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  1. L

    EA Sports Active 2

    Vixter yes you can pick easy, medium or hard, you can 'un' tick exercises you don't want to do in the programmes it gives you (like the dreaded running ;)), or you can make your own workout (any length/activity level) from all the exercises on the disc. It's very flexible :) . I'm sorta doing...
  2. L

    EA Sports Active 2

    btw the first one is only £12 odd on amazon at the moment including delivery :) WELL worth it.
  3. L

    EA Sports Active 2

    I have sports active and do like it :) feels like its doing more good than wii fit. i generally only do bits of the running then give up though, still too much for me :o apart from that i love it though.
  4. L

    Lunch Ideas

    Thanks everyone :) some good ideas there I don't like 'blended' soups ... don't know why, just don't. The only soups I like are chunky homemade minestrone type stuff. Is asda chickpea dahl syn-free then? i love that stuff :D
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    Lunch Ideas

    Lunchboxes? Any tips for take-to-work lunches? I'm veggie so on green days. Have access to a fridge and microwave, and no, I don't like soup :D
  6. L

    oreo cheesecake - slightly diff and less syns.

    a lot :eek: an american cup is 237ml want to try this but i'm not sure i can be trusted with the other half a pack of oreos in my house!!!
  7. L

    Weekly meal ideas

    Loving this thread - just started SW and veggie too so lots of ideas for me. Had to giggle at the scan of your plan on page 1 of the thread though: 'Dinner: quorn sausage casserole. James Martin' :D Also, i tried the rosti pizza but it didn't work out :( I couldn't get the potato to cook...
  8. L

    Where the bargains are at and anything else thats useful.

    They're amazing too :drool: Don't know if it's been mentioned already (probably has) but Asda have the activia snackpots for 20p each at the moment, and (up til very recently anyway) 4 pack of shape zero for £1. Both FAR nicer than mullerlights.
  9. L

    Help please - youghrt!

    Oh, I know mullerlights aren't veggie, but sometimes 'fake' mullerlights are. Our asda stocked their own version for about 2 months then they disappeared off the shelves :( I adore the 0% greek yoghurt, but unfortunately at the rate i get through yog 80p-ish a tub is a bit beyond my means!
  10. L

    Help please - youghrt!

    Thank you Circes. Do tesco/sainsburys do mullerlight-style ones that are 'free'? (we usually go to asda, but could go to tesco if need be)
  11. L

    Help please - youghrt!

    missgalaxy could you please do me a favour and check the pots and see if they're suitable for vegetarians? (no gelatine) ... it's a nightmare to find vanilla low fat yoghurt suitable for veggies, that doesn't cost an arm and a leg!
  12. L


    Hi all :character00238: (Super)new to both SW and Minimins so forgive me if this is a stupid question :D I have some Oatly chocolate oat milk which I have worked out to be 5 1/2 syns for 200ml. (i'll be honest, I'd rather have a kitkat! :D ) ... can I count part of this as a healthy extra on...