19. stars

    January 2017 Challenge

    Hi can I join too please? I'd like to lose 6lbs in Jan xx
  20. stars

    What are you using your Healthy Extra's for today..?

    EE Hexa - 30g cheese Hexb - 1 slice of 800g wholemeal bread
  21. stars

    Words with double letters in them.

  22. stars

    what did everyone have for lunch? :)

    Going to have pasta with cheese, bacon and sweetcorn :-)