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  1. H

    Starting tomorrow

    I guess you can't have your instant tea, but if you mix a wee bit of vanilla shake with water, you can add it to your tea instead of milk -it's really nice- you can have sweeteners too I think?
  2. H

    This diet works!

    Wow! That's fantastic in two months! Well done!
  3. H

    Total Solution It begins

    Well- today is the end of day 6. It's been going ok. I'm beginning to notice a difference I'm my waist - I.e. I'm beginning to have one again! I've been working hard in the garden for the past few days, lifting slabs and shovelling gravel-I guess it all helps. I definitely feel that the Exante...
  4. H

    Mini targets

    That's fantastic! Well done! I just had my 1st shake- let's hope I have such a good first week! X
  5. H

    minty fresh?

    I looked at sugar free chewing gum and it's full of carbohydrates? Wouldn't that take you out of ketosis? I've always got a packet in my pocket before now- now I've started TS I don't know if I can use it?
  6. H

    Total Solution It begins

    Well, day 1- I had a choc shake (hot) with added coffee- a bit thick- I think i may split it into 2 in future. Don't think I need carb withdrawal AND caffeine withdrawal all at once. Going to buy a big bottle of H2O and drink it throughout the day. OH started today as well:-) Am I allowed...
  7. H

    Total Solution It begins

    Well, I finally took the plunge and signed up for Exante.:D I'd lost 5 stones on LL a few years ago, but gave up and put it all back on again. I've not come to the point where I feel heavy - I feel uncomfortable, achey, fat and unfit. I know things aren't going to change overnight - but one...
  8. H

    JoanneM's Diary - over 8 stone gone!

    Wow Jo! You have inspired me - that's amazing! I lost 5st with LL 3 years ago but put it all back on - now I'm gearing up to regain control again with Exante. Just ordered and will start on Mon. Karen x