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  1. A

    AlphaKitty: The Adventures

    I'm new here. This is the first site I have come across for this kind of thing that I have felt I wanted to join. I like that it is function first, and advertising is not the main motive. I'm AlphaKitty. I'm 46. Married 22 years, with child who is in her last year of high school. I work at a...
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    Lots of Resolve on Day One

    Thanks. :) What a cute baby!
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    Lots of Resolve on Day One

    Ooooh, I have been on many, many "diets" in my lifetime. I'm an expert on diets. Information is not the problem, just the implementation and follow through.
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    Lots of Resolve on Day One

    Check it out. It's cute. Thanks!
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    Lots of Resolve on Day One

    Yes, that is what I want, for this to be the beginning of a change in the way I live rather than "going on a diet." Thanks :) Now I have to ask, where do you get the cute ticker code?
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    Lots of Resolve on Day One

    Hello everyone :) I have got to get committed to becoming a smaller person. Call it lose weight, call it getting fit, building muscle, whatever. I'm five foot eight and I weigh 220lbs. I have never written that out before. It gives me the creeps. I am BIG. The last ten have been from...