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  1. P

    boots sushi

    On a green day what's the syns for the non vegetarian sushi in boots? I'm sick of havin jacket potatoe and beans everyday for lunch at college!
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    Green Days struggle with syns

    started this diet again 3 week ago and lost 2lbs and a quarter (im 9stone 4 and 5'5) im eatin 20-30 syns today cos i snack alot and have a sweet tooth, i need to have less but i never do, any tips? should i start bein stricter wen bk at college and im not in bored all the time
  3. P

    How many syns should I have?

    Hey Ive been back on this diet recently this is my 3rd week, i lost a quarter of a pound this week, a pound last week and a pound the week before but i am 9stone4 and 5'5 and try eat 15 syns a day but usually end up having 20-30 =( but im losing
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    PrincessRose Weight Loss Diary

    Starting weight - 9stone6 and a half End of week one - 9stone 5 and a half End of week two - 9stone4 and a quarter.
  5. P

    how many syns do u have a day?

    Im on 15 syns per day but have a super sweet tooth and im struggling i tend to end up having 20plus or 15 atleast. This is the start of my third week, ive lost a pound each of the last 2 weeks. How can i sort out my syns?